Gisella sourit plus chaleureusement. Message du 27 septembre 2022 Mes enfants, je vous demande daller dans les rues du monde pour annoncer lEvangile, dire tous que Jsus reviendra bientt et que vous devez vousprparer. Message du 15 septembre 2022 Priez pour la Russie et pour les politiciens qui vous ferontsouffrir. Gisella Cardia - Fake | Mother of God Les messages de Notre-Dame de Trevignano Romano font rfrence nos jours ce que Marie dit quil se passe en ce moment souligne le Pre Falvio Ubodi, thologien capucin italien, actuellement suprieur du couvent capucin dOrvieto. To read of the coming Warning and the mass evangelization that will take place (and is already crucial at this moment) including how priests are the bridge to the Triumph, read the three-part series: And let us not think that evangelization is only the business of the priesthood or a select few. Trevignano Romano : Un archevque a donn un Nihil Obstat sur beaucoup de messages Cest un excellent signe ! Mes enfants, pourquoi attendez-vous des choses terribles pour vous rapprocher de Dieu et quand tout va bien, vous ne connaissez pas votre Sauveur ? Le troisime jour de chaque mois, Notre-Dame lui apparat en public, sur la colline de Tre Vigne, situe juste ct du lac de Bracciano. around our children, our relatives, our friends. Papal academy launches center to evaluate Marian apparitions Lobjectif principal nest pas dannoncer des catastrophes, mais de se protger du mal qui sest empar de la terre (3 dcembre 2016). Now I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. Priez pour les puissants car ils veulent vous conduire la mort. My children, I ask you to have a pure heart: rid it of hatred and resentment, and make weekly confession; be ready, because the Warning is about to occur. Always be ready, because this battle will be strong and everything will lead to a serious war, but still you continue to live as always and with indifference. Without being strictly necessary, confession of everyday faults (venial sins) is nevertheless strongly recommended by the Church. Le 10 septembre, elle adressa ce message : Mes enfants, vous pouvez ici faire partie du Triomphe de mon Cur Immacul. The wife had been prompted interiorly to start a rosary group after experiencing her first Divine Mercy novena. So I ask you, my children on which side do you want to be? The alleged apparitions take place in Trevignano Romano, Italy. UnNihil obstata t rcemment accord par un archevque pour la traduction polonaise du deuxime livre, W drodze z Maryj (En chemin avec Marie) publi par Edizioni Segno, contenant le rcit des apparitions et les messages associs jusquen 2018. Leave us a comment with what you'd like to see in the next video! FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA 2023 Worship Messages-------------------------------------------Gisella Cardia, gisella cardia message, gisella cardia trevignano romano, Lord Jesus, This Spot Of Your Home, Recognize, serve the Lord, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Gisella Cardia, your Jesus, from evil, gates of Hell, apostasy, the Warning, Holy Mother, early Christian, Holy Trinity, The Old Testament, the New Testament, our faith, the Bible, importance of motivation, use of fear, Scripture, Christian leaders, fear of the Lord, afraid of God, book of Revelation, powerful God, right and wrong, playing God, God's love, way to peace, human flourishing, in God, to Christ#gisellacardia #jesus #recognize Mais il a aussi un secret : depuis plusieurs annes, elle vit des expriences mystiques profondes. The new "observatory" or monitoring body was officially inaugurated at the academy in Rome April 15 and will study cases that have not yet received an official Church pronouncement regarding their authenticity. Et beaucoup, malgr tout, ont dj donn leur me au diable. Children, I want to save you and I have no more words, please help me my sweetest children. La famine avance sanspiti, La Madonna di Trevignano Romano Ets Onlus : , Apparitions in Trevignano Romano, Italy : . According to the norms, the local bishop should set up a commission of experts, including theologians, canon lawyers, psychologists and doctors, to help him determine the facts, the mental, moral and spiritual integrity and seriousness of the visionary, and whether the message and testimony are free from theological and doctrinal error. Il y a plusieurs raisons principales de se concentrer sur Trevignano Romano comme source prophtique potentiellement importante et solide. "It is important to provide clarity because often presumed messages generate confusion, spread anxiety-inducing apocalyptic scenarios or even accusations against the pope and the church," he said in a written press release. Message du 11 octobre 2022 Les grandes puissances sattaquent les unes les autres cause de la proximit de tant de dmons, qui sont l pour vous conduire la grandeguerre. Deuximement, plusieurs des messages ouvertement prophtiques semblent avoir t raliss : nous trouvons notamment une demande en septembre 2019 de prier pour la Chine comme source de nouvelles maladies aroportes (Et dbut 2020 le Coronavirus est apparu en Chine). Maintenant, je vous bnis au nom du Pre, du Fils et du Saint-Esprit, Amen . around ALL Children in the world, especially those slated for abortion, infanticide, satanic offering, sexual misuse/abuse. Children, you are in the world but you are not of the world. Message du 17 septembre 2022 Mes enfants, des temps terribles vous attendent mais vous devez vous battre et continuer tre des guerriers de la lumire, nayez paspeur. Gisella Cardia: Fire Will Purify Your Land, But This Thing Will Prevent It From Happening Follow 'Worship Messages' Subscribe: Our Lady's Message to Gisella Cardia for March 3, 2023 Elles ont commenc en 2016 aprs sa visite Medjugorje, en Bosnie-Herzgovine, et lachat dune statuette de Notre-Dame, qui a ensuite commenc pleurer de sang. Les apparitions de Notre-Dame et, plus tard, du Seigneur Jsus commencent galement, avec la dlivrance de leur part de messages qui concernent toute lhumanit. WE DO NOT OWN THE CLIPS \u0026 MUSIC USED IN MOST CASES. Trevignano Romano Jsus 26 avril 2022 Priez pour le Pape et pour mon glise, car ilsvacillent, N.D. de Trevignano Message du 23 avril 2022 Mes enfants, Dieu purifiera cette terre de ses ennemis et de la puanteur et rcoltera tous les meilleursfruits. around every Priest, Bishop, Cardinal, the Popes, all Religious in the World. 15 Catholic young adults who inspire us, 2022, "Of You My Heart Has Spoken" by Archbishop J. Peter Sartain, Catholic Diocese of Little Rock Directory, "Blessed Stanley Francis Rother: The First American Martyr". "This is sensationalism. Message du 5 novembre Ne vous lassez pas de faire des rserves car la famine viendra soudainement les temps dpreuves seront lourds le temps nouveau nest pas loin, ce sera un temps damour, de paix o il ny aura pas de douleur, mais seulement de la joie et enfin vous ne travaillerez que pour lebien. PLEASE READ: Bishops official response:, Italy24 news article/interview:, YouTube Video: Amid Medically Verified Stigmata, Catholic Seer, Gisella Cardia, Responds to Savage Media Attacks: My Soul is Broken! Gisella Cardia kneels and looks skyward Aug. 3, 2020, in the moment devotees claim Mary appeared to her and revealed a message. Lannonce a t faiteen prsence de la tlvision polonaise et de nombreux fidles qui staient rassembls pour la rcitation du Saint Rosaire. Le sourire sur son visage semble diffrent de celui typiquement italien. The congregation established an international commission in 2010 to investigate the claims of six young people who said Mary appeared to them daily beginning in 1981. [ Christ or Satan ] _____ This is a binary election with a known binary outcome. Facebook], il crit : La voyante na pas une vie facile, elle doit tre prte souffrir, ne pas tre crue, rejete, perscute, attaque par satan Dans les messages de Trevignano, la personne choisie est Gisella avec limplication de son mari Gianni . Cardia had been found guilty and convicted of bankruptcy fraud in a business she used to run before moving to Trevignano Romano and claiming to receive messages from Mary. Message du 6 mai 2022 La franc-maonnerie et leur force malfique extravagante ont loign les reprsentants de lglise de la vraie foi chrtienne, insultant le corps de Jsus, loffrant de manire incorrecte et forant mes enfants ne pas sagenouiller et le recevoir sur leurs mains, proclamant un grandmensonge. God bless. . #scppad{padding: 20px 40px; z-index: 2; position: relative;} God offers many ways to face lifes challenges, choices, pope says, Put down the phone, look to God, look at others, pope tells kids, Celebrate Christmas with Ukraine in your hearts, pope says, urging aid, Congolese Catholics take to the streets to protest increasing violence, Pope supports Jewish-Catholic project for social justice, Bishop Romano Rossi of Civita Castellana speaks to a reporter July 31, 2020, outside a church in Anguillara Sabazia, Italy. Today evil celebrates by believing that it has won, taking souls away, deceiving them that the lights of the world, power and lust, are more important than prayer and God. Does God Exist? By your donation in any amount, you and hundreds of other people become part of our mission to inform, form in the Catholic faith and inspire the thousands of readers who visit every month. Pray under the Crucifix of Jesus and He will bless you. he asked. Message du 9 novembre Message de Gisella : jai reu un message de notre trs douce Mre du Ciel dans lequel elle ma annonc qu partir de cette date les messages que je reois galement pendant la semaine, que javais lhabitude de partager avec vous, prcisment pour partager ses appels affectueux de Mre bien que je continue les recevoir, je ne pourrai plus les divulguer, mais seulement les garder dans mon cur et dans mon journal avec amour. April 22, 2023 - Short Statement To Support Catholic Seer, Gisella around all military, around jails, around places of torture or abuse. Priez, priez, priez pour la paix et pour ce qui vous attend. . A $50 gift enables us to cover a news event in a local parish, school or Catholic institution. Message du 27 aot Priez les enfants, pour les centrales nuclaires de lEst, car le danger pour mes enfants commence. I weep because of blasphemies and for priests who are not faithful to God. 21 hours ago . Message du11 juin Cest le temps de lantchrist , Message du 7 juin 2022 Enfants, la guerre continuera et emportera de nombreux pays, priez pour la France et pour lItalie, ce seront eux qui subiront de nombreusespertes, Message du 4 juin 2022 Le sang sera vers dans lglise. FAIR USE NOTICE: I am not associated in any way with Holy Love Ministry, Locutions To The World, Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), Prophet John Leary, Our Lady of Emmitsburg, or any of the other chosen messengers or website links that I provide on this blog. Children, now nothing will be the same as before: they have taken everything away from you including your freedom. Regardez le ciel, vous verrez les signes de la fin des temps. Message du 3 Octobre Enfants, faites en sorte que le modernisme de lglise ne vous contamine pas, soyez fidles au vrai magistre de LEglise. I ask to pray for the Church and for the men of it, corrupt, have now lost their way, many priests, bishops and cardinals are in confusion. Voyante Gisella Cardia - Un mdecin certifie les stigmates Les messages sont donc des instructions pour le salut(7 mars 2017). Personal confession is thus the form most expressive of reconciliation with God and with the Church. And the local Bishop of Civita Castellana appears to have been quietly supportive of Gisella Cardia, having given access early on to a chapel for the overwhelming influx visitors who began to gather in the Cardias house to pray, once news of the apparitions began to spread. The Wrath of God can no longer be stopped, because after the time that you have had at your disposal, many still do not convert. around all believers in the world; and around all unbelievers. Now I leave you with my Maternal blessing, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Children, fire will fall from the sky because the earth needs to be purified. Message du 12 septembre 2022 Vous avez donn vie une humanit sans Dieu, vous avez permis lentre dune idole la place de Dieu dans lglise et vous lavez ador saplace. Our Lady's Message to Gisella Cardia for August 9, 2022 Et lvque local de Civita Castellana semble avoir tranquillement soutenu Gisella Carda, ayant donn accs ds le dbut une chapelle pour lafflux massif de visiteurs qui ont commenc se rassembler dans la maison de Cardia pour prier, une fois que la nouvelle des apparitions a commenc se rpandre. The apparitions have already been the subject of an Italian national TV broadcast during which the seer behaved with remarkable calm in the face of some heated criticism from panelists in the studio toward her and two books. But know that he will not win, the Lord will give you love in your hearts such that you, my children, will not be lost. Message from Our Lady to Gisella Cardia March 26, 2022 My children, thank you for having responded to my call in your hearts and for having bent your knees in prayer. Message du 18 Octobre Vous devez dire au monde de se prparer spirituellement aux attaques du diable ; lhumanit va pleurer et grincer des dents Lhumanit ne comprend toujours pas que les offenses, les blasphmes, les sacrilges commis mme par mes enfants bien-aims (les prtres) seront leur condamnationternelle. If the body of bishops cannot reach a conclusion, the matter is turned over to the pope, who delegates the doctrinal congregation to step in and either give advice, send a commissioner and-or set up a commission to investigate. Madonna di Trevignano: il 3 maggio si riuniscono i fedeli. Children, the times you will meet will be hard and that is why I ask you to increase your prayer and above all the prayer of the Holy Rosary, a powerful weapon against evil. Official Video Description:Amidst medically verified stigmata, Gisella Cardia responds to uncanny, devilish media attack upon her person. Please EMAIL us at the email given in this channel's about section if you have any concerns. Please join in the church's vital mission of communications by offering a gift in whatever amount that you can a single gift of $40, $50, $100, or more, or a monthly donation. Message du 5 juillet 2022 Rien ne redeviendra comme avant Priez, car le chef de ltat amricain sera fortementattaqu, Message du 3 juillet 2022 Dans lglise, le mal et le malin sont entrs et mon Fils ny estplus. #supportcatholicphilly a[href*="acceptiva"]{background: #0033ff; top:0; left:0;padding: 13px 38px; border-radius: 15px; font-weight: bold; margin: 20px auto; display: inline-block; font-family: sans-serif;letter-spacing: 0.7px; color: #FFF; border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; background-color: #0033ff;text-align: center; border-top-color: #FFF; border-left-color: #EEE; border-right-color: #AAA; border-bottom-color: #AAA; box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px #333; transition: all 0.1s;} She says that the messages are intended to heighten awareness of the reality. Quatre jours plus tard, la Madone annonait des moments terribles pour lhumanit : Mes chers enfants, merci dtre ici en prire. Vous disposez dj dun compte WordPress ? Premirement, le contenu des messages de Gisella converge trs troitement avec le consensus prophtique reprsent par dautres sources contemporaines, sans aucune indication de sa conscience de leur existence (Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Pedro Regis, P. Adam Skwarczynski, les journaux intimes de Bruno Cornacchiola ). Je suis venu vous avertir et vous instruire, mais malgr tout, lhumanit nest pas encore prte assister tout ce qui viendra. Nous avons reu des missions de la Sainte Vierge et nous voulons raliser ses projets, et personne ne peut arrter ce chemin. Dans un livre ddi la Madone de Trevignano, Asciugher le vostre lacrime (Je vais scher tes larmes) [Rf. My children, thank you for having responded to my call in your heart. . Message from Our Lady Our Lady to Gisella Cardia on November 6th, 2021: My children, thank you for having answered my call in your hearts. around every world leader or head of government in the world. . WATCH LIVE: News conference on Bishop Seniors appointment as the 12th Bishop of Harrisburg today at 10:00 a.m. 2021-2022 Audited Financial Statements of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Archives of The Catholic Standard and Times.
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gisella cardia messages 2023