First, I add to the research area on the macroeconomic effects of disasters. J Afr Econ 17(Supplement2):ii7ii49, Cole MA, Elliott RJR, Okubo T, Strobl E (2019) Natural disasters and spatial heterogeneity in damages: the birth, life and death of manufacturing plants. How did the tropical cyclone impact the communities of Florence? | how During 6 February, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) reported that the tropical low had developed into a Category 1-cyclone on the Australian scale . What is the Impact of Coriolis Force and Latent Heat on the.. J Econ Geogr 19(2):373408, Cuaresma JC, Hlouskova J, Obersteiner M (2008) Natural disasters as creative destruction? Hence, I interpolate the data to generate yearly observations. Tropical cyclones have the largest negative effect on the agriculture, hunting, forestry, and fishing aggregate compared to other sectoral aggregates. 2020), and, simultaneously, more people will be exposed to tropical cyclones. To view a copy of this licence, visit First, I only use the damage fraction due to maximum wind speed of tropical cyclones. Nat Clim Change 2(3):205209, Miranda JJ, Ishizawa OA, Zhang H (2020) Understanding the impact dynamics of windstorms on short-term economic activity from night lights in Central America. The absolute size of this effect is approximately more than 2.5 times the size of the coefficient in the wholesale, retail trade, restaurants, and hotels sector aggregate. In Pictures: Cyclone Eloise displaces thousands in Mozambique To analyze the effect of tropical cyclones in the longer run, I introduced lags of the tropical cyclone damage variable to the main specification 4. The main causal identification stems from the exogenous nature of tropical cyclones, whose intensity and position are difficult to predict even 24h before they strike (NHC 2016). The coefficients show the increase of the respective damage variable by one standard deviation. 2012, 2013). Part of Springer Nature. 2012), recent empirical studies focus on the shock propagation in production networks within the United States of America (Barrot & Sauvagnat 2016) or after single natural disasters, such as the 2011 earthquake in Japan (Boehm etal. The underlying estimations can be found in Tables 1213 in Appendix A.5. Anthropogenic influences on major tropical cyclone events The underlying calculations for these numbers are as follows: agricultural damage: 91/1027 = 0.0886, population damage: 82/1035 = 0.0801. Acemoglu D, Carvalho VM, Ozdaglar A, Tahbaz-Salehi A (2012) The network origins of aggregate fluctuations. 2014). (Color figure online). The individual colors represent different wind speed intensities. In: Bobrowsky PT (ed) Encyclopedia of natural hazards. As tropical cyclones are exogenous to sectoral economic growth, the greatest threat to causal identification could arise by omitting important climatic variables that are correlated with tropical cyclones (Auffhammer etal. InputOutput models that analyze indirect costs, such as the Inoperability Input-Ouptut model (Haimes and Jiang 2001) or the Ghosh model (Ghosh 1958), require many assumptions that tend to be problematic (Oosterhaven 2017). Other studies identify negative effects that are only significant in the short run but are insignificant in the long run (Strobl 2012; Bertinelli and Strobl 2013; Elliott etal. I show that tropical cyclones have a significantly negative impact on the annual growth rate of two sectoral aggregates: agriculture, hunting, forestry, and fishing and wholesale, retail trade, restaurants, and hotels. 2008), and for a cross-section of 153 countries (Toya & Skidmore 2007). Correspondence to 1.Environment . 2013), I control for the mean temperature and precipitation of a country in further specifications. There are two important points to note about this tropical cyclone damage variable. Evidence from India. \end{array}\right. } The start of the arrow shows the input, and the end denotes the respective output. Earth Syst Sci Data 9(2):927953, Klomp JG, Valckx K (2014) Natural disasters and economic growth: a meta-analysis. Moreover, for the vast majority of sectors, the indirect effects do not last longer than oneyear. Table 1 presents the results of the main specification for each of the seven annual sectoral GDP per capita growth rates. Appendix A.5 presents further statistics: Figs. The underlying tables are only included for the direct sectoral effects, while the robustness tables for the InputOutput analysis are available upon request. Loayza etal. 2008; Mendelsohn etal. How did Florence impact the economy? | how did tropical cyclone Unraveling the Effects of Tropical Cyclones on Economic Sectors Worldwide: Direct and Indirect Impacts, $$\begin{aligned} S_{g} = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \max (0, ((M - abs(T)) * \frac{R}{D}^\frac{3}{2} *e^{1-\frac{R}{D}^\frac{3}{2}})+T),&{} \text {if }D<10*R \text { from center to outer core} \\ 0, &{} \text {if }D>10*R \text { out of radius}. To identify the causal effects of tropical cyclone intensity on sectoral per capita growth, I use the following set of regression equations, which constitutes my main specifications: where the dependent variable \(Growth_{i,t-1->t}^j\) is the annual value added per capita growth rate of sector j in country i. Ecol Econ 107:333346, Le Cozannet G, Modaressi H, Pedreros R, Garcin M, Krien Y, Desramaut N (2013) Storm surges. In contrast to Eq. 2017). Cyclone Nivar and its Impact | Civils360 IAS 7. In the first test, I introduce a variable which counts the yearly frequency of tropical cyclones above 92 km/h per country (see Appendix Table 40 and Figs. (2012) find no significant for the service sector.Footnote 21 Likely reason for this downturn could be less (domestic and international) touristic income for the restaurant and hotel sectors (Hsiang 2010; Lenzen etal. Nearly 2 million people have died globally due to tropical cyclones. 2018) or exposed area (Hsiang and Jina 2014) to weight the respective physical intensities of tropical cyclones. Furthermore, only a minority of studies explicitly investigate the disasters influences on sectoral economic development. Climate change impacted Hurricane Florence's precipitation and size It has been shown that the damage of tropical cyclones increases non-linearly with wind speed and occurs only above a certain threshold. The gray shaded area specifies the respective 95% confidence bands, and the red line depicts the connected estimates. Bull Am Meteorol Soc 91(3):363376, Knutson T, Camargo SJ, Chan JC, Emanuel K, Ho C-H, Kossin J, Mohapatra M, Satoh M, Sugi M, Walsh K et al (2020) Tropical cyclones and climate change assessment: part II: projected response to anthropogenic warming. How do tropical storms affect people and the environment? Unraveling the Effects of Tropical Cyclones on Economic Sectors 2019). The largest negative impacts can be attributed to the annual growth in the agriculture, hunting, forestry, and fishing sector aggregate, where a standard deviation increase in tropical cyclone damage is associated with a decrease of 262 percentage points of the annual sectoral growth rate. J Econ Lit 52(3):740798, Dupor B (1999) Aggregation and irrelevance in multi-sector models. 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. J Environ Econ Manag 98:102252, Elsner JB, Kossin JP, Jagger TH (2008) The increasing intensity of the strongest tropical cyclones. J Infrastruct Syst 7(1):112, Hallegatte S, Przyluski V (2010) The economics of natural disasters: concepts and methods. Cyclone Cheneso - Wikipedia It is not empirically clear how long past tropical cyclones influence present economic growth rates. These opposing production changes may be one of the reasons why we can see no aggregate direct cost effects. The analysis of the past influences of tropical cyclone damage demonstrates that the sectoral growth response following a tropical cyclone is a complex undertaking. Originating from a tropical wave over West Africa, Florence quickly organized upon its emergence over the Atlantic Ocean. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 5507., Heinen A, Khadan J, Strobl E (2018) The price impact of extreme weather in developing countries. The different economic activities are classified as follows with the respective ISIC codes given in parentheses: agriculture, hunting, forestry, and fishing (A&B); mining, and utilities (C&E); manufacturing (D); construction (F); wholesale, retail trade, restaurants, and hotels (GH); transport, storage, and communication (I); other activities (JP), which include, inter alia, the financial and government sector. Furthermore, one could also argue that the estimation results are biased by the fact that certain regions have a higher exposure to tropical cyclones than others. Section4 presents the main results as well as robustness checks. 4 and 6 with the population weighted damage for the agricultural sectoral aggregate. For example, Loayza etal. Section 5 concludes with a discussion of the results and highlights policy implications., DOI: This behavior most likely speaks for an enduring risk adjustment of tourists. Tropical Cyclone Cheneso was a strong tropical cyclone that affected Madagascar in January 2023. 2010).Footnote 4, To calculate a new aggregate and meaningful measure of tropical cyclone damage separated by economic sectors on a country-year level, I make use of the CLIMADA model developed by Aznar-Siguan and Bresch (2019) at a resolution of 0.1\(^{\circ }\).Footnote 5 The model employs the well-established Holland (1980) analytical wind field model to calculate spatially varying wind speed intensities around each raw data observation track.Footnote 6 The model is restricted to raw data wind speed intensities above 54 km/h and it interpolates the 6-h raw data observations from the IBTrACS data to hourly observations.Footnote 7. 7), we can only see significant changes in one quarter of all InputOutput connections, while in model 4 for the direct costs, only two sector aggregates are negatively affected. Furthermore, one can argue that only countries exposed to tropical cyclones are relevant for this analysis; therefore, Table 36 provides a regression of the main result for exposed countries only. Hurricane Florence's Economic Damage on Carolinas, Virginia, and US Moreover, I include time fixed effects \(\delta _t\) to account for time trends and other events common to all countries in the sample. Additionally, it has been shown, that low- and middle-income countries seem to be more vulnerable to the negative impacts of natural disasters than high-income countries (Felbermayr and Grschl 2014; Berlemann and Wenzel 2018). 4. Therefore, I include the mean level of temperature and precipitation as additional climate controls in a further specification. Stagnant water can cause the spread of disease, and transportation or communication infrastructure may have been destroyed, hampering clean-up and rescue efforts. Significant effects of tropical cyclone damage on InputOutput coefficients. It . It demands more input from three other sector aggregates, while the manufacturing sectors use less input from it. Both variables are associated with the occurrence of tropical cyclones since they only form when water temperatures exceed 26 \(^{\circ }\)C and torrential rainfalls usually constitute part of them. It comprises the logged per capita value added of the respective sector j to simulate a dynamic panel model, the population growth rate, a variable for openness (i.e., imports plus exports divided by GDP), and the growth rate of gross capital formation.Footnote 18 Including these socioeconomic control variables introduce some threats to causal inference. The tests are conducted with the STATA command parmest (Newson 1998). (2012) demonstrate that only the agricultural sector is negatively affected. This large negative effect is not surprising. 3, their intensity and frequency are spread considerably between years and countries. Int J Remote Sens 38(21):59926006, Mohan PS, Spencer N, Strobl E (2019) Natural hazard-induced disasters and production efficiency: moving closer to or further from the frontier? The coefficients are interpreted by a one standard deviation increase in tropical cyclone damage (above zero).Footnote 24 For example, due to a standard deviation increase of tropical cyclone damage, the manufacturing sectors use -0.66% less input from the construction sector aggregate relative to the average InputOutput coefficient (0.0045) to produce one unit of output. Details of How did the tropical cyclone eloise impact the environment? Together with further control variables, Table 2 in Appendix A.4 lists the exact definition of all variables used. Tropical Cyclone Eloise was the strongest tropical cyclone to impact the country of Mozambique since Cyclone Kenneth in 2019 and the second of three consecutive tropical cyclones to impact Mozambique in the 2020-21 South-West Indian Ocean cyclone season. World Dev 105:231247, Bertinelli L, Strobl E (2013) Quantifying the local economic growth impact of hurricane strikes: an analysis from outer space for the Caribbean. Perhaps the most challenging task is to identify critical sectors that may be responsible for widespread spillover effects leading to substantial modifications in other sectors production input schemes. These results are line with previous empirical studies. Estimated economic cost of Cyclone Pam in Vanuatu across all sectors was approximately 64% of the country's GDP in 2016. In further specifications, I include additional control variables \({\mathbf {Z}}_{i,t-1}\) to account for potential socioeconomic or climatic influences. Originally a low-pressure system north of the Gulf of Carpentaria, Ingrid moved eastward and developed into a tropical cyclone in the Coral Sea on 6 March 2005. I take advantage of the International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship (IBTrACS) provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Knapp etal.
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