He was China Director at the National Security Council from 2013 to 2017 and served in the U.S. embassy in . Large government-sponsored initiatives like the National Basic Research Program (973 Program) launched in 1997, the National High-Tech R&D Program (863 Program) established in 1986, and others have helped to funnel finances and resources to Chinese scientists and entrepreneurs and streamline the innovation process. What actions can the United States take to allow for China and other developing countries to have greater say in these institutions? The Declaration also contains references to softer issues, like deforestation and societal benefits of decarbonization, along with technological issues like the circular economy and carbon capture, utilization, and sequestration. Over 30 of the universities, as well as the College Board, that ended CI partnerships since 2017 did so under political pressure that threatened loss of federal fundingnot over concerns of Chinese interference or declining interest. Given this reorganization and CIUSs role, the State Department might revisit its foreign mission designation. U.S. export controls on chip design software and foundry machine tools have also crippled Huaweis HiSilicon, effectively curbing its only potential rival to U.S. advanced chips. Taken together, the growing success of Chinese universities and companies discredits the idea that only democracies are amenable to innovation. As my colleague at the Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET) Anna Puglisi has written, discussions surrounding China as a strategic competitor have been shaped by the notion that only democracy can promote innovation and creativity, that a market economy provides the only route to success, and that innovation derives from the private sector. Devising effective policy prescriptions will require new thinking about how the United States should navigate its relationship with China. More broadly, the U.S. government also has an urgent interest in stabilizing the U.S.-China relationship so that the two countries can work together constructively to meet common challenges. Meanwhile, Chinese students are required to learn English from elementary school and as a requirement to gain admission to, and in many cases graduate from, college, with an estimated 400 million Chineseincluding front-line military troopsnow learning English. The private firms Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent have managed to compete globally with multinational corporations in new and emerging high-tech fields by balancing state backing with private sector innovation and resources. The economic architecture is also experiencing profound change with the emergence of mega trade agreements and the proliferation of national security controls over international economic transactions. CI partnerships also became embroiled in a Department of Education (DOE) initiative to enforce a foreign gift reporting requirement. China is running out of productive places to invest in infrastructure, and rising debt levels will further complicate its growth path. employees 565 2021 In addition to analyzing the sources of their deepening partnership, the group will explore the areas of tension that remain in the relationship and ask whether there are ways for the United States to exploit those tensions. How have China and Russia developed their deep partnership, and what are the main areas in which the two countries cooperate? The CI program sent hundreds of teachers to help meet U.S. government goals for Mandarin instruction under the Bush and Obama administrations. Passed in August 2018, the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) prohibited the Pentagon from financing Chinese language programs at universities that host a CI, absent Department of Defense waivers, which have not been granted. Chinese Communist Party Funds Washington Think Tanks Isaac Stone Fish: Why are U.S. companies working for a Chinese firm thats implicated in ethnic cleansing? China Center Releases New Report on U.S.- China Policy with Brookings Where if at all does the United States derive benefit from its interdependence with China, and where is it vulnerable from its interdependence with China? This rebranding is unlikely to relieve suspicions about the role of CIs in Chinas soft power projection. What is at stake in a U.S.-China war, including what are the implications if China successfully annexes Taiwan? Multiple investigations into U.S.-based CIs, including by the Senate, have produced no evidence that they facilitate espionage, technology theft or any other illegal activity, no evidence that federal funds are used for their support, and only a handful of objectionable U.S. incidents. The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, DC. Rush Doshi - Yale Law School On March 5, the U.S. Senate voted to deny Department of Education funding to universities that host Confucius Institutes (CIs)the controversial Chinese language and culture centers partially. As of 2017, the Brookings Institution had . As a result of the COVID pandemic and recession, debt burdens that had seemed prudent in many cases are now unsustainable. On the research front, Beijing has attempted to improve both its basic research ecosystem and to bridge the gap between basic and applied research, spurring innovation in the process. In 2006, the Brookings-Tsinghua Center (BTC) for Public Policy was established in Beijing, China, as a partnership between Brookings Institution in Washington, DC and Tsinghua University's School of Public Policy and Management in Beijing, China. Moreover, as a recent study commissioned by Chinas MOE observed, in a charged U.S. political atmosphere, the Confucius Institute brand is now associated with Chinese political interference. The CIUS, no longer directly funded by Chinas MOE, is well positioned to serve as both a visa agent to help ensure appropriate visas are obtained and a clearinghouse for information on Chinese teachers and administrators working in CIs. Yi Gang, then deputy governor of the People's Bank of China, speaks at a 2016 event held by the Brookings Institution in Washington about China and the world economy. In the past, many analysts have been skeptical of the potential for deep cooperation between two countries that have had difficult relations historically. To be sure, some private U.S. NGOs offer Mandarin learning, including an Asia Society program with 35,000 students studying Chinese in 100 K-12 schools around the country that are linked with sister schools in China. From a U.S. policy perspective, a more holistic understanding of Chinas innovation strategybeyond a myopic focus on technology transferwill be key to effectively competing with China in emerging and foundational technologies. US urges think tanks to disclose foreign funding - Nikkei Asia In its response to the department, CIUS explained that, although it seeks to foster awareness of CI programs, it does not fund, supply, staff, supervise or serve as a headquarters for CIs in the U.S. As a registered nonprofit corporation, its financials and related organizational details are publicly available through annual IRS Form 990s. Established in Washington, D.C. in 2012 to promote Chinese language teaching and learning in the U.S., CIUS connects school districts interested in developing a Chinese language curriculum to appropriate CI and other resources, and provides professional development opportunities to Confucius Classroom teachers. With U.S.-China bilateral technology investment seeing a steep 96 percent decline since 2016, Beijing has been forced to look for new ways to source key technologies, turning to shell companies and intermediary agents to source foreign components, reagents, and other relevant equipment. The Brookings Institution, a prominent Washington, D.C., think tank, partnered with a Shanghai policy center that the FBI has described as a front for China's intelligence and spy recruitment operations, according to public records and federal court documents. The ones that are likely to have the greatest effect on rebalancing China's economy fall into four areas: (1) the household registration system (hukou); (2) inter-governmental fiscal reform: (3). The provisions seek to lessen U.S. reliance on foreign manufacturing sources, while investing in a local . Technology is a huge component of this rivalry, particularly as both China and the United States push to set the standards in key emerging technology fields like 5G, quantum computing, and more. Germanys China dilemma takes on a new urgency, Chinas shrinking population and constraints on its future power, April 2023 update to TIGER: A perilous moment rife with risks, USMCA Forward 2023 Chapter 2: Imports from Asia, Power play: How the US benefits if China greens the Global South, The United States, China, and the new non-aligned countries, China and India: The future of the global consumer market. Register now. Technology is perhaps the most intense realm of competition between the United States and China today, and artificial intelligence (AI) is central to that contest. It is hard to design policies to counter something you dont understand. In all of these cases, moving forward will involve bringing in ministries across the central governments and state-level officials in both countries. It will also be a poor foundation for tackling global challenges such as pandemic control and climate change. The reported ranges examined by The Post were $50,000-$99,999; $100,000-$249,999;. This working group will examine the impact of Chinas relations with Russia, India, and Europe on Sino-American relations and the U.S. response. How does the Sino-Russia relationship enhance each countrys power globally and vis--vis the United States? Beijing has gone a step further in building smart cities by incorporating surveillance and population monitoring technologies into the broader smart city ecosystem. As tensions between the U.S. and China grew, federal policymakers frequently conflated CI-related academic freedom concerns with a broader set of issues including: Chinese efforts to steal technology, intellectual property and research data; disruptive activities by some campus-based Chinese student associations and Chinas consulates; Chinese talent recruitment plans; and other suspect influence efforts. What are the trend lines when it comes to Chinas relationship with regional countries, and what are the major challenges, roadblocks, or gaps in these relationships? RYAN HASS is Michael H. Armacost Chair in Foreign Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution. This number includes at least seven CIs that are scheduled to close in 2021. How does current U.S. policy respond to Chinese influence and strategy in the region? . Given the allegations surrounding CIs, which continue to be pressed by bipartisan Congressional coalitions, CI host universities should all publish their CI agreements online. What began as a messaging app no different than WhatsApp or Skype has evolved into a high-tech Swiss Army knife of sorts. Beijings move to establish a comprehensive technology transfer system is founded on the assumption that these strategic technologies will make their way to China in order to be re-innovated, not just copied. Enjoying broad bipartisan support, the CHIPS provisions of the legislation stipulate $52 billion toward renewing the heavily outsourced U.S. semiconductor manufacturing sector and bolstering U.S. chip research and development activities. Chinese firms have also successfully marketed the Chinese version of smart cities to countries around the world, many of which share similar, non-liberal governance structures. The Brookings Institution, one of the country's top left-leaning think tanks, has for the first time admitted to Congress that it receives millions of dollars every year from foreign. CIs generated legitimate concerns about academic freedom and independence due to their direct support from, and admitted role as a soft power instrument for, Chinas party-state. Confrontation, competition, and cooperation between the U.S. and China will affect the environment for global economic growth, especially growth and poverty reduction in the developing world in the decades to come. Second, the group will focus on Americas policy choices in response to Chinas economic investments and security relationships in these regions: what is current U.S. policy, what is America doing right, and where can it improve? As part of our commitment to transparency, Huaweis support for the Governance Studies program at Brookings is listed in our 2018, 2017, and 2013 Annual Reports, which are the only years for which contributions were received from the company, said Horne. The United States cannot (and does not want to) compete dollar for dollar in countries where the Belt and Road Initiative is making large investments in infrastructure. Chinas investments in smart cities have yielded a major windfall. The Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center produces independent, timely, and accessible analyses of current and longer-term tax issues. As Beijing has grown more powerful over the last several years, it has grown more effective in influencing the debate in America about China, often in subtle ways. These closings and the attendant inflammatory rhetoric exacerbate a national foreign language deficit at a time when training Mandarin speakers familiar with an ever more consequential China should be a national priority. Other military contingencies involving China, for example those in the so-called gray zone, are worrisome too, ranging from the South China Sea to the East China Sea. (Brookings policies permit our scholars to receive travel reimbursement and honorariums for activities such as speeches and conference attendance, so long as they comply with our policies on conflict of interest and research independence, said Horne. To what extent do China, the United States, or the region see the regions relationships with China and the U.S. as zero-sum both in terms of economic and security relationships? It was approved by the Myanmar government in January 2018. It is in its near abroad, that Chinas influence is felt more intensely: from its expansive claims in the South and East China seas, border conflicts with India, and the more frequent use of economic coercion on regional actors; to landmark connectivity initiatives such as the Belt and Road initiative aiming to close the infrastructure finance gap and secure Chinas leadership in the region. What are other worthy goals that merit policy focus, but that fall below must have priorities with respect to China? As the analyst Arthur Kroeber argues in Chinas Economy, Chinese firms are good at adaptive innovationthe concept of taking existing products, services, or processes and modifying them to make them more receptive to Chinas economic and military needs. So when Chinas Peoples Liberation Army unveiled its J-20 stealth fighter in 2011, it caused an uproar in U.S. defense circles because of its similarity to American equivalents and seemed to confirm the perception of China as reliant on copying the work of others. Western technology firms have observed Chinas digital payments success and are trying to play catch-up, but no one has been able to replicate the wide variety of services offered by Chinas most important super app. Survey data from 2019 found that 95% of Chinese online consumers had used mobile payments at least once in a three-month period, and the average user made four transactions per day. These findings will help shape discourse on the tools available to the United States and its partners to address Chinese behaviors of concern. His connection with Huawei goes back at least to 2012, when he spoke about broadband development at a Huawei conference in Barcelona, according to Huaweis website. Global China - Brookings However, the Chinese International Education Foundation (CIEF), a nominally independent organization registered with the Civil Affairs Ministry, supervised by MOE, and initiated by 27 Chinese universities, companies and social organizations, will manage the CI brand and program. However, certain parts of the Declaration, some of which are outlined below, signal greater ambition, especially in areas that are ripe for cooperation between the two nations and that focus on near-term impact. West didnt respond to multiple requests for comment. Faculty concerns over preserving academic freedom and university budget constraints concerning operating funds have all contributed to the trend. The Hamilton Project But China shows what real authoritarianism looks like. As a centralized visa sponsor, CIUS could help ensure compliance with U.S. law and serve as an information clearinghouse on Chinese CI personnel in the U.S., one of the benefits the department had hoped to obtain from the CIUS foreign mission designation. I think the way that Huawei has been singled out by the U.S. government has been unfair and counterproductive, West said. Disturbances in the financial system, especially the U.S. one, lead to crises in the developing world. CNAS recommended "higher degrees of transparency" to help "ensure that this funding is not generating hidden forms of foreign lobbying . Hanban additionally provided language teaching materials, if requested, and paid the salaries and international travel costs for the Mandarin language teachers from the Chinese partner university, as well as grants for research, study tours to China and other matters in some cases. If U.S. policymakers operate under the supposition that China will merely continue to copy American technologies, strategies, and processes, they will fundamentally misunderstand Chinas strategic intentions. Every day, China is disproving this line of thinking. The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, DC. Nonetheless, school officials joined others interviewed in the GAO and Senate studies in suggesting CI management improvements, such as clarifying U.S. universities authority and making agreements publicly available. Powering a Clean Energy Future. The Center is a unique institution dedicated to helping advance China's legal reforms, improving U.S.-China relations, and increasing understanding of China in the United States. However, the legal, illegal, and extralegal appropriation of foreign technologies and products is only one part of the story. Now, its also increasing its influence in the instruments of international security governance as wellincluding around core concepts like sovereignty, the role of alliances, of democracy, freedom of navigationand in that set of international institutions that provide the regulatory undergirding of globalization. After describing the benefits including increased resources and concerns about potential constraints on campus programming and speech associated with CIs, the GAO reported that school officials denied having such concerns about their CIs, a finding supported by a contemporaneous 2019 Senate report. In May 2018, the Pentagon recommended stores on U.S. military bases stop selling phones from Huawei as well as the Chinese tech giant ZTE because they may pose an unacceptable risk, according to a Pentagon spokesman. The Indo-Pacific Quad, which includes the United States, Australia, India, and Japan is increasingly an important forum for American policy in the region. Our group seeks to explore the following questions: Our broader work will include research on the strategic and military significance of Chinese incorporation of Taiwan into its territory as well as work on integrated deterrence and on forecasting war outcomes over Taiwan. What are the policy implications for the United States overall economic competitiveness and its national security? 2021/39 "The Belt and Road Initiative in Southeast Asia after COVID-19 Aside from financial instability arising in the two big economies, there are various external shocks that buffet countries or regions. Government backing and incentives for research have enhanced Chinas innovation potential. How can the United States deepen its bench of AI talent, from top-tier researchers that push forward the state-of-the-art in both AI algorithms and hardware to engineers and developers that can deploy AI at scale? But in terms of issues that could grow directly out of the U.S.-China relationship, and that both sides take seriously enough to make the prospect of high-end warfare credible, the Taiwan issue stands out. In October 2017, the Brookings Institution, one of Washingtons most prestigious think tanks, published a report entitled Benefits and Best Practices of Safe City Innovation. The report included a case study praising the Kenyan capital Nairobi and the Chinese city of Lijiang for implementing new technology in policing. The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit organization devoted to independent, in-depth research that leads to pragmatic and innovative ideas on how to solve problems facing society.. Can the U.S. and China work together to make progress on new uses of technology to fight these challenges.
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