Requiring or encouraging any act, whether or not the act is voluntarily agreed upon, in conjunction with initiation, affiliation with, continued membership, or participation in any group that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm or humiliation. After six weeks in the intensive care unit, Danny Santulli was moved to a rehab hospital in Colorado. Nguyens autopsy report was released recently and said the leading factor of death was confirmed as alcohol intoxication. We as the Fraternity & Sorority Life staff send loving thoughts to all in the Fraternity and Sorority Life community here at Michigan State University. Edwar Zeineh, Cao's lawyer, said his client entered a not guilty plea. Now, more than seven months later, he's back home in Minnesota with his family. } Pi Alpha Phi House photographed on Dec. 17, 2021. Three Michigan State University fraternity members have been charged over the November 2021 hazing death of a student who was found unconscious and covered in vomit in a basement. Charges against John Pham were dismissed. A fraternity or sorority's values contradict hazing. ", In surveillance footage taken inside the frat house shortly after 9 p.m. on Oct. 19, pledges can be seen blindfolded and led downstairs for a ritual known as "pledge dad reveal night.". return check; And the leaders of Pi Alpha Phi, comprising "pledge master" Ethan Cao, "pledge dad" Andrew Nguyen and frat president Hoang Pham, now face 15 years of jail time and a $10,000 fine under Michigan's anti-hazing laws. When a victim is uncooperative, it limits the leads investigators can follow up on, which in turn means it usually isnt possible for the case to be referred to the prosecutors office, Gonzalez said. Police affidavits refer to the fraternity event as a crossing party, at which attendees were to celebrate the four pledges becoming full members of the group. He was hazed to death and that is the truth.. This initiative includes interactive discussions about safety and education on topics surrounding Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence and creating a safer community here at Michigan State. An MSU fraternity, Pi Alpha Phi, was suspended after Nguyen was found to have died in a hazing incident. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for contacting us. As they were walking down the stairs they saw people standing in a room on the right side of the basement, one witness described. East Lansing Police responded to a call for medical assistance at about am on 20 November and found four students passed out, one of whom was unresponsive and not breathing they said at the time. In a statement to ABC News, the fraternity said, "Danny should not have been put in such a situation" and the "fraternity prohibits hazing" and giving alcohol to minors. Sigma Chi International Fraternity Suspends the Charter of its Michigan Hazing is also strictly prohibited at Michigan State. More information about on campus resources can be found Sigma Chi vacates residence in light of hazing incident Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? For questions or to report incidents of hazing, please contact ShirDonna Lawrence Director for Fraternity & Sorority Life via email at lawre396@msu.eduor via phone at 517-884-4070. Another said attendees went down to the basement to gawk at the pledges and take photos before heading back up to the party. At the end of the day you could be saving someones life and that is more important.. Editor's note: If a student needs support services, reach out to MSU Counseling and Psychiatric Services, or CAPS, to schedule individual counseling sessions or call CAPS crises services that can be reached at (517) 355-8270 and are available to students 24/7/365. And 73% of fraternity or sorority members have experienced hazing, according to a 2008 national study by researchers at the University of Maine. aScriptAttributes = [ We meet with her regularly. When youre looking at the numbers themselves, certainly that shows a spike, Gonzalez said. Bond was set at $5,000. by Remy Farkas November 8, 2018. Three MSU Fraternity Members Face Felony Charge Over Phat Nguyen - TFNL We've received your submission. if (bMobile) Subscribe to our News 10 newsletter and receive the latest local news and weather straight to your email every morning. EAST LANSING, MI - The Pi Alpha Phi national organization has suspended the Michigan State University chapter of the fraternity in the wake of a student death. Fraternity & Sorority Life at Michigan State University has taken a stand against sexual assault. They are scheduled to return to court on June 23 for a preliminary examination. June 10, 2022. You may also call the National Hazing Prevention Hotline at 1 (888) NOT-HAZE or 1 (888) 668-4293 or submit a Anonymous Report via theMSU Misconduct Hotline. They could face up to 15 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000 if convicted. It did not have any reports before then. else Beta Zeta has the second highest amount of alleged incidents reported, with three reported since March 2015. At MSU, the highest number of reported assaults occurred at Delta Kappa Epsilon. "At the end of the day, it's still Danny. It's, like, I don't know. (function(a){if(/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\. It just happened to be that people would go down there, I guess take photos, go back up, dance, party, get bored, go back down there.. Interfraternity Council suspends all fraternity social activity in He was," his mother, Mary Pat Santulli, told ABC News. No student organization or individual student shall conduct nor condone hazing activities. You are worthy, no matter how hopeless things might feel right now. A Michigan State fraternity death has resulted in the suspension of Pi Alpha Phi. The services are guided by a belief that students are capable of making wise, well-informed decisions about alcohol and drugs when provided the information, education, and support necessary to do so. Of the 19 reported alleged assaults, seven of them occurred on or near St. Patricks Day. "He did organize the party, but there was absolutely nothing to show that he individually contributed to what happened beyond that," Coontz said. Police and fire crews responded to a call for medical assistance at a home near the intersection of Stoddard Avenue and Albert Street at about 2 a.m. on Nov. 20, 2021. In addition, Michigan State has a strict zero-tolerance policy towards hazing. Hazing Prevention 101 Course Resources New Membership Paperwork . In November 2016, Theta Chi was reinstated on campus, according to the national website. John Pham's attorney, Dustyn Coontz, said he hasn't seen any evidence indicating his client hazed new fraternity members resulting in physical harm. They did not see the fourth pledge in the basement room, the witnesses confirmed. "We believe that being able to provide a safe and healthy experience for our members is a prerequisite in our mission to being a valued partner in higher education," the national fraternity said in a statement. Michigan State University is committed to providing a safe environment in which all students have the right to belong to student organizations without undergoing hazing as a right of entry. All rights reserved. Brody Square (CAPS services) 219 S. Harrison Road, East Lansing. Family of college freshman who nearly died in hazing incident speaks "This is a tough case. Michigan State Law:Hazing is illegal in Michigan under the law commonly known as Garrets Law, which is codified under M.C.L.A. The reasons behind that are numerous and theyre very individualistic between cases. "And we'll just keep fighting, and we're not gonna give up hope. Thats when we have more parties and those types of things, higher alcohol incidents. His mother said doctors told them he'll need care for life. I think especially more than ever its really important.. One of those cases reportedly happened at Pi Kappa Alpha in March 2012. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Eleven of the fraternities had sexual assaults reported. 'type="text/javascript" src="" data-spotx_ad_done_function="myAdDoneFunction" data-spotx_ad_unit="incontent" data-spotx_autoplay="1" data-spotx_ad_volume="0" data-spotx_loop="0" data-spotx_collapse="1" data-spotx_unmute_on_mouse="1"' That's on the video.". Their (number one) priority was our safety.. If any members are found responsible for sexual misconduct, DKE will immediately use its judicial process to hold members accountable for their actions.". It is a huge commitment that our campus is working towards, to educate, IFC fraternities specifically.. Joining a Fraternity or Sorority brings life long relationships, opportunities for personal and career growth, and a national network of alumni across the globe. Laying on two of the bare twin-sized mattresses, placed on either side of the room, were three out of the four Pi Alpha Phi fall 2021 newly initiated brothers. The victim was examined by a sexual assault nurse examiner, who found "tears and abrasions" in his rectum, reports said. It wasnt secret everyone knew what was going on. All three have been released on $5,000 bonds. By Randall. Mental health is just as important as caring for our physical health. var bMobile = mobileAndTabletcheck(), Cao's attorney, Edwar Zeineh, did not respond to a request for comment Thursday. Michigan State University suspends frat in wake of student's death Drugging allegations at Northwestern frat houses spark protests 15 fraternity members charged in connection with death of 19-year . 3 members of Asian American frat charged in hazing death } aScriptAttributes.push('data-spotx_channel_id="186765"'); "The question becomes whether or not this is hazing, or and this is where I am not minimizing anything was this drinking at a college party, which occurs right, wrong, or indifferent all day, every day throughout the county," Morley said. "The Beta Epsilon chapter prides itself in being a positive impact on Greek Life, MSU, the city of East Lansing, and having the utmost respect for all individuals is our top priority. Ingham County Prosecutor Carol Siemon's office did not respond to a request for comment Thursday. Michigan State University's Interfraternity Council (IFC) chapters pride themselves on the pillars of exceptional brotherhood, leadership, community involvement, and academic success. MSU's DKE fraternity faces demands for - Spartan Newsroom ", Just after 10:20 p.m. on the surveillance video, Bianchi said, "we see one of the fraternity members putting a tube in Danny's mouth with a funnel at the other end and pouring beer down his throat while Danny is in the middle of consuming an entire bottle of vodka. Michigan State University Defines Hazing as: Requiring or encouraging any act, whether or not the act is voluntarily agreed upon, in conjunction with initiation, affiliation with, continued membership, or participation in any group that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm or humiliation. Data was requested for the 29 fraternities that either are or were part of MSU's Interfraternity Council, or IFC, and had a chapter house in the past five years. . Alcohol consumption being investigated in the off-campus tragedy. When he arrived at the hospital, he was in cardiac arrest and not breathing. "It is unfortunate that situations like these occur in Greek Life, and it is unacceptable for an instance of sexual assault to occur in my chapter," President Evan Woodford said. Phat. Now that the difficulty of establishing whether or not the accused had used drugs or alcohol when the assault occurred, comes with when the report comes into us, Gonzalez said. The charges recently were filed in connection with a Nov. 20 party that ended with the 21-year-old student's death, and three other pledging fraternity members hospitalized due to alcohol. "Just the fact that they knew he was in distress and his lips were blue, and nobody called 911. It was made illegal in Michigan in 2004 for any individual to be hazed by someone affiliated with an educational institution. The CRC and its services are designed to empower students to thrive in the fullness of the college experience, free from alcohol and other drugs. Eleven of the fraternities had. But I am in no position (to say) that my client was in any way, shape or form, the cause of death, Zeineh said. In some cases, a student one may want to report a concern anonymously. Pledge master Ethan Cao, pledge dad Andrew Nguyen and frat president Hoang Pham are facing charges of hazing resulting in death and hazing resulting in physical injury, the State News reported Thursday. Their preliminary exams are slated for June 23,Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Mike Cheltenham said. var check = false; Coontz said Pham was permanently dismissed from the university on the last day of his class of his senior year, when he was due to complete his final credit hours for graduation. We work substantially to try to educate our community to prevent this from happening," Assistant Director of Greek Life Linda Alexander said. Members of the IFC voted unanimously to terminate Alpha Sigma Phi's Theta chapter following an investigation by the . Hazing can include, but is not limited to, activity involving consumption of a food, liquid, alcoholic beverage, liquor, drug, or other substance that subjects the individual to an unreasonable risk of harm or that adversely affects the physical health or safety of the individual, according to the code. Witnesses previously described the disturbing party to the News, saying the pledges in the Asian-American interest frat were passed out in a dank basement with Cheerios cereal scattered on the floor. aScriptAttributes.push('data-spotx_channel_id="186661"'); One alleged assault was reported at Phi Gamma Delta, or Fiji, on Jan. 24, 2012. Since 1872, Michigan State University's Fraternity and Sorority Community has been a thriving part of campus life. It was really gross like you could smell something, and it wasnt even just urine, it was a mix of something just kind of like vomit.. Misconduct related to the following areas can be reported through the hotline: fiscal, conflicts of interest, employment, medical/HIPAA, research, safety, athletics, discrimination/harassment, privacy, retaliation, and any other issue that does not fit another category. "So both of those specific student leaders will have their own specialized training that they go through in the spring. "And the conduct that occurred that night at pledge dad reveal night is textbook hazing. Shaw Hall (CAPS services) 591 N. Shaw Lane, East Lansing. More info: The regulations apply to students and student groups while on the land governed by the Board of Trustees of Michigan State University, when students or student groups are engaged in University-sponsored or student group-sponsored (student governing groups and registered student organizations) activities off campus, or when the conduct of a student poses a clear and present danger to the health or safety of person or property. The regulations relating to protection of individuals apply without reference to where the activity occurs when the alleged misconduct involves hazing or acts causing or explicitly threatening to cause serious bodily harm to other individuals. Minutes before 11 p.m., Danny Santulli can be seen losing his balance and falling backward. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. "We are heartbroken by this loss to our Spartan community and our thoughts and prayers are with the student's family and friends," Dan Olsen, a spokesperson for the university, told the Lansing State Journal. Ethan Tin Cao, Andrew Hoang Nguyen and Hoang John Huu Pham each has been charged withone felony count of hazing resulting in death and three misdemeanor counts of hazing resulting in physical injury.
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