Marcel, who had been on good terms with the deceased husband and wife, went to their home soon after their murder to find their baby daughter still in her crib. Marcel possessed all the standard powers and abilities of a non-Original vampire but had an exceptional level of strength for a vampire his age which is best shown in his battles with Klaus. The purist vampires of New Orleans were still roaming free, so Marcel (Charles Michael Davis) hunted them down in an attempt to figure out what their endgame was. She assured him it would be fine and he might feel warmth when the spell began but it would pass once it was broken. In the finale, a peace of sorts it settled between them thanks to Marcel saving Klaus' daughter. Klaus asks what he should do and Marcel wants to kill them all. He pushed Klaus away and stormed off in a rage. If she comes back with him, he'll give her ten points. And to stop Dahlia. Marcel tried to do so but instead found that Alistair was persistent in seeing Klaus, wanting to kill him since he suspected all of the Mikaelsons were magically linked to him, so killing him would kill them all. Marcel isn't buying the story fully. If it was up to her, she'd want him with her so that she could find the perfect spot. Turned Played by The Hollow tried to influence them, hoping to use them as an anchor to act more directly in the living world. Soldiers of The Brotherhood of the Damned , Marcel and Kieran (Friends/Former Allies), Marcel and Diego (Close Friends/Former Allies), Marcel and Joe Dalton (Close Friends/Former Allies/Fellow Soldiers), Marcel and Sofya (Former Enemies/Former Allies/Ex-Fling). Marcel deduced that Aya had taken the ring but given it to Mohinder, a skilled combatant who liked to feed on his defeated opponents. Kol relented, snapping out of his mania, and he promised Marcel he would never hurt Davina. At The Abattoir he interrogates Kol. When Elijah demanded an exchange of Aurora for Hayley and the Serratura, Tristan complied but planned on overwhelming the Mikaelsons by bringing dozens of Strix members down on the Originals so they could seal them away with the Serratura during the exchange. The vampires quickly became more powerful. Marcellus "Marcel" Gerard also called The Beast is one of the main protagonists of The Originals.He is Klaus' former protege and was the king of New Orleans. Marcel drove Stefan and Hayley to the Strix hideout before going inside and speaking with Aya, who was anxious to free thousands of vampires from the Originals. He still tries to make peace with her and explains that he cares about her and he was the one who asked the witch to protect her from death and if he would have known he would have saved Tim too. Later, he meets with Klaus in Lafayette Cemetery, where Klaus admits that he was never a good father to Marcel and that he had failed him, to his eternal shame. In Out of the Easy, after Rebekah had been attacked by The Strix, Marcel worked with the Mikaelsons to try and find her. Marcel wants Klaus to step up as a leader. 'The Originals' Season 4 Spoilers: Will Klaus Kill Marcel When He's In Bloodletting, Marcel holds a fight club for his nightwalkers to impress him to get a daylight ring early seeing there's a waiting list. She says she'd think about it, then leaves. How Did 'The Originals' End? Series Finale Deaths Revealed He had Vincent come to the bar to prepare to consecrate Davina and brought Kol back to the compound, to ask for the Mikaelsons' help in making sure Davina's resurrection went as planned. In The River in Reverse, Marcel meets with Tyler and his lair. Klaus comes and gloats a bit, but Marcel turns the tables. Rebekah ended their relationship and continued her own pursuit to defeat Klaus. While still stronger and faster than the originals, it is still unclear if Marcel's speed and strength is on par with Lucien Castle while the latter was an Upgraded Original given that their enhanced physical powers may have come from their base vampirism being amplified. However, Marcel revealed he had contacts in the city he could use where his participation wouldn't be discovered, so Marcel had Tristan tailed by some of his vampires. He brought him out and then offered Alistair a sword that had been washed in Marcel's venom, poisonous to Klaus. The CW. Marcel was born in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1810 to a female slave and her owner, the Governor of Louisiana. As with Klaus, Marcel also has very little tolerance for disloyalty, having killed a transitioning vampire purely because she opted to save herself over her companion as well as verbally berate him. The Originals: The Hollow's Backstory & Death Explained - Screen Rant He also sent Elijah an invitation, hoping that he'd be able to attend. Therefore, the four siblings have to stay far . Rebekah stops Marcel from fighting and tells him to pick up the coin so that Klaus doesn't kill him. The dying Marcel asked Klaus to turn him and against Klaus' wishes, he did so. Elijah arrived and revealed that he knew Aya, attacking her and threatening her for more information. Similarly, Marcel sees Davina as a fighter and took her in. Marcel asked Hayley to tell Hope that she didn't have to fear him, and never had to, as he had no ill feelings toward her despite his relationship with her father. The Originals "'When the Saints Go Marching In" Bob Mahoney/The CW Elijah followed Klaus to the bench where they talked about the future of their family when the series began. RELATED: The Originals: Why Marcel Hates Using His Full Name. Rebekah comes barging in, demanding to know where Elijah is. Later, while sparring with Vincent, he chastised him for not being there for Davina to help lead the witches. Later, Tristan showed up at the gym wanting to know who the new witch Regent was since Van had been denied and Marcel told him it was Vincent, which Tristan quickly took advantage of despite the set-back. The Originals (TVD)Always and Forever (TO)Everything That Can Be Lost May Also Be Found (LGC) Rebekah asks where they are putting Klaus and Marcel has him a spot all by himself. He was against to have her sacrificed and protected her from anyone that would come near her. 3. Klaus tells Marcel about all of his indiscretions, Marcel takes everything in stride. He likes that she is not a part of the supernatural world. Marcel told Davina about Aya's plan to execute Klaus and possibly Elijah and that if the spell didn't work, he would die when Klaus was killed. The Originals. He was initially made out to be the main antagonist of the series during the early episodes of the first season before it was revealed that he is actually a caring vampire with no ill intention, who was simply trying to protect Davina Claire, a young witch whose imposing hatred toward her coven served to help enforce his rule in the French Quarter. Marcel and Elijah fought but Marcel easily overpowered him again, prepared to kill him before Hayley got involved. The CW. Marcel went to the gala where Aya showed him around and introduced him to the possibility of joining their ranks. We're going to need all the allies we can get. Hope doesn't plan to stay for dinner, believing that Vincent will lift the spell keeping her here. Unfortunately, the evil vamps . At some point, Marcel decided that Klaus had suffered enough and released him from the torment of Papa Tunde's Blade, showing mercy which he claimed Klaus asked for. Last seen He presumably kidnaps Hayley at the end of the episode, as he is last seen facing Hayley at the door before she disappears. Marcel was awoken by Aya dumping water on him and she explained that she and her friends could help Marcel with both his need of blood bags and daylight rings for his vampires. Furious over their part in Davina's failed revival, he hatefully reminded them that he had done everything they asked; even joining The Strix and putting his own life at risk countless times because they needed him to. Indebted, Marcel thanks him. To punish them, Klaus daggered Rebekah in front of Marcel. Klaus and Marcel listen to Thierry play the saxophone. He went on to tell them that vampires from all over were coming to New Orleans looking for the last of the white oak so if The Strix wanted to protect themselves and their sireline, they'd need to help him make sure any potential enemies were neutralized. They tell him and he gathers all the vampires in order to defeat Klaus and get the Originals out. Marcel confronted her on the streets with his allies and Sofya submitted, but refused to give him her employer's name. His cunning gave Marcel the victory and granted him a place among The Strix, the first member who wasn't part of Elijah's sireline. They decided that they would scare Klaus away using the Originals' father, Mikael, who had been hunting Klaus for nearly a millennium. Marcel pointed him in the direction of a witch named Lenore and had him take Gia with him. He is also very brave, being one of the very few who can speak defiantly in Klaus' presence without worrying about his own life in the process. Klaus tells Marcel that New Orleans WAS his town. Their relationship crumbles after Klaus finds out, in the 20th century, it was Marcel and Rebekah who brought Mikael to New Orleans in order to kill him. He was the son of a slave woman and her owner, the Governor of Louisiana. Klaus brings her over to their table and kind of flirts, but still tries to help Marcel win points with her. They don't know what to do without her. Josh met him at the loft to tell him about an online auction for the last white oak bullet, something that The Strix hadn't noticed since they didn't pay as good of attention to modern things as Josh did. Katie is walking up the street trying to save Thierry. After they're freed the vampires successfully make it back to his loft where he's given Klaus' blood. Later, Marcel gives Elijah the new recruit - Gia as a student in hopes that Elijah will join his vampire community. Marcel stops interacting with Cami once her uncle warns him to stay away from her. Things are getting pretty tricky now that The Hollow has found two hosts to duke it out for the ultimate power. He explained that someone was taking children and one of his primary rules was that kids were off-limits. Marcel tells him that he has to earn his friendship. Klaus is very cocky and starting to get pissed. Klaus killed many of Marcel's minions, forcing Marcel to ultimately choose to step down from the throne in order to save the rest of his people. As the blade started sinking into his chest, Marcel used his advanced strength to stop the blade's progress and pulled it out but not before the Mikaelsons escaped the compound. Does Marcel Die In Season 4? She told Marcel to be close-by when the spell happened, which, unknown to Aya, Marcel now knew was so she could see if he was still linked when she executed Klaus. In the fifth and final season of The Originals, Jackson die in the episode "The Bloody Crown". On the TV series The Originals, a spinoff of the popular show The Vampire Diaries, brothers Klaus and Elijah Mikaelson were killed off, a move that signified the end for Klaus' redemption journey.Klaus and Elijah's deaths set up the foundations for Legacies. Marcel thanks him for the honesty and tells Klaus that his meeting with the humans is in an hour. Marcel makes her a deal. The rest are night-walkers and they like to host a huge party at Marcel's place every night, invite the tourists and feed on them at midnight. When Aya objected his claim, challenging him to what the charter dubbed "a game of kings", where whoever held the charter at midnight would be named the new leader of The Strix. Vampires and witches were living in harmony in . 'The Originals' series finale recap: Season 5, Episode 13 | He bargains that Marcel needs to let the witches bury Jane-Anne and gets her body for the witches to prove his loyalty to them and the agreement he has made with them. He will also be seen wearing necklaces and scarfs as accessories. are staying at his old plantation. He later goes back to the compound and finds most of his vampires have been bitten by the Correas and sees Diego slowly dying. Once Klaus admitted defeat and told Marcel the city was no longer theirs and now belonged to him, Marcel agreed to let them live, on the condition that they never return. Vincent demanded that Marcel get the Mikaelsons back to New Orleans so he could heal Hope from the power that was draining the life from her, even going so far as to say she was in a way, Marcel's sister, since he was Klaus' adopted son. Hope questions if it worked because she's still here. Not long after, the Crescent Wolf Clan tried to take over New Orleans, Marcel was forced to have a witch place a curse on them in order to subdue his enemies without being forced into utterly and violently slaughtering them. In Alone with Everybody, Marcel had The Strix shadow Elijah to protect their sire from the threat of the last remaining white oak and the legion of Mikaelson enemies coming to town. During Marcel's rule, he enforced a system of rules of his creation within the French Quarter, by which all supernatural residents must abide. In Always and Forever, Elijah had been watching Marcel, who had become vampire king of New Orleans in Klaus' absence. In An Unblinking Death, Marcel wants to come help Cami with Father Kieran but she refuses as Klaus will kill him. It was also shown that Marcel planned to raid the ritual with the full intent of saving the four witches that were to be sacrificed, including Davina, but arrived too late and only managed to save Davina. As of the end of Season Two and the beginning of Season Three, Marcel had a tenuous and strained relationship with Klaus and was leading the supernatural community at large once again alongside Davina, the new Regent of the nine covens of New Orleans. As a human, Marcel's cause of death was a broken neck. The vampires, hybrids, and werewolves all banded together to fight against the Mikaelson children's resurrected witch mother Esther and brother Finn, along with their similarly resurrected Original vampire father Mikael and their powerful, ancient, and immortal witch aunt Dahlia, who sought Klaus and Hayley's daughter and Marcel's adopted sister Hope for her own coven. Unpleased by the Cami stunt, Marcel gives her a dressing down in a manner that can almost be equated to threats. Episode Count Marcel successfully lures Klaus out of the compound and they fight in the street, despite being weaker than an Original, Marcel initially has the upper hand though is soon overpowered and is bitten by Klaus. A little later, the spirit taunts Marcel with the death of Davina, trying to anger Marcel into taking revenge upon the Mikaelsons. Marcel caught Klaus' eye after he threw an apple at a slave overseer after being whipped. When the Harvest goes wrong and Davina doesn't come back to life, he is devastated and blames it on Klaus saying that he had everything under control until he came to the New Orleans. Marcel led the attack on Elijah but was easily knocked away first before Elijah slaughtered many of the others with help from Hayley. Marcel chooses to to drink and relive past memories with Camille. Marcel used his extensive knowledge of the city and his contacts in New Orleans to hide with the charter but was eventually found by Elijah. Klaus is at the bar drinking when Marcel comes in with a sour look. Marcel later met with a begrudged Aya and reminded her that he had experience running vampire societies and the first thing he did was make sure his followers were loyal. When Rebekah tells him that it is hopeless to help Davina and Davina agrees to complete the Harvest. Marcel Will Die. The Mikaelson family gathers to throw Klaus a funeral before he dies on the last episode of "The Originals." Bob Mahoney/The CW. He caught up to them in the woods and threatened to kill them all. Marcel stops him from doing anything rash so brings up Cami and uses that to save Father. He then goes with Hayley to help her find the missing Elijah and Oliver. We got to see him for a little while in season 3 but he didn't last long as usual. Later, he asked Davina for help in creating daylight rings for his vampires but she refused, saying that as new Regent of the witches, she couldn't risk looking like a vampire sympathizer. The other vampires gather and surround Marcel. She is reluctant to hand over the dagger as Kol gave it to her for protection, and she'll decide if it gets used. So . He plans on luring Klaus out so Elijah will be alone in facing off against his army. Marcel and Rebekah meet in the the Garden and he tells her about Klaus wanting him to rule with him.
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