Heck, I doubted it was even a possibility. Maybe you are currently struggling with the thought of quitting teaching because you. I had no idea what I was dealing with then, but am able to see it now so clearly. If I didnt have the same struggle, it wouldnt have pushed me to support those going through it now. Even better? And here I was againlocked into a contract with an employer who didnt care about me or my colleagues. One thing I learned in my life after teaching is that many salaries can be negotiated upon hiring. Plus, 9 things we need if the U.S. ever wants to see another globally-competitive generation. Quitting Teaching Was The Best Thing I Ever Did. I realized this was the hardest thing Id ever tried to do because I was utterly clueless. During my time on the committee, I conducted research into how to use a growth mindset to transform student learning. Why I Quit Teaching - Medium But looking back now, I am soooooo grateful that the Lord gave me the swift kick in the pants I needed to make some tough decisions like quitting teaching because its a whole lot easier to stay stuck than to muster up the courage to venture out onto an unknown path. . Teachers for some reason stick around in a school or profession So that night, I made my first ever post on Linkedin and launched my. On weekend, I awoke early to devote myself to my store. I uploaded that first resource and moved on to making more materials for the rest of the unit. Worse, my district hired me during the first year of a district-wide pay freeze, after Act 10 (leaving unions in Wisconsin with little power), and with no chance of ever receiving tenure or a bump in benefits. Once teachers gain tenure, they are pretty much guaranteed a job until retirement. There are a lot of unknowns ahead of me. (Its not.). Honestly, I think my retirement will just take a hit for a year. But what I didnt realize until after quitting teaching was just how many more people I could help outside the classroom. After all this talk about growth mindset, it is easy to look at my decision to quit and feel that I was acting from a place without growth. My TPT income was growing at a much, much faster rate than that. I felt guilty for the thoughts I had about leaving the classroom. Instead, I was constantly battling entitled parents and students who believe that marks indicate their intelligence. This post could be what they need to make a change! But I was growing bitter and angry over my checks. In my final year, I felt broken by the unrealistic expectations and lack of autonomy faced daily. I was excited to be able to pay my own bills. Stress, more so than low pay, is the main reason public school teachers quit. These were parents who were at home telling their children how smart they are and expecting them to get into the most prestigious schools. There were no more pay increases for graduate credits; you had to obtain the full masters degree to get the next education-based pay level. Feel as though everything will fall apart when you leave, Know teaching wont be done the way you have done it and your students might struggle, Everything you have worked so hard to accomplish to be gone. Distancing myself from these types of people was incredibly liberating. Its weird to leave something you thought would be your forever career, or something you hoped would bring you joy. W. With an MBA from . I hit my stride, found some work-life balance, and counted down to summers. Each year, I taught anywhere from 22-28 students. Many quit. That meant starting the school year unable to open boarded-up windows. Surprisingly, I was being offered other jobs on a consistent basis. Im a full-time high school English teacher, caffeine addict, greyhound mom, and wife-to-be! But the world we live in now is so different from the world the previous generation knew. Plus, Im not losing my community. This is the most important lesson I learned after I left teaching. What if, after a few years of being out of the classroom, I lost my edge? Still, I was afraid to lose that luxury, as are many teachers, especially moms. It wouldnt have led me here, to you. I gave my community eight years, and I did my best. When I looked at job postings, I didnt have ANY idea what to expect for a starting wage. (Honestly, just talking about this is making my heart rate increase rapidly!!) There are days when work is exhausting, stressful, and feels pointless. We fear not measuring up, not being successful, and we allow that fear to paralyze us into never finishing. After leaving the classroom, I quickly learned an entire new world of upward mobility. I used the extra time at home to add a digital course to my business. I know those can feel like lonely thoughts, worrying that your co-workers wont understand or will shame you for considering an alternative. Id reapply my makeup once I got there in hopes of covering up the truth. I thought that I was going to love teaching, yet I couldnt shake this feeling. But for me, personally, it is not a forever career, and Im ready for the next phase of my life. It seemed like the only move I could try to make was in administration, but even that usually required additional degrees. Im lucky. I spent the summer close to home and socially distancing myself. I had grown to that first $1000 month so quickly, that $4000 didnt sound impossible. While the overall number of teachers has kept pace with an increase in pupil numbers, the recorded rate of vacancies and temporarily filled positions rose from 0.5% of the entire teaching . I ran down the hall to tell a coworker that my product had sold, wondered if I would come across as full of myself or greedy, thought better of it, and then ran back to my own classroom to celebrate privately. After all, it was my dream teaching position. You just have to do your research. My first resource was an ambitious 40-page workbook. Last year I was completely convinced that I actually hated teaching and had made the wrong choice in profession. To know EXACTLY what you need to do (and not do) in order to get your foot in the door. Its hard to compare salary for a position in rural Oklahoma with the same job in a big city, like NYC or Chicago. Despite a doctor expressing her concerns for mental well-being, I felt guilty for how I was feeling. Something Ive always thought about, but never really wanted to talk about was my strengths. While I had no idea what my next step would be, I knew I had to figure it out. I would only use Teachers Pay Teachers income for additional savings or retirement contributionnot for lifestyle inflation. And while this can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how you look at it, the world of education has enlarged itself over and over again producing so many unique job opportunities for teachers. Immediately, I jumped on to Teachers Pay Teachers and paid the $60 for the premium membership. Its been the primary motivator for my Teachers Pay Teachers business, in fact. Soonest anyone has resigned into the school year? From a - Reddit The types of parents who react this way when their children perform poorly are the ones who have praised their children for being smart from day one. Ive used a Profit First system to manage my business finances and to decide how much to defer to taxes, how much to pay myself monthly, and how much to reinvest in my business. For the first few years of teaching, I told myself that my struggles were due to my own inadequacies. I have my community through my email and Instagram that I can poll for ideas, also. Youll have to look into if these benefits are listed in the job description or on the careers page of the companys website. Well if Ive learned anything since quitting teaching, its the truth of this statement. Quitting teaching was the best thing I ever did because it allowed me to be true to my family values. Unfortunately, my teaching job was starting to get in the way of this. This gave me the space to learn to grow in my home life and as a new parent where growth mattered most. I knew I needed to tackle that beast before it got out of hand. Life After Teaching: 10 Things I Learned After Leaving the Classroom Ive also been creating a six-month emergency fund for my Teachers Pay Teachers business. Yet, Ive recently had a startling revelation; my discomfort is directly correlated to my focus. We hadnt planned this outwe simply felt the Lord impressing on our hearts that we needed to pull our kids from the public school system to homeschool them. I learned to plan lessons more efficiently. I think its important in understanding my story to know that I did not go into teaching with a burning desire to teach. This is why I shut my school down and quit teaching all together. Ive never had a problem talking individually (or even in a small group with other adults) thanks to my extroverted personality. I couldnt wrap my brain around how someone could put D+ work out into the worldbut in that same moment I realized the A+ work I was still working on after a year of tweaking had made no impact whatsoever. During the second week of school, the district cancelled classes due to a sub shortage. I had to learn how to be a supportive husband and father that is present and not always pulled away by work. Do you find yourself catching up on work or trying to get ahead during your summers and holidays off? Student entitlement is one of the major issues teachers experience these days that makes them want to quit teaching. But they expected every staff member to be physically present. As an Educational Consultant, I was able to identify positions above me that I was interested in and make a clear game plan to leverage myself into higher-paying roles. And now? Do you come in early, stay late for bus duty, grade papers or decorate the classroom on the weekends? This is a very precarious situation because it forces you to reevaluate what you know and believe about yourself. But for me, it just wasnt (and Ill explain why below!). This is incredibly damaging to a persons wellbeing, and is one of the main reasons why teacher burnout is so common. Even worse, some parents believed that adequate was nothing less then perfect. It was like a cloud lifted from over my head and a weight off of my shoulders. Im young and healthy. Leaving Teaching - My Story - Thinking of Leaving Teaching? My LinkedIn grew with authentic connections that I could reach out to if needed. Teaching seemed like the logical choice for majors when I started filling out college applications. Im hopeful that soon my business will not only match, but exceed, my teaching salary. 2) It's not your imagination teaching IS getting harder. Fast forward a few years and I discovered a love for scrapbooking. Teaching did become less stressful year over year as I gained experience, grew my collection of quality lessons, and learned classroom management. I couldnt believe it even as I stared at the notification on my phone. Social media is teeming with comments about teachers and how we are failing our students. 4. Many found teaching jobs at other districts that were starting virtually. This particular job gave me SO MUCH free time, that within a few months I already felt comfortable branching out and starting a few passion projects. What about the kids? Well, what about you? I tried to include a summary at the end that focuses on the big, important questions you might have. A fixed mindset believes that being smart is something that happens naturally, rather than the result of hard work and practice. For me, this meant pinpointing strengths and weaknesses in order to achieve the growth I wanted. Whenever you make a difficult decision, you will be hit with the what if and the should we questions. I was very comfortable with my paycheck and teaching kids through third grade, but I was going to be pulling my boys out starting in third grade and fifth grade. Right now, I cant look at the numbers and honestly say that my Teachers Pay Teachers business will completely replace my teachers salary next year. I hoped this new job would help things click for me. Hold yourself together for ten more feet. I was proud of myself and happy to not let down my parents. I've always wanted to travel the world, but I've never had the means to do so. I also worked closely with other Professional Development trainers and many other educational companies. I was thinking about possibly going back to school, but if Im still on a first-year salary, I dont think I can do that, I had said. Living a life of gratitude isnt always easy. Something just didnt feel right. As I mentioned at the beginning of this podcast, I was blessed with a great ability to connect with young children. There were real conversations happening about the growth opportunities in challenges and struggles! What else does one do when reading is her best skill, right? How did I do it? Here are the ten things I learned since leaving the classroom that you need to know. Capacity to lean into my strengths and strengthen my areas of weakness. But I didnt. There is no career like this one. However, because I was confident in why I was quitting teaching, that why kept me grounded even when I questioned my decision. Quitting was the best thing I ever did - YouTube The truth is we claim perfectionism when many times were just terrified of failure. In reality, I learned a lot about myself, my desires, and life in general once I let go of my teaching career. Quitting teaching will also give me time to pursue other interests: marathon training, painting, writing, a new degree. My insurance benefits will last through August. Ive received a raise every year, much larger than any teacher salary step. Its led to nothing but personal and professional growth. Fast forward to 2018: where I left the classroom, went all in, launched my first course, and made $445,000 (most of which was made in the week of my course launch). But Im ready to take a leap and take a chance on myself. Hey, maybe it did make you happy for some time. I homeschooled my son from pre-school through HS. This got me thinking. There are many students who are incredibly difficult, which makes teaching them stressful and overwhelming. I can tell you for a factI NEVER would have pursued any of these other ventures if I hadnt left the classroom. Using positive affirmations to start your day will help you take control of your day from the first minute to the last. This was incredibly draining and led me to quit. Plus, my TpT business isnt matching my salary yet, but its close and my business is growing every month. You're rushing to your car as fast as your wobbly knees can take you. And if they werent doing well, they would just blame the teacher. I am also planning on subbing for my previous school one or two days a week. I had envisioned the teaching positions I had seen throughout my lifeexperienced honors and AP teachers working with high-achieving students. Whether we intend to or not, by default, education teaches students: I loved helping students learn about growth mindset and how they can see challenges as opportunities for growth. After all, I had heard rumors about the corporate world and the grueling, unforgiving place it was. And if the desire for teacher hours holds you back, remind yourself of the reality. Awareness of how truly irreplaceable I am to my family. Some months I was just a little shy of paying for my expenses, so I had started accruing some credit card debt. In fact, there was no other reason than a deeply heartfelt clarity that this was the right thing to do for our family. One of the texts that was very transformative during my research was Carol Dwecks Mindset. A friend of a friend during this time had opened up a comic shop in town. Remember, there are other options with great hours out there. All was well and good! Within a few years, I received an offer for an Instructional Designer position. Despite the ups and downs of the application process, this new focus helped pull me out of the fog of burnout. Like I said before, the first time I left the classroom, my husband and I had a plan. She didnt understand that I needed the part-time job because I taught. Regardless of how they became strengths, they are an important part of our unique skill set. The crazy thing is its actually more frustrating to stand at the precipice contemplating all of the what if scenarios than it is to just take the leap. Signup for my newsletter The Lounge and be the first to hear about new teaching resources, blog posts, and oh, so much more! We all signed our contracts in June with this understanding, feeling supported by the district. I could build additional income or start a passion project Id been putting off. As I said, I was hired during the first year of a district-wide pay freeze. It didnt help that there were teachers making the same, if not more, yet did less work and put less effort into their job. For more on growth mindset, check out our top 5 takeaways from Carol Dwecks Mindset. Then, I began to use some of it to start a retirement account external to my job. The key is knowing when to pack your bags. Leah Gervais on Instagram: "What's the best thing that happened to you Who would have thought?! The world of education is so big and it is full of amazing opportunities for you, too. I had never felt this way with any other job like I was missing something. If you speak with the parent of an entitled child, you will quickly realize a few things: These are very fixed mindset type reactions. PT, 39, reveals why quitting alcohol was the best thing she ever did Before that summary is the long-winded tale of how I went from graduating college to quitting my career. However, I knew there was something else out there that was a better fit for me, my strengths, and my desire for a work/life balance. I was stuck in this career. I would be able to buy myself a coffee occasionally on Fridays (I had stopped going out for lunch or coffee with my coworkers by this point because I couldnt afford it). I bought a foreclosed condo (the mortgage was cheaper than the rent I had been paying) and moved into it with a roommate to split the bills. While teaching can be an incredibly rewarding profession, all of these demands made it difficult to be present at home. Subbing will help make sure all of my personal costs are covered, keep me in touch with the teaching community, and allow me to see and catch up with my coworkers. The good news is there is life after teaching. Ive watched another former teacher quadruple her salary within 3 years of leaving teaching, something that would have been impossible for her in the classroom. I did everything I could to help myself financially. Tap the button below to learn more. If Im ever looking for work in the future, I know it will be 500X easier than it was before I began networking! So obviously, this seems like an ideal situation for someone who really likes security. Dont let them dictate what you do or dont do with your life. So many teachers get into the field because they want to help others. Have you ever heard the old adage, Where there is a will, theres a way? Julianne Condia on Instagram: "Hello . If we haven't met, I'd love I did the best I could and survived my first year. However, I quickly realized that it wasnt just the fixed mindsets of my classes I was fighting. COVID-19. You should never make a career change without carefully researching all your options. I was used to working long hours. Start building that network! We'll be back from 6am, but before you go, here are the highlights from today: NHS nurses walked out on strike . Do you want to take your dogs for a long hike? Plus, if I do sub once a week, I can use some of that income for additional retirement contributions. introduced me to the concept of a growth mindset, 175 Positive Affirmations to Start Your Day Off Right, 75 Inspiring Quotes on Gratitude by Famous Personalities, 115 Inspirational You Are Amazing Quotes To Empower, 175 Best Motivational Live Your Best Life Quotes, that they are smart if they get questions right, failure means they are bad at the subject, taking risks means you could end up looking stupid, the parent believes that the child is a genius without flaws, they will make up excuses and place blame elsewhere when their child doesnt perform, Student performs poorly (or does not get perfect), Parent demands meeting with the teacher and administration, Student and parent blame teacher for poor performance. We all have much room for growth if were willing to take that first step into the discomfort. Were one of those who couldnt handle it. Or that I was just giving up. Quitting teaching isn't as easy as refreshing your 658 views, 18 likes, 10 loves, 6 comments, 3 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from First Baptist Church Montgomery: 2023 0423 Like Jesus, Take Up Your Towel To S.E.R.V.E. That left me with few options. Now I currently make a few thousand dollars per month of passive income off my store, even though I am not currently working on it or updating the resources. Instead, they create entitled children who are also blind to growth opportunities. Now before I go any farther here, I want you to hear what I am about to say. I felt like a fool for believing my district cared at all for our well-being. The more job descriptions I read, the more I realized I could use my skills in other places. Instead, I have been purposely underpaying myself. At this point in my teaching career (year 6), my take-home pay was about $2000 a month. Instead of seeing failure as a setback, all I had to do was convince my students to see failure as an opportunity for growth. This was not the first time that I had felt unappreciated by my district. This means that if I submit dates and my manager agrees, I receive paid time off for vacations or personal reasons. If you need help leaving the classroom, check out theTeacher Career Coach Course. Our building is very old. I dont want to become one of them. It wasnt until I started selling Premier Designs jewelry that I learned what true financial success from home looked like. (And thats okay.). As a teacher, I was confined to my four walls every single day. However, I do have years of experience to draw on, and right now I have more ideas for resources than I have time for. Rational or not, the idea of relying solely on Teachers Pay Teachers for income for the rest of my life scares me. I am not exaggerating when I tell you I had NO knowledge of what I was getting myself into. Plus, my new TPT Profitability course is adding to my overall bottom line. Seth Godin once said, "Winners quit all the time, they just quit the right things at the right time.". Honestly, I thought Id be in a 9-5 position and wasnt sure how to handle the new change. There were many parents who just couldnt take seeing their children perform less then adequately. There are many, many TpT sellers who sell full-time and have been out of the classroom for a long time. Talk about scary!!! I've always wanted to travel the world, but I've never had the means to do so. I used growth mindset quotes regularly during lessons, and I hung growth mindset posters all over my classroom. These 115 inspirational you are amazing quotes are perfect to remind the special people in your life just how amazing they are! The freelancing work plus teaching was consuming my every minute. For whatever reason, theres a stigma around teachers who choose to leave the profession. And Im not overwhelmed anymore. Are you asked to stay late for Back-to-School nights, carnivals, parent-teacher conferences? I also worked really hard on making a unit that I thought would engage my students. Around 46% of Reddit app users have a college degree or higher . Teaching was not the right career for me.
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