5. It is also complicated by the greater number of seed types, as the diversity of seed trees increases significantly in most hardwood forests, as do the numerous characteristics of hardwood diaspores (Sundaram et al., 2015; Sundaram, 2016). A deli charges the same price, $4.90, for all of its different sandwiches. Round to the nearest percent. Similar observations in North America have been attributed to eastern chipmunks (T. striatus, Yi, personal observation). 8. 9. Popular tags . 50 The table shows the results of a survey of students in two math classes. Analyze conservation efforts of the C.) 60 Steele, M. A., Wauters, L., and Larsen, K. (2005). doi: 10.1111/j.1558-5646.2009.00867.x, Smallwood, P. D., and Peters, W. D. (1986). Thanks for the confusion. B**50 Early germinating acorns often develop a substantial radicle early in the autumn. Ph. How many bags were probably taken as samples? D 4. 1. 8. A (2015) showing that gray squirrels prefer to establish caches in sites with higher predation risk to avoid cache pilferage. 4. Sociobiol. Find the values of the 30th and 90th percentiles of the data. @Stewpengus is correct for class of 2023 Unit 6 Lesson 7 Samples and Surveys quick check! The geographic selection mosaic for squirrels, crossbills and Aleppo pine. 11, 11, 3, 1, 11, 11, Mean = 8 Variance = 18.3 Standard deviation = 4.3, 5. A bag contains 6 red marbles, 6 white marbles, and 4 blue marbles. Proc. A grower has a crop of onions with diameters that are normally distributed with a mean diameter of 3.25 in. Killing Pigs and Weed Maps: The Mostly Unread World - Pacific 12. 80+ Exceptional Research Titles Examples in Different Areas Do you think we should plant gardens in the park or buy new park benches? 12. What is the probability that both balls are white? Go to every fifth house 4.- 50 Again enter these at your own risk not everyone takes the same quiz. There are 10 students participating in a spelling bee. 3. Acta Oecol. View all In most, but not all cases, the evidence for tight coevolutionary interactions are not evident, yet the effects and outcomes of the interactions between squirrels and some tree species are nevertheless quite compelling. B This behavior, glaringly absent in other scatter-hoarding rodents worldwide, is now known be an innate trait in at least two species, one in Asia and another in North America. Short-term acute nitrogen deposition alters the interaction between Korean pine seeds and food hoarding rodents. (2014). Each person in a group of students was identified by year and asked when he or she preferred taking classes: in the morning, afternoon, or evening. doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13153, Yi, X., Curtis, R., Bartlow, A. W., Agosta, S. J., and Steele, M. A. 3. These observations suggest that, although immediate priorities for caching shifted in this environment, the squirrels were still secondarily responding to early germination with embryo excision. Put these in and you will receive full credit. But on the other hand, social squirrels could have greater power in numbers: Aliperti: We think it might have something to do with space sharing. However, where pine squirrels are found, resulting seed and cone characteristics generally prevent dispersal by corvids (Siepielski and Benkman, 2007, 2010; Parchman et al., 2011). G:Annual ReportsMtGrahamAR-13AR13 Final - University of Find the probability that a bus chosen at random has a working radio given that it is ready for service. d Enter the names of all adults in your neighborhood into a computer program to randomly select a sample and ask, "Do you ever ride the bus to work?" Acta Ethol. Dispersal of half-eaten acorns by gray squirrels: effects of physical and chemical seed characteristics, in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology of Tree Squirrels, eds M. A. Steele, J. F. Merritt, and D. A. Zegers (Martinsville, VA: Virginia Museum of Natural History), 223231. Yi et al. Further evidence for the adaptive significance of this behavior follows from two isolated studies, one in North America and another in Southwestern China, that demonstrate the innate basis of this behavior in two squirrel species. Yang, Y., and Yi, X. ): influence on repeated germination and constraint germination by food-hoarding animals. B This is further supported by experiments by Yi et al. Based on this study, what is the probability that exactly 7 of 10 randomly selected people have swallowed at least one spider in their sleep in the last year. (2016b). Acta Oecol. Find P(more than 1 hour of TV | 6th period class). Evidence from both enclosure and field studies showed that Siberian chipmunks tend to avoid artificial seeds with high tannins, but to eat and cache seeds with low tannins (Zhang et al., 2013, but see Xiao et al., 2009 for evidence of selective caching of high tannin acorns by other squirrels). doi: 10.1007/s00265-016-2161-8, Yi, X., Steele, M. A., and Zhang, Z. Man i literally just took it. How many pounds of metal are in 1,950 lb of ore? One student is chosen at random. 6. Knowledge awaits. As a group behaves, so too will each individual in the group. Forest Ecol. In how many ways can 3 singers be selected from 5 who came to an audition? Ecol. Selection by a pre-dispersal seed predator constrains the evolution of avian seed dispersal in pines. Suppose S and T are mutually exclusive events. To determine the number of squirrels in an area, a A researcher tags 20 squirrels in a wood. No mode 10. Using the digits 0-6 to represent a caught fish, the probability of catching a fish on each of the B The rapid sequestration hypothesis predicts that scatter-hoarding animals quickly store seeds near seed sources to reduce competition when seeds are abundant (e.g., during seed fall). Tamiasciurus douglasii. 4. AQR Unit 4 - Flashcards | StudyHippo.com 2 and 3 are right. 13, 251266. The Booster Club sells meals at basketball games. Average daily temperatures in Tucson, Arizona, in December: 67, 57, 52, 51, 64, 58, 67, 58, 55, 59, 66, 50, 57, 62, 58, 50, 58, 50, 60, 63, 3. Mean = 13,156 Median = 12,700 No mode The median is the best choice because it is not skewed by the high outlier, 4. Made for Each Other: A Symbiosis of Birds and Pines. 4) a 35 A researcher tags 20 squirrels in a wood the next month she returns to the wood and observes a sample of 12 squirrels, 5 of which are tagged, and a sample of 25 squirrels, 9 of which are tagged. Motion-Sensor Sprinklers Install a few motion-sensor sprinklers in your backyard to startle squirrels that How many bags were probably taken as samples? The squirrels are highly dependent on both seeds, directly eaten from the green immature cones and those scatterhoarded for use through the winter and the following spring. 67, 10671075. 15, 13, 9, 9, 7, 1, 11, 10, 13, 1, 13, 2. A biologist has determined that a particular osprey has a 70% chance of catching a fish on any given day. Find the probability that the student preferred afternoon classes given he or she is a junior. Energetics and patch use in the fox squirrel: responses to prey density and patch profitability. Which of the following is the process of getting oxygen from the environment to the tissues of the body? D Besides consuming large quantities of bait, each wood rat caught reduced the 131, 159174. Find P(red and blue). 13. There are 6 people on the ballot for regional judges. 10, 257266. But he was. Cache management by small mammals: Experimental evidence for the significance of acorn-embryo excision. Which sampling method and survey question are the best? Reconsidering the effects of tannin on seed dispersal by rodents: evidence from enclosure and field experiments with artificial seeds. AQR Unit 4 Flashcards | Quizlet Thanks for reading Scientific American. Or was it trying to escape, as you can hear in this clip: In the second test, for sociability, Aliperti slid out a trap wall, revealing a mirror in the arena. Evolution 57, 11761181. D i just took the quiz its 100% correct, Thank you steve correct as of march 17 2022, The answers are Find the mean, median, and mode of the data set. (1996), in NE Pennsylvania, showed that squirrels based caching decisions on acorn perishability over handling time (acorn size), an important determinant of caching decisions of gray squirrels in some conditions. Do all members participate in the decision-making process? Correct answers. a. Eli has 7 black pens and 5 blue pens in his desk drawer. If you pick three students at random, what is the probability that at least two plan on attending college? Sp. Chicago, Il: Chicago University Press. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2005.05.005, Steele, M. A., Rompre, G., Zhang, H., Stratford, J., Suchocki, M., and Marino, S. (2015). Acorns of Q. mongolica were consistently able to sustain attempts at embryo excision and still successfully germinate. As predicted, larger acorns were selectively dispersed father but for those that were early germinating species were more likely to have their embryos removed. What are the mean, variance, and standard deviation of these values? Vander Wall, S. B. (s - 5v)^5. Letter Answers The graph below displays how many pieces of candy Timmy and his five friends each received last Halloween. Within how many standard deviations of the mean do all the quiz grades fall? Convenience sample So A Jenny has 4 English books to line up on a shelf. Oecology 187, 667678. Forests 7:47. doi: 10.3390/f7020047, Zong, C., Mei, S., Santicchia, F., Wauters, L. A., Preatoni, D. G., and Martinoli, A. If the two samples are representative of the squirrel population, which is the best estimate of the number of squirrels in the wood? doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2745.2010.01749.x, Rubino, F. M., Martinoli, A., Pitton, M., Di Fabio, D., Caruso, E., Banfi, S., et al. And talk about bird-brained: ground squirrels brains are about the size of the pine nuts they eat. Squirrels Seriously, if they actually learned it they wouldn't say so much BS, There seems to be so much drama here to unpack but the quick check is called "Samples and Surveys" and ADBB is 4/4, It's ADBB my legends Each meal comes with a choice of hamburgers, pizza, hot dogs, cheeseburgers, or tacos, and a choice of root beer, lemonade, milk, coffee, tea, or cola. 21, 611618. 15, 18. (a) Find, A. doi: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2004.00846.x, Mezquida, E., and Benkman, C. W. (2014). Within how many standard deviations of the mean do the values fall? Ecology 67, 168174. (d-5)^6. Smith, C. C. (1965). Thanks for your help! In how many ways can the students who go first and second in the bee be chosen? (2017). 1. (2016) provided strong evidence that in large enclosures T. sibiricus preferred to establish their caches adjacent to visual landmarks, which they then later use for cache recovery. B.) 18, 9, 7, 5, 11, 7, 17, 20, 19, 2, 17, 12, 5, 1, 13, 12, 11, 15, 16, 20, 14. (2011). Use the Binomial Theorem to find the binomial expansion of the expression. doi: 10.1093/jmammal/82.1.35. right answer is convenience sample. Process. 1. Acorn size, which varies tremendously within and across oak species and influences both dispersal and caching decisions (Steele et al., 2011, 2014). (1996), this study suggests that seed size was a more immediate determinant of caching decisions. The next month, she returns to the wood and observes a sample of 12 squirrels, 5 of which are tagged, and a sample of 25 squirrels, 9 of which are tagged. Study 1California ground squirrel.When a squirrel was captured, the trap was carried to a nearby location for anti- WebA researcher tags 20 squirrels in a wood. Food Hoarding in Animals. B The French teacher will pick two students at random to guide visiting students from France. However, it has also been shown that, under many circumstances, radicles over a minimum size are capable of producing new seedlings (Yi et al., 2012b, 2013a). If you are taking Lesson 7 unit 6 Samples and surveys the answers I got were 1- convenience sample 2.- Do you think we should plant gardens in the park 3. A grocery store will only accept yellow onions that are at least 3 in. Which survey question does not show bias? doi: 10.1111/1749-4877.12171, Zhang, M., Dong, Z., Yi, X., and Bartlow, A. W. (2014). Table 1. 3. doi: 10.1007/s11258-011-0016-y. doi: 10.1111/j.0014-3820.2003.tb00326.x, Benkman, C. W., Holimon, W. C., and Smith, J. W. (2001). 12. Sci. A J. Zool. 1. 30, 111. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). As reviewed by Steele (2008) another key manner in which squirrels can influence cone production and seed dispersal in conifers is by the indirect effects of bark stripping not reviewed here. A grocery store will only accept yellow onions that are at least 3 in. Tannins and partial consumption of acorns: implications for dispersal of oaks by seed predators. Estimate the percent of apartment residents who pay less than $650 per month. Diffusion Let us complete them for you. A Researcher Tags 20 Squirrels a. The bar graph shows the rents paid per month for apartments in an urban neighborhood. Experiments on free-ranging gray squirrels Hadj-Chikh et al. Squirrels are born blind Young squirrels, like many mammals, are completely helpless when theyre born. 3. Nat. If all possible results are equally likely, what is the probability that a spin of the spinner will land on an upper case letter or a consonant? Squirrel doi: 10.1002/ece3.209, Yi, X., Yang, Y., and Zhang, M. (2019c). a citizens group wants to determine people's opinions about a 3. However, most interestingly, when caching acorns of WO species, many of which are larger than those of RO species in Mexico, S. aureogaster consistently excised the embryo of these acorns. doi: 10.1890/07-0247.1, Niu, H., Chu, W., Yi, X., and Zhang, H. (2019). 21, 169175. We review extensive recent research on one species of squirrel, the Siberian chipmunk (Tamias sibiricus), which exhibits a suite of behavioral strategies unique to that and at least six conifer species in western North America. eudora Answer: Total number of squirrels in the area is 335. Directed seed dispersal by a scatter-hoarding rodent: the effects of soil water content. 1. Eyes were not covered. B**GO TO EVERY FIFTH HOUSE AND ASK THE WORKING ADULTS, "HOW MANY TIMES PER WEEK DO YOU RIDE THE BUS TO WORK?" These are 100% correct Naw man I guts took it I got a 3/4 (75%) J. Bot. 2. Anim. WebA researcher tags 20 squirrels in a wood the next month she returns to the wood and observes a sample of 12 squirrels, 5 of which are tagged, and a sample of 25 squirrels, What are the mean, variance, and standard deviation of these values? Thank you @Z3nK47!!! Cones are non-serotinous and exhibit a soft surface, weak point of attachment to the stem and significantly more seeds per cone. This behavior of directed dispersal in which a seed disperser moves seeds to sites also ideal for establishment, in the case of many tree squirrels (Sciurus spp. 4. Weband handled with gloved hands. i took the Q-check, 1. To start, you randomly choose a set of 5 tiles. 153, S75S91. Ecology 94, 13071316. doi: 10.1007/s10211-011-0102-0, Yang, Y., Zhang, M., and Yi, X. Crossbills appears to have coevolved with lodgepole pine in western North America (Benkman, 1999, 2003; Benkman et al., 2001, 2013), black spruce (Picea mariana) in Newfoundland (Parchman and Benkman, 2002) and in stands of the Allepo pine (P. halepensis) in forests of the Iberian Peninsula (Mezquida and Benkman, 2005). Wauters, L. A., and Dhondt, A. Several rodents, including squirrels, as well as blue jays (Caynocitta cristata) and even Curculio larvae, selectively feed on the basal end of these acorns well away from the embryo, consistently abandoning the seed with much of the cotyledon still intact (Steele et al., 1993, 1998; Perea et al., 2011; Yang and Yi, 2012; Steele, in press). Ecol. P(Q) = 0.41, P(R) = 0.44. Which sampling method and survey question are best? If a person throws randomly onto the dartboard, what is the probability that the dart will hit in area B? A. doi: 10.1111/eth.12874, Yi, X., Li, J., Zhang, M., Zhang, D., and Wang, Z. The radius of each concentric circle is 4 inches more than the circle inside it. Wooden Squirrel C. Group behavior is a thing apart from the, -having been born in a country -being a full and equal member of a nation -having pledged to respect and support a governments's values****** -fulfilling all the responsibilities and having all the rights of living in a, A.having been born in a country B.being a full and equal member of a nation C.having pledged to respect and support a government's values D.fulfilling all the responsibilities and having all the rights of living in a, a. 20, 10501055. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution Press. The Coevolution of Plants and Seed Predators. Behav. If a person throws randomly onto the dartboard, what is the probability that the dart will hit in area B? Evol. 2. 70, 15271534. 71, 155160. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0310.2011.01989.x. Importantly, the ground squirrels personalities tracked with their success in the wild: the squirrels that were bolder, more active, aggressive, and social were more likely to access elevated perches where they could keep a better eye out for predators. Zhang et al. D.) Do you think we should plant gardens in the park or buy new park benches? No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms. 40, 349371. Voters can vote for any 4. 1. Nat. Landscape-scale eco-evolutionary dynamics: selection by seed predators and fire determine a major reproductive strategy. Jenny has 4 English books to line up on a shelf. 7. If a dart hits the target at random, what is the probability that it will land in the shaded region? 2. is D do you think we should plant gardens or buy new park benches etc. All of you need to pay reaaally close attention. Unlike the barn owl and bluebird, pileated woodpeckers are birds of the big woods and next in tree holes far from fields. doi: 10.1890/13-1657.1, Mazzamuto, M. V., Merrick, M. J., Bisi, F., Koprowski, J. L., Wauters, L., and Martinoli, A. Many students dread group projects: because one student typically. What is the probability that the spinner will land on a multiple of 3 and 4? Evolution 67, 157169. 9. doi: 10.2307/2937278. Squirrels also performed embryo excision on QV acorns as they recovered and re-cached these acorns through the hoarding season. In the field Siberian chipmunks were also observed to established more caches in forest gaps rather than under understory (Yang et al., 2016), consistent with the observation of Steele et al. I might be little late with this but anyone who is interested in the 22 Squirrel should contact Mr. Todd Kindler at the Woodchuck Den, Inc. (330) 897-0614or the Outdoorsman at (717) 222-3390. Evolution 55, 282294. I'll be completely honest here people for one need to stop putting random answers based on what they see, people are quick to take the answers and then come back and judge when they get the problems wrong. He also has 3 yellow highlighters, 2 green highlighters, and 5 pink highlighters in his pencil case. Despite the challenge these species face with early germinating WOs, there is yet another diffuse co-evolutionary relationship that all of these species appear to collectively engage in with the acorns of oak. doi: 10.1111/evo.12394, Molinari, A., Wauters, L. A., Airoldi, G., Cerinotti, F., Martinoli, A., and Tosi, G. (2006). The probability that a dessert sold at a certain cafe contains chocolate is 73%. 3. Figure 6.8b. Find the outlier in the set of data. Subtle differences in social structure, reproductive strategies and home range between Mount Graham red squirrels (T. fremonti grahamensis) in Arizona, United States, and Eurasian red squirrels in the Alps of Italy, both of which occur in conifer forests, appear to be tied closely to availability of cone resources (Mazzamuto et al., 2020). A ball is drawn at random from each urn. Bridging animal personality with space use and resource use in a free-ranging population of an asocial ground squirrel. In how many different ways can a person vote? Incorporating cache management behavior into seed dispersal: the effect of pericarp removal on acorn germination. Don't you think we should repave Main Steet? Repeated radicle pruning of Quercus mongolica acorns as a cache management tactic of Siberian chipmunks. In how many ways can 12 basketball players be listed in a program? Round to the nearest thousandth. Find the probability that a flight that departs on schedule also arrives on schedule. Find the mean, median, and mode of the data set. Cone selection by Eurasian red squirrels in mixed conifer forests in the Italian Alps. right answer is "Do you agree we should install street lights on Elm Street?" In this squirrel quadrathlon, each animal fared differently, but their respective performances remained consistent across the three years Aliperti observed them. Lond. Squirrels were marked with ear tags and fur dye. Doctural Dissertation Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC. We first review the evidence for how forest composition (conifer, hardwood, mixed hardwood and overall diversity of tree species) influences interactions between squirrels and seed trees and, ultimately, the role of squirrels as either seed predators or seed dispersers. (2014), for example, demonstrated that when presented with paired options of red oak (Q. rubra, RO), white oak (Q. alba, WO) and American chestnut, (Castanea dentata, AC), gray squirrels selectively dispersed RO over WO, RO over AC, but also AC over WO. How many routes are there from Ruth Ann's school to her home with a stop at the library? Direct evolutionary interactions between Tamiasciurus and conifers has been argued independently by both Smith (1970, 1998) and Benkman and colleagues (e.g., Mezquida and Benkman, 2005, 2014), with both suggesting strong evidence for the direct selection between conifers and cones (Steele, in press). Find P(Q and R). What is the probability that Teesha will not be picked as a guide? 92, 474504. It was established as a long-term study site more than 30 years ago by Alipertis advisor, Dirk Van Vuren, a professor in the UC Davis Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology. Table 1 lists the habitat of 35 bird species that nest in free cavities. What are the mean, variance, and standard deviation of these values? c Leave a note at each house asking working adults to call and answer the question, "Do you ever ride the bus to work?" Ecology 88, 25292540. Ground squirrels are widely thought to be asocial, and one might predict that a less social squirrel would monopolize perch access by acting territorially. Explore our digital archive back to 1845, including articles by more than 150 Nobel Prize winners. 9. If 10 voters are selected at random, what is the probability that exactly five of them will vote in favor of the initiative? Funct. brevipetiolata (Yi et al., 2012a, 2014; Yang et al., 2018). 135, 71, 69, 80, 158, 152, 161, 96, 122, 118, 87, 85. XY recognizes funding from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31760156, 31470113, and 31172101) and the Young Talents Invitation Program of Shandong Provincial Colleges and Universities (2019-6-1). Find the values of the 30th and 90th percentiles of the data. 51, 343363. Mamm. Lichti, N. I., Steele, M. A., and Swihart, R. K. (2017). Maybe you should try calling your teacher for help instead of cheating! There are 10 students participating in a spelling bee. Because you are literally posting answers to questions we dont know about and those taking their answers get them wrong. 4. In how many different orders can you line up 8 cards on a table? The results are shown in the table. Li et al. A Acorns containing deeper plumule survive better: how white oaks counter embryo excision by rodents. squirrels However, naive squirrels also attempted embryo excision of white oak acorns but often failed to successfully excise the embryo. A researcher Variance = 18.3 Go. Xiao et al. Type the answers in and read over them. Thank you for confirming the answer key provided by Stewpengus! (2019a). (d + 3)7. (2016). On the role of natural enemies in preventing competitive exclusion in some marine animals and in rain forest trees. and a standard deviation of 0.25 in. Monog. Go to every fifth house and ask working adults do you ever ride the bus to work. B The next month, she returns to the wood and observes a sample of 12 squirrels, 5 of which are tagged, and a sample of 25 squirrels, 9 of which are tagged. 1-20 of 27 Results 1; 2; Next. The selection mosaic and diversifying coevolution between crossbills and lodgepole pine. 16. There they had been studying the behavior of golden-mantled ground squirrels for over 30 years. 4. By using multiple-compartment enclosures with different distances between the seed source and nest, they found chipmunks consistently placed their caches near nests but away from the seed source. Aliperti tracked a squirrels actions with a GoPro camera and analyzed its activitydid the squirrel investigate the floor? Yi, X., Yang, Y., Curtis, R., Bartlow, A. W., Agosta, S. J., and Steele, M. A. 30, 110. :), Because you guys are obviously not doing this right, I'm saying ADBB because those are the right answers. 1. Moreover, field evidence showed that whole acorns cached by wood mice, Apodemus peninsulae, were more likely to be pilfered by Siberian chipmunks than acorns that had pericarps removed. Discriminatory pre-hoarding handling and hoarding behaviour towards germinated acorns by Niviventer confucianus. convenience sample breviptiolata) to Pre Davids Rock squirrel, both of which varied in the frequency of early germination during the hoarding period. 4. On the following dartboard, the radius of the bullseye (area A) is 4 inches. (2010). A dartboard consists of two concentric circles. d 75, A Standard deviation = 5.6. J. Ecol. (2013) also explored how acorn size and dormancy both interacted to influence the behavior of dispersal and embryo excision Pre Davids Rock squirrel. You want to determine what percentage of working adults in your neighborhood regularly ride the bus to work. WebThe wood rat (Neotoma (floridana) , which is nocturnal in its habits, was another constant pest. 2. 1)CONVENIENCE SAMPLE In an extensive series of 18 experimental trials, similar to the six trials conducted by Hadj-Chikh et al. The probability that a city bus is ready for service when needed is 84%. (1999). A.) If you want to learn how to get rid of squirrels easily and humanely, weve compiled several methods to help you mitigate the issue. Comparable experiments to that of Hadj-Chikh et al. B 50. (2018) also found that pericarp removal by Siberian chipmunks may prevent cache pilferage by other rodents, especially conspecifics, possibly due to reduced seed odors associated with the pericarps (but see Sundaram et al., 2020). Search. Web Resetting and extracting memory card data from the 20 camera traps set up around Rothley Wood and taking them for further analysis. A biologist has determined that a particular osprey has a 70% chance of catching a fish on any given day. Quickly and professionally. This variation is typified by the wide range of vocalizations spanning ground These are the correct answers. Since previous reviews on this interaction (e.g., Steele et al., 2005; Steele, 2008), studies across the globe now show that this behavior occurs under a variety of circumstances, for at least six species of squirrels.
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a researcher tags 20 squirrels in a wood 2023