Of course, Africa is not a monolith. WebKenya and the United States have similarities and differences in the way they run their governments, education system, and culture. It's fairly common to find hawkers on New York City streets in the summer selling water bottles or candy, but in Lagos and Nigeria, you are just as likely to see one selling engine oil, window wiper blades, stuffed animals, flowers, or brooms. Therefore, it is a good idea to provide a historical framework or context when attempting to introduce a new idea or process. Tofu is available at health food stores and sometimes at larger grocery stores. According to the Kenyan culture, after marriage and payment of dowry, a wife becomes one property of the husband; she is not supposed to visit her parents without the approval of the husband. In most cases, children live with their parents past the age of eighteen years in Kenya. In United States, 3.9% of adults are unemployed as of 2018. Typically, with both dishes, a large platter is placed in the center of the table, and each person takes turns either rolling balls of couscous or using pieces of Moroccan bread to scoop up pieces of meat or sop up sauce. Are you not comfortable with coming out of your shell? Food and drink > Alcohol > Alcohol consumed from > Homemade and illegal drinks. Being fat as a woman or pot-bellied as a man is a good thing in Africa. In the Kenyan culture, families, are extended with more than two children (Anthropology, 2021). Jeans, jeans, jeans. In Nairobi there are many kiosks (roadside stands) where local people sell fruits, vegetables, and legumes on the street that are grown within the region. Comparatively, those in Kenya have better quality of life. Most of the brands carried are from Kenya, South Africa, different parts of Asia, and even America. Prepare five-year growth plan for Caf Kenya Explore the current target market of cafe. Showing anger is considered a sign of mental instability. [online] Available at: https://commisceo-global.com/resources/country-guides/afghanistan-guide [Accessed ENTER DATE]. Kenya is located in eastern Africa, bordering Somalia and Ethiopia in the north, Uganda and South Sudan to the Even today, I am still perplexed at the large portions of food served at almost all eating places. The external validity of a single-case experiment can be established, For the previous research scenario("Do equally intelligent groups of college students and non-college attenders change their religious orientation in the same direction between the ages of 18 and. In Morocco, I made the mistake of offering alcohol to an observant Muslim, who replied with a smile that he drinks only "Berber whiskey," or Moroccan mint tea. Most work places are business casual and even jeans. On the other hand those whose professions require dressing do really clean up well and in quality. A land of vast distances and rich natural resources, Canada became a self-governing dominion in 1867 while retaining ties to the British crown. Harambee took on a more political resonance when used at the time of independence by Jomo Kenyatta as a way to bring people together. Forty-two is the official number. Serving the University of Rochester community since 1873. 2.2 Roles of prominent researchers in Europe and North America. I think President Moi had learnt some important lessons from Wazungu; he would attend various functions in a day and always kept time. @Guesthehehe..hata mimi nimeshangaa.which part of America does he live..Americans dress to the NINES! 28 Apr 2023 19:10:25 WebThere are many difference between America and Kenya. It is similar in Morocco, Egypt, and other Middle Eastern countries. Whether it is out of genuine care for one another, only the gods of Africa know. The Massai of Kenya. Americans comment about what a firm handshake I have. Chai - Kenyan style tea, made with black tea leaves, whole fat milk, and sugar (sukari). Unless they are eating South Asian food not many other spices are used. For this reason, I will never comment on any of your blogs. Both are the countrys official languages and used for instruction in schools: Kiswahili in lower primary and English through upper primary and high school. The United States of America is a metropolitan country with an influx of people from different parts of the world; the different nationalities have different experiences in life and thus their culture differs from the American style. All details are inside attached. Some people would go bananas if they went to a banking hall and find only a few customers. I once saw a notice in a restaurant, "After eating leave within five minutes." NO ONE should ever just drop in without a phone call to allow us to tidy up the house. The phrase translates roughly to "if God wills it so," but the colloquial meaning of inshallah depends on the context. Finally, am just curious where the well dressed kenyans learnt their dressing from. A common ingredient in food in southern Nigeria is locust beans, which aren't used in the north of the country or in most other countries' cuisines. Cultural Differences: Kenyans, Malaysians, Chinese and Americans. Beyond the turkey, they will make mountains of pies, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes and the whole gamut of mishmash added to a variety of drinks. WebKenya has incredible ethnic diversity. 2021. Having lived my childhood, young adult and part of adult life in different parts of Kenya, and then living across the pond these last few years, I have observed quiet a number of cultural differencesand similarities between the two spaces that needs mentioning. They are nothing but a bunch of savages, dark like all, jigger-infested, and with brown teeth and lice infested hair." They may take time kujuliana hali, kwenda msalani, kujaza matumbo yao, kufua nguo, so what? May 5, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/cultural-differences-kenyans-malaysians-chinese-and-americans/. With this in mind, criticism should be delivered in private and given in a circumspect manner. The African Americans behave so much differently thatn their European Americans in terms of how they handle such things as time and eating as the writer portrays the America he interacted with. Muslim men/women do not always shake hands with women/men. WebAn intensive virtual programme designed for leaders and consultants interested in using Organisational Culture as a tool of management and change. Kenya vs United States Culture Stats Compared - NationMaster Joel is a Kikuyu, Everyone had one car for the Dad to go to work. The idea of running around is therefore not necessary. Ethnic Make-up: Kikuyu 22%, Luhya 14%, Luo 13%, Kalenjin 12%, Kamba 11%, Kisii 6%, Meru 6%, other African 15%, non-African (Asian, European, and Arab) 1%. Differences Many languages, religions, and cultural traditions converge in Kenya making it a dynamic and vibrant place to visit and experience. Gifts need not be expensive. Their love affairs are intense and short lived. While I was visiting Business Insider's Lagos office in January, there was a power outage followed by the office building's generator breaking. Is it A. Comparative Management of Human Resources between 3 times more than Kenya. If you know that you are going to visit someone's house for lunch, it is advisable to warn them beforehand so they do not go to the expense of purchasing meat. It could mean "hopefully," "I hope so," "maybe," "who knows," or "it's not my problem," among a dozen other things. In United States, approximately 100% of the population has electricity access as of 2020. Chapati - Kenyan version of a heavy tortilla, made with flour and fat, fried and best eaten hot. Kam, L. (2010). Since maintaining honor and dignity are paramount, Kenyans may offer what they believe is the expected response rather than say something that might embarrass the other person. Kenya is known for several well-known dishes in East Africa. I also agree with the dressing. This is not ancestor worship per se, but rather a belief that when someone dies their spirit lives on and must be acknowledged. In whichever country one is, the parents should be taken care of by the children. "Cultural Differences: Kenyans, Malaysians, Chinese and Americans." In Kenya, there are only four telephone service providers. You are free to use it to write your own assignment, however you must reference it properly. But methinks we are lovers of taking life at a stride. In United States, approximately 19.0 women per 100,000 births die during labor as of 2017. In some homes, a washing basin will be brought to the table. If this was Ngugi wa Thiogo Or Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie I think such critism would be fair. They may ask questions until they feel comfortable and are able to proceed satisfactorily. Demonstrating respect towards ancestors is believed to maintain harmonious relationships within the family, extended family, and clan or tribe. May 5, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/cultural-differences-kenyans-malaysians-chinese-and-americans/. I enjoyed this light hearted comparison. The continent is larger than North America and comprises over 3,000 ethnic groups, speaking over 1,500 languages, residing in 54 countries. In Kenya, there are 26.4 babies per 1,000 people as of 2022. be 18.0 times more likely to die during childbirth. !watch the Oscars n the Grammys,start theirKenyans don't dress better than Americans..heck Kenyans don't even dress better than Ta. In Nigeria, it is frowned upon to greet, eat with, or take items with your left hand. Politicians know this and therefore turn such functions into impromptu political rallies. What do you call it when the West give food and other aid to the needy peoples of the world? I spent the past three months of my travels in Africa, specifically in Egypt, Morocco, Nigeria, Kenya, and Tanzania. Regions and countries are sometimes as different from one another as America is from them. "Cultural Differences: Kenyans, Malaysians, Chinese and Americans." The concept is essentially about mutual assistance, mutual effort, mutual responsibility and community self-reliance. Men should wait for a woman to extend her and first. The working culture in Kenya vs Abroad Every hotel had a strict 10 a.m. checkout. Although the official languages are Swahili and English, there are actually a total of 62 languages spoken in the country (according to Ethnologue). How long is your commute? Religions: Protestant 45%, Roman Catholic 33%, Muslim 10%, indigenous beliefs 10%, other 2%. I stayed in multiple hotels and lodges in northern Tanzania near or in the Serengeti National Park and on the island of Zanzibar. StudyCorgi. I read the comments and obviously the iphone guy was .I am so proud of the writer of this article ..A mugikuyu by the few words i read in that language. Signing in allows you to change your location, ask questions in our community, contribute to our cost of living database, and more. Learn more. But if you ever want to see bad dressing, go to Wal-Mart. Not its adherence to any particular culture. That is beside the point. Spend any amount of time in the Middle East or North Africa, and you will become familiar with the Arabic phrase "inshallah." The Similarities and Differences in the 5 May. Do you think we dress like actors and actresses? The Chinese value In-group collectivism; in case a member of the family is not at the dining table at the time of the meal, but he or she is expected to arrive soon, then other members should wait for him or her. Often too, folks speaking English fluently would use non-English affixes and words in a conversation. Villagers would come early in the morning toyou guessed right, gawk at the huge earth movers and trucks the whole day. Have you heard of any workplace mass shootings in Kenya? Values, ideologies, perceptions, and beliefs that people hold are greatly influenced by their country of origin. Saudi Arabian has a culture of innovativeness and invention; it is greatly regarded as red as a virtue for one to devise his way of operating and doing things. On mention some of the t-shirts and jeans apiece cost as much as 5 mitumba suits plus dress shirts! The level of conservatism can vary greatly depending on what part of the country you are in. Be cognitive of the fact you too speak with an accent that may not be familiar. Is that wastage too? Kenya - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette It, is easy to find college students living under the same roof as their parents in their early twenties. A 24 hour economy that has been running for decades has "many" color jobs which dictates attires, dressing and dressing up. Ts called the rat race coz the winner is still a rat! The reason being that the Americans are serial polygamists- meaning they may have multiple lovers in their lifetimes. There is an abundance of international restaurants including Italian, You need to read wider as your American education may not have prepared you fully as an intellectual. On the same token, Kenyan English, as with American or any other version spoken around the world, has culture-specific expressions and dictum. Grandparents are considered part of, the family unit. "Cultural Differences: Kenyans, Malaysians, Chinese and Americans." Serving the University of Rochester Community Since 1873. In nearly every country I have visited, the standard hotel checkout time is noon or, at the earliest, 11 a.m. This is a huge contrast to the US, where most Americans claim to be Christian. as well as other partner offers and accept our, Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories, After spending months in the Middle East, I'm convinced a single phrase with more than a dozen meanings is key to understanding Arab culture, traffic cost Egypt about 3.6% of its gross domestic product, A year ago I left New York to travel around the world as Business Insider's. I had a similar experience while leaving a national park in Tanzania, though my tour guide was able to talk the officer out of asking for a bribe. Its geography extends from the warm coastal waters of the Indian Ocean to volcanic mountains in the Great Rift Valley to the lacustrine highlands near the largest freshwater lake on the continent. Facts About Kenya: Culturally Vibrant, Beautifully Diverse Other times, it's a polite cover for something someone doesn't want to tell you, like when a guesthouse had given up my room because of a double booking. Around half the population are Christians, 10% Muslim and there are small Hindu and Sikh minorities. Some of these must be jammies. The term is an umbrella that, encompasses behavior, norms, and institutions found in a given society. In our home we don't really throw much food away unless it is bad as is the case with fruits and vegetables. (2021) 'Cultural Differences: Kenyans, Malaysians, Chinese and Americans'. The drive through economy that thrives in the USA will take a long time to catch up in Kenya. Their focus is to complete the job at hand. You must be one of those simpletons who have been swallowed whole by the idiocy that American values and traditions are supreme to everyone's else-what balderdash! He simply made a few observations. For a married woman being fat means that the husband is able financially and can provide abundantly for his family. At the age of eighteen especially for men, culture dictates that a man should innovate his or her way of doing things. Titles are important. How big is Kenya compared to United States? Here are some quick, key facts you should know about Kenya: Population: 52,214,791. I think you could have done abetter article for education purposes. So now, I always have to request politely to the people concerned, so that only one spoon be served before I get a mountain of food on my plate. In Kenya, on the other hand, 27.9 children do as of 2022. be 15.0% less likely to have access to electricity. WebThe country of Kenya is made up of many different ethnic groups and tribes which makes it very broad when comes to their culture. As relationships are important in Kenya, devote time to small talk in order to get to know your hosts and vice-versa. Kenya remains East Africas largest and most important business, financial, and transportation hub, with 80 percent of East Africas trade flowing through Mombasa In reply to Beyond your first assertion by Mwakilishi. I can not imagine someone going to my parents home and demanding a tax on their house or land in Kenya. World Heritage Sites. At old age, parents are not supposed to be taken in old homes under the care of the homes but children are supposed to include them in their families as part of them. I know that because half of the Taarifa ya Habari in the evening was dedicated to the Presidents diary. It must be noted that most of the food in Africa is natural and fresh, as opposed to the artificially-flavored, refrigerated food mostly consumed here. I see you are doing your best to become an intellectual but you may need to be more substantive and original in your thinking. He just made an observation and put pen to paper. 2022 MyLifeElsewhere.com All rights reserved. Quite often the husbands parents will live with the nuclear family when they get older and can no longer care for themselves. Please bear with us as some older content may be temporarilily unavailable. United States has a top tax rate of 39.6% as of 2016. It is that diversity that makes America great. I think a lot of people writing comments need to chill out. When greeting someone with whom you have a personal relationship, the handshake is more prolonged than the one given to a casual acquaintance. While each country had a distinct culture and customs, I experienced many culture clashes while visiting Africa. You can imagine standing to answer to an old mama how you night was, how your family is faring, your domestic animals, your bicycle, that uncle of yours who lives in Nairobi, on and on. Web645 Dislike Share Save. The country is known for its deep harbors and is one of the worlds densely populated countries. In United States, approximately 91.0% of the population has internet access as of 2020. Photo taken in Nairobi by Lorenzo Cerato on Unsplash. Cultural Differences: Moving from America to Kenya - YouTube Equal intelligence is a, Which of the following statements concerning the external validity of Single-Subject Research experiments is true? Should yourespond otherwise or unitretersted, they think you are acting white. NO ONE THROWS THE TURKEY AWAY. But the frequency and degree were far more severe. Sophomore Daniel Pyskaty, former SA Senator and Chair of the Academic Affairs Committee, will be next years SA President, succeeding. Yet, despite having these many languages, a foreigner can get around Kenya with relative ease by speaking English, or Kiswahili. Education. Take the time to inquire about the other persons general well-being, family, and business in general. This comes down to wanting to protect peoples face and the relationship. In Kenya, that number is 40.0% as of 2013. be 2.4 times more likely to live below the poverty line. In the United States, there is no gender egalitarianism. Thereafter, in my various interactions I realized that America has different standards of measurement from most of the world. As time is money, those who waste time on trivialities, daily rituals and ceremonial greetings are bound to lack in good things of life. While traveling in Egypt and Morocco in December and January, my partner experienced harassment and verbal abuse related to both her gender and her race and was even followed particularly when I was not with her on the street. Initially we thought it was because its Sunday and everyone was attended church or temple. At this point in the presence of either sides family, the dating couple can meet and discuss different issues. Mr. Bean did not just create his memes from the air. About Thanksgiving. Or developed world problems as we call them. It is also up to you to read between the lines and decipher what may really being said. Duh. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. The notion that men are superior to women supports Hofstedes notion of power distance, the culture is used to create social stratification in Kenyan families; men are highly valued. A short intense period of honest love and then part ways with your spouse in divorce (American love). Make no mistake, the sheer amount of food wasted in one county in the USA per day is enough to feed the Horn of Africa for a month. You can get proper methods to improve your social skills and make yourself more appealing out there in front of the partner of your choice. Different people have different habits and traditions that suit them but none are superior than others. Much of the country lacks a power grid, and even in Lagos, the business hub, power can go off for hours at a time without notice. Once a personal relationship has developed, you may be able to address a person by their title and first name, first name alone, or nickname. It's fairly common in Africa in both North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa to eat the traditional way: with your hands. Kenya is one of the most diverse countries in Africa. This is a major issue. Poor Moody Awori tried to introduce the National Dress, we told him, why fix something thats not broken. Some children grow into adulthood before seeing their dads hair, and if mom is a Womans Guild member, then the poor child will never know the color of his parents hair! I heard one man ask when he entered a deserted banking hall at 1PM. What about in Americ? For you see, in the village, a ceremony is supposed to end with the setting of the sun. I once worked in a certain place where greetings would take a whole five minutes! Robert Serpell, PhD, who is Differences I once saw a driver shaving as he drove to work. Dining patterns vary tremendously according to ethnicity, location and socio-economic position of the host. And they wear them with pride. If invited to dinner at a Kenyans home, bring pastries, flowers, or sweets for the hostess. Culture and customs of Saudi Arabia. Close female friends may hug and kiss once on each cheek instead of shaking hands. I did not get on a plane until I was 17 years old. Kenyan public schools are taught in the British version of English. Ones ancestors are thought to be able to influence events in life since they are in a limbo state and closer to God than the living. Similarities Between Kenya And America - 151 Words | Studymode You will always be a slave of Saturn if you harbor such hate. clear in leadership, food, religion, family, and work. Hong Kong Culture: Word and Image. Ninety minutes? Sometimes it is not enough. Kenya Structures in business are flat and it is normal to be on first name terms with ones superiors. I must acknowledge, though, that many people dont see the portions as huge; they see it as enough. Hong Kong is situated on Chinas south coast; it is one of the two SARs (Special Administrative Region) of the larger China, the region is has a fast growing economy. The statistics above were calculated using the following data sources: Socialization tools are responsible for the passing of culture from one generation to another; culture is not static, undergoes various adjustments and changes. - Often (not always) Pan-European oriented - Strong influence from American culture - More openly Pagan - Cultural/Spiritual movement instead of Westport: Greenwood Publishing Group. WebThe distinction between East Asia and the West is only one of many cultural distinctions that separate different ways of thinking about intelligence. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider You are best served asking for clarification rather than making assumption. This might happen in a formal conversation as well, like briefing sessions in your internship, lectures during field trips, and classes you may be taking in our partner institutions. You will attune your ear to the version spoken here. Culture However, there may be a special place for the most honoured guest. WebIn Kenya alone, there are ~45 different communities or tribes (think Scottish, English, Welsh, Northern Irish, etc as the 'tribes' of the UK). Direct and frank communication is not the norm in Kenya. It was expected that if you were driving near our family home you were expected to "drop in" unannounced. She could never understand this eating on the go. Although the Kenyan belief in God, he believes that God lives in the topmost mountain of a country, when he is in a certain country, he has to ensure that at one particular point he knows the direction of the highest mountain, when praying he must face that direction. In Nairobi there are a large number of food options that you might expect to see in America. Ofcourse food is supposed to be enjoyed followed by some socialisition. As a left-handed person, I found this difficult to get used to. What would you prefer, 1. Cultural Differences between Iraq and America No wonder in many banks, they intentionally have one or two very lazy cashiers serving customers even when there are 12 cashier windows. 2 depicts Kenyans. The term is an umbrella that encompasses behavior, For better or worse (but most likely worse), we tend to think of our way of doing things as the "right" way. It is no wonder to see a girl nurse changing inside her car at the hospital parking lot; because she did not have time to do so between her two jobs. The continent is larger than North America and comprises over 3,000 ethnic groups, speaking over 1,500 languages, residing in 54 countries. Aberdeen: Hong Kong University Press. Kachumbari - Kenyan version of salsa. Kenyans are group-orientated rather than individualistic. The American style advocates for elderly home care. The banks ambiance has a therapeutic effect to some of us. A long suffering (In most cases women and more and more men are joining) marriage (African love). This paper was written and submitted to our database by a student to assist your with your own studies. 7 times more than Kenya. And I am talking about men and women leaving their homes to come and see for themselves and for posterity. And most other African countries are also the same. Meetings seldom have scheduled ending times since what matters is finishing the meeting in a satisfactory manner to all concerned. We left an hour later. In the United States, families are relatively, smaller in size. Personal values, attributes, ideologies, beliefs, and religion are elements of culture. WebSome differences include grading and teaching methods. Blue jeans, faded jeans, torn jeans, sagging jeans, mom jeans. This paper analysis cultural differences and culture shock experienced by three of my friend who hails from Kenya, Hong Kong, and Saudi Arabia; they are in the United States for their college studies. Or, 2. For us, eating is a leisurely affair meant to be enjoyed. Cultural differences arise constantly and are diffused throughout the physical world as people move, or through the Internet. Official languages: Swahili, English. On my first trip to Africa (we arrived on a Sunday) we were impressed with the beautiful dresses and full make up on the woman. Also: a group of people that share the same Mzee Moja leo kweli umenichekesha! cost of labor production units of labor profit question 2 Salaries for professions (such as, An accounting project. Since there are so many different tribes they have lots of native languages. In Kenya, 85% of the population do as of 2019. be 80.4% less likely to have internet access. While you are likely to have some cultural mix-ups as an American visiting European countries, it's nothing compared to Africa, where things seem to work completely differently from the US. expensive as restaurants in Washington, D.C. Professional Studies and Executive Education. It is After Hours soloists that really make the EP, with voices from graduates I havent heard in years. Afghanistan - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette. Some people literally live and love in their cars. Simply change the country name depending on which guide you are referencing. The practice of the culture is that male is the dominant gender and women are supposed to be submissive and should take orders from men. Differences Between The Czech Republic WebThese cultures are the American and Kenyan cultures, and their point of comparison and contrast would be on the issues of money and success and sex and marriage. We eat that meal for a week and Thanksgiving left overs are the highlight of our year. That said, locals in any country tend to give plenty of leeway to foreigners for mucking up cultural norms.
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cultural differences between kenya and america 2023