In other words, what makes it selective, it only reaches and reacts with reactive oxygen species. I definitely felt that. When we dont have hydrogen gas, oxidation rises until we get what we call oxidative stress. The body was designed to make its own hydrogen gas when youre digesting food. And today I've got an expert for you, Dr. Oh, I didn . It is there to modulate the body's core systems and pathway I even I dont even have a study and I shared it in my lecture at the event where we met, but they did a study on zebrafish and innate immunity So imagine that hydrogen can affect innate immunity in zebrafish. Another great podcast! selfishly wanted to have this conversation. Just they need love, and they need a group they need a group they belong to. And thats how I like to do medicine. Yeah. Yeah. And you dont know where to start. Well, as always, I could probably talk to you all day long. Its that their body is wanting it because they need energy and theyve got so much being thrown at them mentally right now. How does immune function work we have Dr. Herzog, Dr. Jessica Herzog who is medical director, she goes into inflammation, she goes into immune function, she goes into a lot of stuff. But cytotoxic just means its cell damaging. very best hydrogen water system that you can at the very best price, and to show you why you should do so. He was featured in The Truth about Cancer and has been on radio shows and podcasts worldwide. Its a fasting cheat sheet. And I would say thats probably what I find the hardest about educating people about Wi Fi, is its invisible. Youve already given us so much. And you can see everything on our site from that link. And so I have found the two products, you know, these two products that Ive developed to get to the core, because I dont like band dating, I dont like symptomology, I dont like symptom chasing, I like to fix the core issues in the body, and then see whats left. Dr. Mindy 51:28 !My brand NEW book, Fast Like A Girl is ready for Order! I love that. How long does it take, and Ill say, first class, and and thats amazing. So please let us know if theres anything we can do to make this podcast more customized to you to make it better. So the electrical content is the same. So what we saw was there was only a 10% activity rate of fibroblasts versus 100%, with the body by itself. So we have a lot of content. Hydrogen Water - The New Water Craze You Need To Know Of - Podchaser So what Ive done to make fasting much easier for you guys is I have a free giveaway. Intermittent can mean multiple times a day, but theres space in between. You have ceilings, you have a Windows, you have Doors, these, these kind of structures dont stop these kinds of fields, if you can use your cell phone in your house, then you know, theyre not stopping it. Dr. Paul Barattiero 15:24 And you have you have solved two major problems that Im seeing happening to the human body, which is why I wanted to bring you on how do people find you? I am deeply grateful to be on this journey with you and lets get healthy together. Because the terrain and the biome is not appropriate. Once we started creating pesticides and overusing antibiotics, our guts got ruined. Now we have all of our immune system doing what its supposed to do. And so the reality is, I created these products that are foundational in what they do from an immune function from a brain function from all of this. love that. And connect, unify yourself with your body. So if youre one of those people who youre struggling with healing, youre youre feel like youre doing everything you cant get to that next level of health. He's developed the Echo hydrogen water system, along with other products like Synergy Sauna and Waveguard EMF Protection, to modulate immune and cognitive function.In this talk, he explores what hydrogen is and why it's important in the body, discusses the . And its incredibly how its incredible how much surface area there is. So typically, we eat three times a day. Without hydrogen, its its very difficult for the body. The fact that you have Wi Fi in a building or or cellular signals coming in from a tower, there is voltage in the air. I mean, theres been so many tests on every type of disease you could imagine with hydrogen, and showing that it does exactly that. Yeah. And you buy that, yeah, you buy the device based on the size of field you want. I believe theres a spiritual connection in addition to just the physical part of the gut. So we its not that we just want to pump the body for the hydrogen, what we want to have is signal modulation going on. I I havent read books on the MLS. I know you have a 10% discount for our resetter community. And we want to have communication. Just over ten years ago, he was introduced to a water technology that he was told would help his wife. But wheres the problem? Hydrogen Water - Drink To Your Health - Synergy Science And I think that so Im thinking its a little bit like remodeling your house, and making the inside of your house more enjoyable to live in. Everyone knows what it feels like to love. Just Damn it. He founded Synergy Science, Inc. in 2011 and developed a full line of products focused on detoxification, immune boost, and gut recovery. So no, you dont have that. And I want to thank you for spending part of your day with me. And it has an abundance of this key bacteria, we need to keep ourselves calm and to be able to metabolize hormones. Dr. Paul Barattiero 24:37 And so what are they doing right now? So put your nerd hats on, youre within that field, if there is a human being present, theres another low frequency that appears in the 100 to 300 range is which is where your organs communicate with each other. Paul Barattiero, creator of the Echo water machine and founder of Synergy Science, Inc. Paul has been featured in "The Truth About Cancer" documentary, spoken on many radio and television shows. Okay, my last question for you is, if you had one message for the world, what would it be? of disease. And it can take up to two years to restore your gut bacteria back. Yeah. And if you just go into the show notes, youll see theres a link there, just click on the link and itll send you to the fast team cheat sheet. Lifestyle Steps to Heal Your Menopausal Brain with Dr. Annette Bosworth, What You Need to Know About Water with Mario Brainovic, Reclaim Your Journey as a Woman with Kelly Brogan, How to Do Life Around Your Hormones with Kate Northrup,, Why hydrogen water will actually repair the terrain of your gut, How hydrogen water is way more effective than a probiotic, The ways you can protect yourself from Wi-Fi. Its like fasting. Dr. Mindy 12:00 Water Machine Faucets Echo H2 Manual Faucet $ 110.00 Add To Cart. Dr. Paul Barattiero 10:02 soon as that water hits your stomach with hydrogen gas, it selectively stimulates ghrelin secretions to the hippocampus, hypothalamus, and brainstem. Yeah, it is yeah, sitting in their own home, and never making the correlation that it has to do with their Wi Fi with their beat. He developed the Echo hydrogen water system as well as other products to modulate immune and cognitive function. If youre if theyre listening to this, and theyre like, this is fascinating. Dr. Paul Barattiero on Vitality Health Show | Thursday, November 26, 2020 Unfortunately, there is no way to turn off all of the cellular signals that are penetrating your living environment. So what our device does is it creates a field. 12 years ago, he set out to educate the world on the vast benefits of molecular hydrogen. Would it be a great post antibiotic treatment? Yeah. His lectures present the causal problem and the solutions through scientific studies. So much worse than 1800? And we have studied this, theres typically three volts per meter in the air. But if its in our face, then all of a sudden, we must do something about it. And so thats very critical, but built into the device I developed. Thats what I apologize if I was confusing, which now I realized, obviously, it was, Dr. Mindy 50:57 elucidating. Again, thanks to hydrogen water. And then theres a ton of installation videos and more short videos on whats the difference between plain water and hydrogen water. And you would see that they have a positive 600 millivolts of electrical potential in the water, we change that to a negative 450 millivolts of electrical potential. (H2) in reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, the leading cause. But yeah. What else can we do? They get stuck because theyre feeling dizzy, theyre tired, theyre hardest palpate palpitating or theyre just too darn hungry. Dr. Mindy 15:00 Theres what happens so much in medicine than, you know, this Monday that there becomes a popular belief, and then you have multiple books come out with their own versions of it. His message has focused on the critical role of molecular hydrogen (H2) to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. And all that really means because I think most people dont understand what it means to have a dysfunctional gut, it just means that you have the incorrect bacteria. So this is what we do. And so I really strongly feel that there are six facets that will really benefit the human body. And I just think theyre getting disconnected. And so we can we can help with that. emotionally. Again, thanks to hydrogen water. And then if we really get beyond Wi Fi, because thats so passe, right? So how would I know again, I think this is such an interesting concept because I dont think people are as aware of what Wi Fi is doing to them. Did you know that hydrogen is vital for life and everything in the body needs it? Also mental clarity, I cant tell you how many medical professionals have contacted us and said, I couldnt even hardly think once they put 5g in my area or whatever. Do you? But we also have a YouTube channel. hydrogen gas. And its incredible. So its kind of like fasting and sunlight and sleep. He developed the Echo Water System as . And this is, you know, how I approach my my menopause experience and why I read the menopause reset is I was like, why does so many women have menopause symptoms? Yes. So I dont know about you guys, but Ive tried a lot of probiotic powder is only to be disappointed by their tastes, well Organa phi delivered this time with their balance product. Now, you could take your aro, and run it through our server, which you see right there. Dr. Mindy 51:07 I like to do that by bringing you the latest science, the greatest thought leaders and applicable steps that help you tap into your own internal healing power. agree, I, well, heres the deal. Dr. Paul Barattiero 16:48 Why is, you know, 16,000? And dont drag it through life, like a like a piece of luggage, listen to your body, get in the habit of hearing what your body wants, and then actually do it. This is a very common question that I get pretty much on a weekly basis. Thats not what you want to drink. So thank you. Not all information is truth. Paul Barattiero presents Echo Water Machine 1378 views Jun 11 2017 Like Dislike Share Save Hal Woods Videos Subscribe Echo 9 Ultra H2 Water Machine is the ultimate in . And mixes in really easy, tastes really good. How can we make sure that their health doesnt suffer greater than ours is. Ill get a list together for that. But Ill skim How about that Ill skim it. First was you felt more clarity mentally. Well, first of all, not all of them are bad, we need to understand that just because you have your nice little meter that says theres EMF doesnt mean theyre harmful to you. So theres a whole nother level we can look at the gut from and then the second thing we talk about is how do we protect ourselves from Wi Fi. Thats what we need to do. And in other words, what does that really saying in plain English, if we change the electrical potential of the tissue in the gut, weve changed the terrain and the biome so that it now supports the proper bacteria, the anaerobic micro Flora to then come and live there. Dr. Paul Barattiero and hydrogen water: Directed by Chris Lavoy, Lourdes Reynolds. And youre like, Whoa, thinking about it that way. Paul Barattiero, Hydrogen water, Water filtration, Dr. Ravi Kulasekere And they got a new lease on life. So that you can listen to the innate intelligence of your body and what it needs for itself to function for you in the way that you want. Yeah. Shes amazing. So the reality is we are we do have a hydrogen generator built into our body. The second thing is to start listening to your body, your body innately knows what it needs. But anyways, the point is, we are organs are supposed to communicate with each other. Yeah, go to synergy synergy science SYN, er, GY synergy, and then forward slash Dr. Mindy pills. I'm your host, Laura Frontiero. I know. His message has focused on the critical . In addition, with hydrogen water, you will feel an increase in energy because the mitochondria of the body are offloaded as soon as the oxidative stress is reduced. industry expert founded Synergy Science, Inc. after being in the industry over 14 years and understanding electrolysis and its benefits and weaknesses. Dr. Mindy 30:26 But again, we have to get them water within with a negative 300 or more ORP level, thats actually appropriate. Theyre theyre not going to feel anxious. He set out to educate the world on the benefits of molecular hydrogen dissolved in drinking water. . The water is the delivery system for the H 2 The wound. And we ourselves didnt know that this device that that that haugan created does although were learning ourselves, we know. So were very excited for that to be finished as well. And so its important to make sure you have a source thats appropriate. All right, its almost impossible to be without them. Not only is it giving me that really cool side effect, but its also really tasty. So these two products blow me away. But what does that really mean. But the reality shes amazing woman, and she has video. And when I was first in practice, people would come in with one symptom. Sure. Now we have hydrogen production. Most of us dont even know that they did this study, even though its published. So its really a delivery vehicle for a number of things that definitely affect the body. Why do we have to think about EMF, why is this so draining to the human body? Hydrogen is critical to just about everything that we have. Hydrogen Studies - Home Yes. But I gotta use my hands. 12 years ago, he set out to educate the world on the vast benefits of molecular hydrogen. We dont just want to pump the body full of hydrogen; we want to have signal modulation going on. And again, if I hadnt tried it for myself, I would have thought it was just another Yes, esoteric concept. And Ill tell you, thats what people ask all the time. But its pretty rare. One study is 60 individuals and the other studies 80 individuals. The Echo Water Machine produces the highest amount of dissolved molecular hydrogen available (up to 3ppm tested at a normal flow rate). But I would encourage you to get youth on their their gut back because this is where theyre going to have the ability to function through stress through critical decisions, and not have such food cravings that start to build oxidative stress into the body young and acne issues and food allergies and all these kinds of things. So that we can understand because literally, your body is supposed to be communicating with itself. And then thats also three quarters of the way through. Well, these things are great, right? Hydrogen is so strongly sought after by the medical community because its an elective antioxidant. Dr. Mindy 18:53 // R E A D Y S E T R E S E T This episode is all about water and Wi-Fi. That second brain that our gut is, food allergies, go away, all these kind of things happen. Dr. Paul Barattiero 50:59 Just drinking a bottle of it. So heres the coolest story. TTAC Webinar #3 | The Benefits of Hydrogenized Water Feat. Paul Barattiero Loved this podcast so much. Look at whats right. And its about three quarters of the way through right now. And with our technology, the body is able is able to function nearly the same. Dr. Paul Barattiero 15:52 And so you know that thats amazing. There is no benefit to the human body by drinking or eating things that are higher pH, which is pretty hard to eat anything because theres no vegetable on the planet, theres nothing that grows on the planet that is higher than a seven, you know, seven pH everything is more in the acid range, which so is your stomach acid.
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dr paul barattiero hydrogen water machine 2023