The I/T/U system requires an urgent injection of funds and investment in capacity, but the likelihood of a prolonged COVID-19 pandemic lasting months or years necessitates that the federal government not renege on its duties to support the treatment of diabetes, asthma, substance abuse, and other immunocompromising diseases that are increasing the AI/AN fatality rate. Coronavirus Relief Fund | U.S. Department of the Treasury For example, bureaucratic holdups at the Treasury Department have denied tribes access to the full $8 billion promised to them in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. This report recommends the U.S. government take urgent action on seven areas of high priority: Central to the federal and state failure to support tribes during this crisis is the deliberate exclusion of AI/AN from COVID-19 demographic data collection. Assistance for Tribal Government Can Include as Required: How to Apply for Assistance:Application procedures for the tribe will be explained at a series of applicant briefings, with locations to be announced in the affected area by recovery officials. Egregiously, on March 27, the Trump administration took the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribes lands out of trust, rescinding its reservation designation and effectively stripping the tribe of its sovereignty as the COVID-19 pandemic ravaged tribes nationwide.57. if(subscribe.checkValidity()) { The Oglala Sioux Tribe ordered a reservation-wide shutdown Monday night, after learning two residents had tested positive for COVID-19, representing the first confirmed cases among its citizens.. In the case of COVID-19, many tribes have developed guidelines that are rooted in local context, make cultural sense, and go further than those of neighboring states and nontribal communities. The authors would also like to thank Connor Maxwell, Thomas Waldrop, Jenny Rowland-Shea, Carl Chancellor, Tricia Woodcome, andKeenan Alexander for their contributions to this report. LockA locked padlock The latest infusion $83 million . COVID-19 DISASTER RELIEF FUND | RosebudSiouxTribe . I mean the paper application could be intimidating, but it's literally the same questions that are online that are on the application. Tribes defend themselves against a pandemic and South Dakota's state Currently, the Navajo Nation has the highest infection rate in the country,1 greater than that of the worst-hit state, New York; it is even greater than that of Wuhan at the height of the outbreak in China.2Native people make up only around one-tenth of New Mexicos population but more than 55 percent of its coronavirus cases; in Wyoming, AI/AN people are less than 3 percent of the state population but make up more than one-third of its cases.3 This crisisand the underlying conditions tribal communities faceare the result of centuries of colonial violence and neglect that continue to this day. Scheduled guests include Chairman Harold Frazier of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe andChief Mike Williams of the Akiak Native Community. If youre an eligible member of the Tribe, you can visitwww.ostarp.infoto submit an online application or to download applications. As the federal government looks for short- and long-term solutions to enable tribes to respond, recover, and prevent future public health crises, it must begin the work of paying tribes what it owes in relief and investments to lessen the growing burden of COVID-19. Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA COVID-19. FYSBgov @FYSBgov. Casualties: 174 families / 468 refugees. } Congress should honor tribes request for $20 billion in direct relief and ensure that the money reaches tribes with immediate effect to meet their budgetary shortfalls. For too long, the federal government has been an aggressor when it should respect tribal sovereignty and absent when it has the responsibility to act. Release Date: June 21, 2019. Tribes are telling the federal government exactly what they need; the onus is now on the government to listen. $51,151. June 21, 2019. Published: Feb. 5, 2021 at 10:53 AM PST. LockA locked padlock Kristi Noem (R) gave the . South Dakota. When tribes protested and Congress clarified that tribal casinos, which are the lifeblood of tribes that lack a tax base due to the land-trust structure, did indeed qualify for the emergency relief, the SBA took almost a month to consult with tribes and resolve the issue, by which time the first round of funding had already run out.18, In addition, the Federal Reserves placement of tribes under the Main Street Lending Programdespite legislation clearly indicating that tribes should be eligible for government reliefhas halted emergency efforts. } Research Associate, Gun Violence Prevention, Former Vice President, Race and Ethnicity Policy. . Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe and Oglala Sioux Tribe's COVID-19 checkpoints are at stake. President Bidens American Rescue Plan is designed to provide relief to Americans and to stimulate the economy. Press Releases Press Releases. Work With Us. OTHER ENTITIESARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH US. Our aim is not just to change the conversation, but to change the country. EM-3513. According to the records in the ASEAN Disaster Information Network (ADINet), three of the four subdistricts that experienced flooding on 25 May (Dayeuhkolot, Baleendah, and Bojongsoang Subdistrict) were previously flooded on 10 January and 25 March. Learn about our sister organization, the Center for American Progress Action Fund, an advocacy organization dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans. Payment of not more than 75 percent of the approved costs for hazard mitigation projects undertaken by state and local governments to prevent or reduce long-term risk to life and property from natural or technological disasters. Oglala Sioux Tribe / Pine Ridge Reservation: SD: No 7,718,878 . In order to allay the current crisis, enable tribes to recover, and prevent an even more devastating recurrence, the U.S. government needs to address the systemic inequalities that have held Indian Country back in its response to COVID-19both as a matter of public safety and as one of legal and moral obligation. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. In issuing this threat, Gov. Oglala Sioux Tribe Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Domestic violence rates increase during natural disasters and economic depression, and the combined effects of COVID-19 have led to a rise in incident reporting in 48 states. It is moving ahead with nonessential rulemakings and decisions such as oil and gas lease sales,58 land management plan changes, and loosening of environmental standards.59 In recognition of tribal sovereignty and the ecocultural significance of public lands and other natural resources, these decisions are required to go through tribal consultations and a public comment periodneither of which is feasible during a pandemic.60 Tribal leaders have joined a chorus of voices61from governors to mayors to county commissionersthat have called on the Trump administration to formally pause all open comment periods in light of the national crisis. A total of 29 sub-districts have this potential danger, including the four sub-districts that experienced flooding (BNPB). The Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) Program allows States, U.S. (KEVN) - The Oglala Sioux Tribe is in the final stretch for its reservation-wide vaccine rollout measures. April 22, 2020. Pueblo governors in New Mexico, for example, requested an extension of a comment period on a proposal to expand oil and gas development near the culturally significant Chaco Canyon landscape.62 Alaska Native villages and tribal advocates are seeking more time to comment on a massive oil drilling project proposed on Alaskas North Slope.63 Instead of heeding many of these requests, the administration has offered virtual public meetings that are farcical and discriminate against AI/AN communities on various levels.64 These meetings exclude the 35 percent of Indian Country residents who lack sufficient internet access; unfairly expect public engagement during a crisis that disproportionately affects tribes; and erode tribal sovereignty. We are developing a Disaster Relief Fund to assist the Rosebud Sioux Tribe in acquiring necessary medical supplies, food, and water for our surrounding communities: Antelope, Bull Creek, Blackpipe, Butte Creek, Corn Creek, Grass Mountain, Horse Creek, He Dog, Okreek, Ideal, Milk's Camp, Parmelee, Ring Thunder, Rosebud, Soldier Creek, Spring Creek, St. Francis, Swift Bear, Two Strike, Sicangu Village,and Upper Cut Meat. Payments to tribal governments were determined by the Secretary of the Treasury in consultation with the Secretary of the Interior and American Indian and Alaska Native tribes. Territories, the District of Columbia, units of local government, and federally recognized tribal governments to support a broad range of activities to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus. BMKG forecasted that light intensity rainfall is expected in these four (4) sub-districts for the next few days. According to a release on their . The Standing Rock Agency was established at Fort Yates in 1873. Based on InaRISK, this is one of the areas with low to high flood potential. An official website of the United States government. In addition, as state and federal prisons become infection hotspots, AI/AN people again bear a disproportionate burden of the impact due to their 38 percent higher-than-average incarceration rate.46 Sixty percent of all youth in federal juvenile detention are AI/AN individuals.47 This is a stark and devastating example of the governments violation of treaty obligations on two fronts: underfunding tribal justice systems, and then usurping their jurisdiction. dataLayer.push({"event": "signup_submit", "form_detail":"enSubscribeSlideUp"}); According to the report from Indonesias Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB), the flooding triggered by prolonged high intensity rain on 25 May at 0400 HRS UTC+7 has affected Dayeuhkolot, Baleendah, Bojongsoang, and Margarahayu Sub-district in Bandung, West Java. CNN has also reached out to the Oglala Sioux Tribe for comment. When the virus struck, safe water and sewage disposal services were already unavailable in 13 percent of AI/AN homes on reservations, compared with 1 percent of homes overall.41 Moreover, AI/AN families face an acute housing shortage and are eight times more likely to live in an overcrowded home, making these communities more susceptible to the virus.42 Some 35 percent of Indian Country residents lack access to broadband interneta necessary resource for remote education, tribal consultation, communications, and telehealth during the pandemic.43 Most Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) schools are underfunded and face additional barriers to switch to remote functioning while student nutritional health suffers in the absence of school meals. The solution is, and has always been, to defer to the tribes themselves on how best to handle social issues in a culturally competent manner. In the long run, the federal government needs to acknowledge and internalize that the best it can do for Indian Country is to listen and work with tribes and tribal leaders. Following is a summary of key federal disaster aid programs that can be made available as needed and warranted under President Donald J. Trump's disaster declaration issued for the Oglala Sioux Tribe of the Pine Ridge Reservation. April 8, 2020. These losses have impaired tribes ability to provide essential governmental services such as health care, education, and public safety at a time when the need is highest.5. OCC Guide to CCDF Resources. So making sure that we find ways to keep resources in our money, especially if the individual payments are going out, how do we keep that money circulating in our own economy?". Tribal measure: In April, when the state refused to issue a lockdown order even as infection rates soared, the two Lakota tribes closed their reservations to nonresidents engaging in nonessential travel without a permit through tribal checkpoints. Tribal measure: The Yerington Paiute Tribe does not have access to clean water, as their supply has been contaminated with toxins due to nonnative corporations. Tribe State CARES Act Supplemental Funding Allocation; Agdaagux: AK: 7,740: Akiachak Native Community: AK: 34,570: Akiak Native Community: AK: 16,640: Aleutian . BPBD-Bandung has coordinated with relevant agencies to conduct data collection, evacuate the victims and distribute logistics to the affected people. A lock ( Oglala Sioux Tribe Covid-19 .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ensure the inclusion of AI/AN people in COVID-19 data, Develop executive branch infrastructure to address bureaucratic barriers, Support the development of tribal economies, Address the chronic underfunding of the Indian Health Service system, Support the development of Indian Countrys critical infrastructure, Support vulnerable populations by funding tribal public safety and justice needs, Restore tribal homelands and support tribal ecocultural resource management, Base relief and fund distribution formulas on tribal enrollment data rather than flawed census figures, Require that states and cities disaggregate COVID-19 racial data to accurately reflect its effect on AI/AN communities, Fund an interagency working group that substantively includes tribes to overcome challenges such as rural data collection, language barriers, and mistrust of federal agencies to end the erasure and invisibility of AI/AN people, Acknowledge and respect tribal enrollment data as a matter of sovereignty, Clearly define distribution formulas and requirements formed in consultation with tribal leaders in future COVID-19 legislation, Allow tribes greater flexibility with COVID-19 relief, effective retroactively on existing funds, Relieve and reduce duplicative and hefty reporting and application requirements during the pandemic, Automatically include tribal governments whenever state and local governments are named in COVID-19 legislation, Ensure that every federal agency has a fully funded and staffed Office of Tribal Relations, Streamline federal funding through agencies with the most robust relationship with tribes, Create a navigable portal for tribes and AI/AN organizations to access all funding opportunities and programs to reduce the administrative burden on tribes, Switch from a grant-based funding model to one that allows tribes greater sovereignty and self-determination through direct funding, Ensure that all federal funding is provided directly to tribes rather than through states or local governments, Increase appropriations to the Coronavirus Relief Fund tribal set-aside by $20 billionwhich tribes originally requestedor 10 percent of additional Coronavirus Relief Fund appropriations, Provide a tribal set-aside in Title IV of the CARES Act to address the economic stabilization and assistance needs of tribal governments and their enterprises, Require immediate distribution of funds based on data submitted by tribes, Ensure easily accessible emergency assistance and unemployment support to all tribal businesses and workers, Provide additional funding for Native Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) and the Native American Contractors Association (NACA), Waive the cost-share requirements to excess Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funds, Remove the dual taxation of tribal business activities by local and state governments, Simplify and make permanent the Indian employment tax credit, Allow tribes to receive the same exemption from federal excise taxes as state and local governments and provide tribes tax-exempt bond parity with state and local governments, Increase immediate funding to the IHS and prioritize urban Indian health, including access to the national service supply center for essential testing equipment; equipment purchases and replacements; and IHS hospitals and health clinic on-site treatment capacity, Expedite the reauthorization of the IHS Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) and other programs that deal with immunocompromising conditions that require uninterrupted care, Provide all I/T/U facilities access to the Strategic National Stockpile and Public Health Emergency Fund, Include pharmacists, licensed marriage and family therapists, licensed counselors, and other providers as eligible provider types under Medicare for reimbursement to I/T/U facilities in order to lessen the burden of mental health on immunity, Extend waivers under Medicare for the use of telehealth in Indian Country, Remove restrictions and barriers on care provision through urban Indian health organizations, Increase funding for the IHS andstrengthen coordination among federal, tribal, state, and local health agencies, Fund job-training programs to address staff shortages through the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, Provide a tax incentive for IHS professionals similar to other public sector health workers, Ensure an explicit mention of urban Indian organizations in I/T/U-related legislation to combat the invisibility of urban AI/AN suffering, Provide immediate funding for essential facility construction and solutions related to health care, sanitation, sewage and waste disposal, drinking water, quarantine housing, air transport flexibilities for remote communities, and broadband services, Establish a tribal broadband fund at the Federal Communications Commission and extend the period for tribal governments to complete applications for wireless broadband and increased mobile coverage in Indian Country in light of COVID-19, Invest in tribal programs on infrastructure, construction, rural development, and waste management that are identified as relevant to the long-term COVID-19 response, Provide wireless hotspots and technological equipment for BIE schools along with nutrition access for students and expanded benefits for teachers, Increase funding for the Bureau of Indian Affairs Housing Improvement Program and the Indian Housing Block Grant Program and include AI/AN in any new housing assistance programs, Take proactive steps to increase funding for both BIE schools as well as broadband development on tribal lands, Reauthorize programs such as the Reclamation Water Settlements Fund (RWSF) to live up to its obligations to ensure tribes access to amenities that are taken for granted in nontribal communities without a history of dispossession. Also, follow Acting Administrator Pete Gaynor's activities @FEMA_Pete.The social media links provided are for reference only. Tackling Climate Change and Environmental Injustice,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The COVID-19 crisis is exacerbating basic safety and human rights issues that already disproportionately hurt AI/AN communities due to vicious cycles of marginalization, loss of sovereignty, and federal neglect.
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