This report provides applications submitted within a date range. Assistors can access cases assigned to them by selecting the tabs "Cases" and then "My Cases" from the top line menu. This will ensure that this office(s) will be allowed to participate while the Principal/RO responds or appeals the denial decision. Authorized IRS e-file Providers may need to provide documentation for a variety of reasons, not limited to. When EFINs are place in the inactive Status due to the EFIN cleanup, and its been more than 60 days from the date the EFINs were marked inactive, these EFINs will be dropped. Applicants must select "New application" when creating an application. Items of importance include: If Scheme Development Center recommends fail and provides specific reasons that support that recommendation, recommend fail. See TC, SC (Status Codes) and CC in Document 6209, ADP and IDRS Information: If a TC 150 is posted under the spouse's SSN, check the status of the tax account under the SSN appearing on the ASAP report. When using the VineLink website, click on the state in the map, then open the Search and Register tab to search for the inmate. A dropped EFIN may not be used by that ERO; a new EFIN must be issued. The software developers ETIN cant be updated to production. An IRS sponsored Not for Profit business activity applicant should include the SIDN on the Doing Business As line. If the application contains only one Principal, the firm must provide a new Principal or Responsible Official, with proof and any necessary information through the RUP or send a signed statement on official company letter head. EPSS conducts biannual matching (May and December) of Social Security Administration records against e-file Providers records to determine if any e-file Providers are deceased. If the other person on the application is the Responsible Official, and the only Principal is the individual incarcerated, do not send the letter to the firm. If your clients are due a tax refund, they often want those funds in their hands as soon as possible. When response from IDT Research Group is "No IDT Detected" , continue suitability processing, close Incident and case ID. You must have an order placed for your tax year 2022 program or be enrolled in Auto-Renew before you can proceed. If an EFIN is compromised, we will attempt to contact the firm, inactivate the EFIN, issue a new EFIN and notify the firm in writing. Take no additional actions. If the application is a valid state government agency, update business rule status from Not Confirmed to "No Hit". Application Status will be "Resubmission Required" . If suitability is passed, the system will move provider status from "Applied" to "Accepted" , issue an EFIN and ETIN (if applicable), move the application status to "Complete" and generate an acceptance letter. If second line does not agree with recommendation, the case will be returned. Send firm letter to a Principal other than the one with the issue. If the answer is "Yes" , input the DBA Name or EFIN number. You should make telephone contact or send Letter 5876C, (select from drop-down Continued Participation LOI) to address the compliance issues identified. The examples given are not all inclusive. Assistors will go to "FPC Results" screen and add a comment documenting whether the adjudication resulted in a Minor, Moderate, or Major followed by a hyphen "-" . The denial or sanction will remain in effect. Changes related to FBI criminal records are referred to be adjudicated. Update the business rule of "Not Confirmed" to "Hit" with additional information. We assign an EFIN to identify firms that have completed the IRS e-file Application to become an Authorized IRS e-file Provider. contain LITC in the Doing Business As (DBA) name - usually at the end. If not suspended, another case will reopen in another 45 days with the same primary issue. The assistor must: Enter the firm's legal name from INOLES and EIN. FAQs About Electronic Filing Identification Numbers (EFIN) If Scheme Development Center transaction/freeze codes have been reversed and no other literal/hits appear, update this information on the ASAP section of application. Add comments to Application Comments, if applicable. If EFIN status needs to be determined, SL will send the e-mail to EPPM using the *W&I EFIN Referrals mailbox. The drop-down selections are Employee Benefit Program, Large Taxpayer, Military Base, State Government Agency, Tax Counseling for the Elderly and Volunteer Income Tax Assistance. The EFIN(s) associated with the failed TINs will then be systematically inactivated. Follow procedures in IRM, Case Action - Suspend to suspend the ESAM case and close the EHSS interaction. When RICS, CI, RAAS, or other appropriate areas recommend expulsion of the Provider based on a stolen identity used to obtain an EFIN or submit a return using that EFIN, take the following action: Update all associated TIN(s) Suitability Status to Expelled. If documents are not required or the suitability is in "Pass" or not required, the application status will move to "Submitted Revised" . Proc. If accepted, update personal suitability to "Pass" and send Letter 5883, Continued Participation after Sanction Response. Chief of E-file Provider Program Management is responsible for the development and delivery of policy and guidance. Andover e-help Desk will use the e-file sanction request to request a recommendation from the LDC about the administrative review and appeal. Registered User Portal (RUP) infrastructure gives users the ability to electronically file certain returns and create or revise certain applications via the internet after becoming an e-Services user. A Straw Person is an individual that is circumventing the e-file application rules by obtaining an EFIN for the sanctioned individual. Facilities Management & Security Services web page has a Program Contact tab, listing territory sensitive document coordinators. If research indicates the individual is still incarcerated, the e-help assistor will take the following actions to "suspend" participation in IRS e-file to ensure individuals and firms cannot participate: Update personal suitability for the matched individual to "Expelled" , select denial reason of "Other" and enter comment "Prison Suspend" . Currently, these application types are Circular 230 and Low-Income Tax Clinic (LITC). If theres an IDT indicator or other IDT issue, do not forward the case to RICS; send the case to Scheme Development, with a notation that theres an IDT issue, along with appropriate documentation. Other roles that may be needed are AERA (ESRV-APPL-EFILE), which provides editing capability and AMNT (ESRV-APPL-EFILE), which provides administrative functionality. This role only allows view access of the application within the EUP. If an assistor feels the applicant is a true SWD, check with your lead before closing the case. This report is a listing of canceled Rap Back Subscriptions. move Case Action to "Suspend" and input 55 days in "Number of Days to Suspend" . This notification will systematically generate a case with Business Rule "Rap Back Activity Event" . Wait for decision. Those expelled for obtaining an EFIN with a stolen identity will go to a Taxpayer Assistance Center (TAC) for validation of identity. EPSS will make a "Pass" or "Fail" determination based on the additional information and the original RAP sheet based on the . If you notice that a Provider Option was added, send Letter 5550, Resubmission Required Provider Option. If the individual meets the criteria for an IA, advise the individual to contact Customer Service Department at 800-829-1040 or use our online IA services via to establish the agreement for individual tax issues. EPRRB will review the correspondence to determine if the individual/firm expulsion decision will be overturned and allowed to reapply to the e-file Program. See IRM, Procedures for Incarcerated Individuals on Active Applications. Providers need an EFIN to electronically file tax returns. Dropped EFIN(s) cant be updated, reactivated or used again by the provider. However, our records indicate you are not a U.S. Citizen. If the provider calls after the Undeliverable Mail Code is set, then: Update the address and any other information provided on the application. To verify bank officials, send Letter 5882C, (select from drop-down Unable to Verify - Bank Official) requesting the documentation indicated in IRM, Personal Credentials Screen for Principals and Responsible Officials. For existing applications, update all associated EFINs and ETINs to "Inactive" . "Duplicate" - FBI has detected that the same fingerprints were previously submitted under a different name/social security number. When submitting letters for review, include the MFTRA report received. Policy Owner: Director, Electronic Products and Services Support. You can only be enrolled in one Pay-by-Refund program at a time. verification of professional status credentials. LDC will also provide a copy of the federal court order. Once review is complete, mark the letter final. In addition, authors cant submit the application, unless they are either the Principal, Principal Consent or Responsible Official with designated authority. Click Submit. Access CC MFTRA "U" to obtain the country of birth and ensure it matches the one noted on the Treasury SDN list. If additional validation is needed, then research IDRS. The term alien means any person not a citizen or national of the United States. Extension of Time for Filing (TC 460) for other than current year or later and no TC 150 present. Send Letter 5899C, (select from drop-down Revocation Individual or Revocation Firm). The SBSE examination LDC will complete and provide an e-file sanction request with a copy of the court order via fax to Andover e-help Desk to identify the individuals and/or provider to be sanctioned. If no suitability issues exist, and an EFIN is either active or inactive, enter on the application comments suspended or disbarred by OPR indefinitely, include the date and close incident if applicable. See IRM, Immediate Suspension or Expulsion, for other situations that warrant an immediate suspension. Observe disclosure safeguards as prescribed in IRM 11.3, Disclosure of Official Information. If no issues are identified, edit "Business Rules" from "Not Confirmed" to "No Hit" , move suitability of SSN and/or EIN to "Pass" and add "Notes" . These cases will show the primary issue first, as determined by the system to be the highest priority. 2. A case with the "Primary Issue" of "Software Developer EFIN" will be generated for an applicant selecting only Software Developer (SWD) provider option. Follow disclosure guidelines if information indicates that disclosure occurred due to the compromised EFIN. FPC returned from FBI as Duplicate triggered when the FBI response for a FPC is Duplicate. Inactive EFINs will remain "Inactive" status until an assistor manually updates it to "Active" . Make sure you understand your companys needs and how they apply to your application. YES, ITS COMPLETELY FREE. Join. IRS enrolls these individuals by submitting a "Rap Back Subscription" . An enrolled agent may submit a copy of a current active enrollment card issued by the IRS or provide their enrolled agent number. The Service will monitor and either warn or sanction providers per Rev. If the case needs to be reassigned, select "Reassign" by using the "Case Action" drop-down, enter the workgroup or user and provide an explanation. Embedded in the scheduling link is a Unique User ID (UUID) and program code which is required to schedule an appointment. Inactivate EFIN and notate in application comments "IDT Mailbox RICS Breached Referrals EFIN XXXXXX. If there is only one Principal on the application send a letter only to the Principal. 2. See IRM (4), Procedure for Second Appeal Criminal Investigation (CI) / Scheme Development Centers (SDC). The correspondence must be signed by the authorized person. Ensure the firm's letter is addressed to the correct individual. Your application must also include Principals who are authorized to act for the entity in legal and/or tax matters. Help! The IRS just sent back my EFIN application and it says - Reddit . If an OIC is pending (TC 480) or if an OIC is accepted (TC 780) and no other literal is present, "Pass" . The following may represent some examples of level two infractions: . See IRM Employer User Portal (EUP) for additional information. The application process can take up to 45 days, so preparers are encouraged to begin the registration well in advance of tax season. Principals and Responsible Officials who are incarcerated with a release date in the future will be immediately suspended from participation in IRS e-file but may appeal the suspension and may reapply when released from prison. For enrolled agents, their number will auto populate. Acceptable proof of a currently active professional status: A CPA must show valid and current qualifications to practice in any state commonwealth, possession, territory or the District of Columbia; they must not currently be under suspension or disbarment from practice. Continuous Suitability - triggered when MF Transcript provides a Hit on the TIN. The period of denial and sanctions are imposed by the level of infraction. IDT Research Group will research for potential IDT. When working a continuous suitability case: Research IDRS to ensure the EIN/SSN is compliant. If another Authorized IRS e-file Provider (Provider), they must have a valid EFIN. If the firm or individual provides a court order that indicates the firm or the individual may no longer be enjoined from filing returns, Andover e-help Desk will use the Form 14631, e-file Revocation Request to request a recommendation from the LDC, prior to changing the eligibility date, to allow the individual and/or firm to reapply. (7) IRM - updated procedures for working not-for-profit rejection cases for clarification. If the application is not revised within 30 days, issue letter referencing the telephone conversation and update case to Suspend.
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efin application denied 2023