But public relations people also have to avoid excessive advocacy in their roles as counselors to clients and organizational leadership. Jay Carney, What The New York Times Didnt Tell You, Medium, October 19, 2015, accessed June 18, 2019, https://medium.com/@jaycarney/what-the-new-yorktimes-didn-t-tell-you-a1128aa78931. Of that 5 billion, more than half access the internet through their phones.5 Businesses across industries, from cable networks to airlines, have shifted to accommodate the profound increase in communication via mobile devices and the rise of mobile only users. It would take research to learn what these projects and organizations are and understand who benefits. 12. Voices from the Field Patrick Ford PATRICK FORD is an industry leader who has been recognized for his contributions to the practice of public relations by the PR Council, PRWeek, the Institute for Public Relations and the Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations. 6. The communication is one-way. How does the organization benefit from the Creative Commons license? Dr. Joseph Sabia, Minimum Wage and the Business Cycle: Does a Wage Hike Hurt More in a Weak Economy? Employment Policies Institute, accessed June 13, 2019, https://www.epionline.org/studies/ minimum-wages-and-the-business-cycle-does-a-wagehike-hurt-more-in-a-weak-economy/. SWOT Analysis Description and discussion of an organizations internal strengths and weaknesses and its external opportunities and threats. No, this isnt a reference to Worldwide Pillowfight Day flash mobs organized annually for fun and entertainment in dozens of cities around the world. These groups either have an effect on or are affected by the organization. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) U.S. federal agency responsible for regulating all types of consumer products and services, including the promotion of these products and services. There was a problem loading your book clubs. POSITIONING STUDENTS FOR SUCCESS Consistent with the high standard set in the first edition, the second edition of Public Relations showcases an outstanding set of features and pedagogy to help students understand and learn the concepts. 4. In the piece, Carney also aired dirty laundry about a former employee who had served as a source for the Times story. Communal relationships Relationships in which each party gives benefits to the other and a p rimary motivation for each is the others benefit. Now imagine you want to also account for other variables besides message design, such as the readers zip codes or their web-browsing histories. The bright, newand of course greensunburst logo was a textbook example of branding. These three reasons represent three common tracks into the field. Before you sue the first person who writes something mean and nasty about you or about someone else in your organization, however, keep in mind that courts are rather strict on what counts as defamation.11 1. Regester and Larkin cited research from Brad Hainsworth and Max Meng in developing the model. You may have read about high-profile politicians or commencement speakers who have been called out for lifting major parts of their speeches from other sources without attribution. Facebook and Twitter and all sorts of third-party companies collect, buy and sell data that can be used for deciding which media to use and which influencers to target in delivering targeted messages. Eye tracking Whether you use traditional or new research technology, and whether Process of measuring eye moveyou evaluate traditional or new public relations efforts, your research deciments to determine where people sions should be driven by the specific purpose of your evaluation. However, with so much personnel movement between and among agencies and clients, ethical dilemmas are hard to avoid, even when the legal issues are clear. The growth of the internet and social media as tools for public relations has led a number of public relations scholars to focus on the concept of dialogue as an ethical guidepost, because dialogue fosters equality and may lead to an understanding of truth that arises from multiple perspectives. 23. 44. https://twitter.com/Codeybab/ status/979149482268024834. 11.3 Describe limits to free speech, including libel and slander as forms of defamation. Strategic Planning After research and analysis, including the identification of key publics and how the issue will affect them, you can begin developing communication and relationship management strategies for each. Crowdsourcing a Definition The negative connotations and confusion over job titles have not been lost on those in the profession. Barcelona Principles 217 Replicability The ability to perform a research procedure or experiment repeatedly to attain comparable results. Economic Convergence Ketchum is a huge public relations agency with offices and affiliates in 70 countries.6 Ketchum represents consumer-brand clients ranging from Wendys to Ikea to Gillette to Doritos. Employers range from the worlds biggest publicly held companies like JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Royal Dutch Shell, Samsung Electronics and Apple to small startup businesses raising capital for entrepreneurial endeavors. Barnum, Lee and Bernays are often associated with press agentry, public information and scientific persuasion, respectively. However, because multivariate testing involves countless versions of messages that may change continuously over time, the amount of data required is much larger. In their book Public Relations Ethics, Philip Seib and Kathy Fitzpatrick highlight the source of many ethical dilemmas as individual practitioners face them. Would a reminder help? Farhad Manjoo, Public Protests NPR Link Policy, Wired, June 20, 2002, accessed June 18, 2019, http:// archive.wired.com/techbiz/media/news/2002/06/ 53355. In todays world, advertising agencies have PR and marketing teamsand vice versa. Public relations practitioners need to think strategically about communication. Programmatic media buying Automated media buying that is preprogrammed so that advertising purchases are completed when certain criteria set by buyers (marketers) and sellers (media) are met. Newsworthiness Standard used to determine what is worth covering in news media. William Finnegan, The Best Surfer in History Made a Machine That Creates Perfect Conditions on Demand. Basically, if you work for a politician, a celebrity, a CEO or any other famous person, you may have to deal with quite a bit more flak before you can sue for libel than you would if you were representing a private citizen.12 The courts have said that public figures just have to deal with libelous comments unless they can prove actual malice. Engagement Measure of how (likes, shares, c omments, etc.) Word-of-mouth marketing should be credible, respectful, social, measurable and repeatable. McDonalds has been recognized for successfully experimenting with innovative forms of social media engagement. They describe public relations as a young profession with roots in press agentry and propaganda, activities that society generally holds in low esteem.1 They then chart a historical progression of public relations to frame the maturation of the profession by outlining four models of public relations in history: (1) press agentry/ publicity, (2) public information, (3) two-way asymmetrical and (4) twoway symmetrical. Assuming the employee is paid for 40 hours a week over the course of 52 weeks, her hourly pay comes out to $31.25. The resulting data are of great value to SAMHSA and the organizations it serves, including state and local health departments, the U.S. Department of Education and the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. In a laboratory setting, communicaHow might virtual reality be evaluated as a public relations tactic? 2 (2009): 116. Youre in an interesting position because you work for a government office that conducts research and makes it available to everyone else, but youre a professional communicator yourself. J. E. Grunig (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2009), 504. --Jamie Ward, Eastern Michigan University, "Kelleher's book provides a fresh perspective on public relations. (However, Snopes did confirm that Kim K ardashian wore mirrored glasses to a poker tournament.) Benchmarking Process of setting a point for comparison with eventual program results in order to observe change over time. What do you think Facebooks top two response strategies were? Sometimes they will play along for the fun of it. The most massive of mass media will certainly reach internal publics. Geoff Colvin, Chipotle's E.coli Fiasco Teaches Us How Not to Respond to a Crisis, Fortune, December 11, 2015, accessed June 18, 2019, http://fortune .com/2015/12/11/chipotle-ecoli-crisis-management/. Working with the press and communicating on behalf of an organization requires understanding your role in the marketplace of ideas that the First Amendment serves to protect. If Ketchum is huge, Omnicom is huger. Everyone, even hiring managers, understands that you have a personal life. She then asks everyone to justify their budgets. Then, when shes ready to illustrate the value of her campaign, our public relations pro can compute a dollar value for all the publicity andvoila!she shows success. It also has provided more space for public relations people to communicate less formally with publics. Such a practitioner would reason that since four people have an opportunity to see (OTS) each magazine article and that each of those four people is twice as affected by the editorial content than they would be by a normal advertisement, then the multiplier should be 4 2 = 8. 20. major areas for evaluation research are: (1) message testing, (2) media monitoring, and (3) measurement of outcomes (i.e., metrics and analytics). Nonetheless, there are limits to what you as a consumer can find by going to a bricks-andmortar Walmart, Gap or Target store, and driving there to see whats available seems more and more inconvenient. Imagine you are announcing your own graduation and getting hired at your dream job. Yuan Yang, The Great Firewall of ChinaWeb of Control, Financial Times, March 12, 2019, www.ft.com/ content/e19b3022-40eb-11e9-9bee-efab61506f44. SOCIAL MEDIA AND MOBILE Mobile First UbiquitousSocialPersonalLocalCASE STUDY: BURGER KING USES MOBILE APP TO TROLL COMPETITORSUses and Gratifications of Media Social and Visual Listening What Is Social Listening?What Is Visual Listening?What Are the Benefits of Social and Visual Listening?How Do You Conduct a Social Listening Search?Creating Engaging Content TextImagesVideoCurated ContentBuilding Relationships and Community Community ManagementInfluencer and Advocate EngagementCASE STUDY: MILLIONS SHARE THEIR MICKEY MOUSE EARS FOR CHARITYVOICES FROM THE FIELD: SHANE SANTIAGO Ethics: Privacy and Safeguarding ConfidencesIN CASE YOU MISSED IT (ICYMI) SECTION IV. Looking at her bio in the Voices from the Field for Chapter 6, youll see why. The first sentences job in a story like this is to make the reader want to read the second sentence. As Mashable tech writer James OBrien put it, Red Bull is a publishing empire that also happens to sell a beverage.24 Case Study Red Bulls Content Marketing Strategy Im trying to update a case study here, and once again Red Bull is making it really hard for me to stay focused. Hanson acknowledges that analysis and reporting always have been essential in public relations, but the availability of ridiculously large amounts of data elevates the importance of being able to convert raw data into useful knowledge. 21. ensures that today's student body can reference an engaging traditional medium in a world now dominated by digital distraction." Coca-Colas Global Commitments to Help Fight Obesity, The Coca-Cola Company, accessed May 21, 2019, https://www.coca-colacompany.com/press-center/ press-releases/coca-cola-announces-globalcommitments-to-help-fight-obesity. But globalization also carries with it greater risks for unintended Guiding principles such as honesty, transparency and fairness can be applied by public relations professionals across the globe. In getting ready for a long trip, Ioften lift my suitcase and estimate how much it weighs because I dont want to get dinged with a $25 fee for overweight luggage if my bag weighs more than 50 pounds. The Daily Beast reported that question tweets are a popular trend: Theyre open-ended. Reasonable moral arguments can be made for both sides depending on the circumstances. Social media have accelerated the pace at which false, damaging information can be spread. Building and maintaining relationships with publics is essential, even if those publics neverbuy from or sell anything to your organization. Even if the management plan is developed outside of the public relations department (Chipotle worked with an outside consulting group to develop its new safety procedures), your communication plan must be coordinated with those management operations. 74. Community managers are the people behind the screen, and they set the example for other members of their social media communities. Planning Forethought about goals and objectives and the strategies and tactics needed to achieve them. E-books are granted under the terms of a single-user, non-transferable license, and may be accessed online from any location. We help the CEO and other C-suite executives express the companies values and mission, and we measure the companies performance on those values and regularly analyze the perceptions of key stakeholders through rigorous qualitative and quantitative research. and Ph.D. from the University of Florida. 22. Chatbots receive and automatically respond to messages. This doesnt mean that you have to agree Ethics with every single action the organization takes. Think about a nonprofit organization you support and imagine youre the organizations public relations director. Another option is pre-roll advertising, which is a commercial ad displayed for a few seconds as online video before the desired video is shown. At the outset of my career, I saw that everything depended on getting the people to think, and talk, and become curious and excited over and about the rare spectacle. Accordingly, posters, transparencies, advertisements, newspaper paragraphsall calculated to extort attentionwere employed, regardless of expense. Word-of-mouth promotion Passing of information and recommendations from person to person. 6.3 Develop basic timelines to organize tasks in a strategic public relations program. In any case, I am grateful for the time Ive had to tweak the material and test its resilience across two editions. Most Latin American cultures are collectivist, taking great pride in family and community. I believe that my organization takes the opinions of people like me into account when making decisions. One approach is to define it with examples (as Ive tried to do with the Kelly Slater and Chiquita Evans features). Again, it would take research to obtain an accurate sense of the internal communication environment. The two organizations also offered very different levels of accommodation. )5 Understanding modern media newsroom operations and the jobs of reporters, CHAPTER 4|REL ATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT editors, bloggers and TV producers is as much a key for career advancement in public relations as it has ever been. The way public relations professionals and organizations react during crises, including if and how they apologize, may be informed by cultural preferences for high- or low-context communication. Downloaded copy on your device does not expire. Code of Ethics, PRSA, https://www.prsa.org/AboutPRSA/Ethics/CodeEnglish/. How might this play out in your college classroom? 1 (1989): 520, p. 15. . According to researcher Seth Duncan, two common applications of analytics are particularly useful in public relations: tracking visitor behavior and segmenting referring sources.2 Tracking Visitor Behavior Specific goals that you can track include downloads, registrations, completed forms, electronic petition signatures, donations and purchases. Thats about $2,596 per column inch. Mergers and acquisitions have occurred for decades, and we will continue to see agencies of all sizes consolidate and reposition themselves regularly. 2.4 Discuss the ethics of transparency, objectivity and advocacy. Choose a blogging team and process. Implementation 331 7. Strategic Planning 6. Both my organization and people like me benefit from the relationship. *Bernays claims about the impact of national publicity resulting from the Torches of Freedom event were later called into question by historians.26 Two-Way Asymmetrical Communication Bernays is also credited (or blamed, depending on your perspective) with getting Americans to consume more bacon for breakfast. 3. And seeing the direct impact of our work positively impact our clients businesses. 31. ; 119 Courtesy of Dave Carpenter; 141 Copyright Grantland Enterprises; www .grantland.net; 181 Courtesy of Sean R. Nicholson, www .socmedsean.com; 207 Tom Fishburne, marketoonist. Bryan Menegus, Amazons Aggressive Anti-Union Tactics Revealed in Leaked 45-Minute Video, Gizmodo, September 26, 2018, accessed June 13, 2019, https://gizmodo.com/amazons-aggressive-anti-uniontactics-revealed-in-leake-1829305201 14. After a few days, if the A group searches for the specific brand name or related keywords more than the B group, Google calls that a lift in brand interest, and its one of many ways the company monetizes its data by packaging it for marketers, advertisers and public relations people who use their paid services.7 Programs like Google Analytics and Brand Lift are designed specifically with marketers in mind, but theres clearly a role for public relations in the marketing mix, and the same measurement tactics can be applied on nonsales-driven organizational performance. How is the newer message design (C) an improvement over older designs (A and B)? 7. We live in a society where social media and mobile technology are everywhere. While public relations also often promotes an organizations offerings, more importantly public relations promotes the organization as a whole. Use this coupon code at checkout and enjoy the savings! 32. stories/share-a-coke-how-the-groundbreakingcampaign-got-its-start-down-under. 7.5 Describe the relationship between the values of loyalty and diversity. A BIG WIN FOR LITTLE ITALY Managing issues CASE STUDY: THE ISSUE LIFE CYCLE OF VOLKSWAGEN'S "DIESELGATE" Proactive issues management 1. Economic convergence at the corporate level requires extra attention to public relations role in society at large. Joe Wadlington, 3 Ways to Create a Consistent Visual Brand on Twitter, Twitter, Twitter Business, December 20, 2016, https://business.twitter.com/en/blog/3ways-create-consistent-visual-brand-Twitter.html. In fact, the video went viral. Aside from cost, what are some advantages and disadvantages of doing primary research yourself versus using secondary research? Ethics are moral principles that govern behavior and are deeply personal. Today, anyone with a smartphone can capture and consume content just about anywhere that their devices will function. Eligible for Return, Refund or Replacement within 30 days of receipt. First, public relations people have a role in managing the operations and policies of an organization. Publicity Unpaid media coverage, or the practice of deliberately planning and producing information and activities to attract this coverage. Proselytizing is a key part of strategic campaigns going viral. 25. By allowing a great writer access to the elite insiders of the organization (and to the pool to ride the wave itself! In addition to being a newspaper reporter, Foote has led advertising sales teams, helped develop strategy and launch websites, and developed and managed public relations for Tom Business Writing 249 Joyner and his media company. That still doesnt mean they will agree to do so. Many PUBLICITY MEDIA RELATIONS BLOGGER RELATIONS INVESTOR RELATIONS INFLUENCER RELATIONS AUTHORITY OPTIMZED CONTENT SHAREABLE CONTENT ENGAGING CONTENT GOOGLE AUTHORSHIP EARNED INFLUENCER ENGAGEMENT MEDIA RESPONSE TO DETRACTORS DETRACTORS TURNED TO LOYALISTS LOYALISTS TURNED TO ADVOCATES PAID MEDIA FACEBOOK SPONSORED POSTS SPONSORED TWEETS TWITTER CARDS FAN ACQUISITION LEAD GENERATION OUTBRAIN PARTNERSHIPS PAID SHARED MEDIA MEDIA INCENTIVE CHARITY TIE-INS COMMUNITY SERVICE CO-BRANDING SOCIAL MEDIA AFFILIATE BRAND AMBASSADORS SPONSORED CONTENT NATIVE ADVERTISING FACEBOOK TWITIER LINKED-IN YOU TUBE PINTEREST INSTAGRAM VINE GOOGLE+ OWNED CONTENT MEDIA CREATE FROM EXPERTS EMPLOYEE STORIES CUSTOMER STORIES USER-GENERATED CONTENT REVIEWS BRAND JOURNALISM WEBINARS, VIDEOS & PODCASTS Figure 7.2 In her Spin Sucks blog, Gini Dietrich offers this model classifying tactics that work in each media category, as well as overlaps between categories. As of this writing, the darling of DTC was moving more of its advertising budget to old-fashioned radio, TV and print media and had started selling toys in Target stores with plans to expand to other brick-and-mortar retail chains.20 You may not be able to teach an old dog new tricks, but apparently new dogs can learn old tricks. Some of these, such as the personalities of the people involved, are outside of the scope and control of public relations, but others, particularly communication and policy, may be areas in which public relations people can offer some help. Where are they (e.g, location and platforms)? 13. www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/10/23/business/ international/vw-scandal-timeline.html. So then we just started posting them to our newsroom and social feeds. This is economic convergence. Not only did Defren have to weigh his loyalty to the client, but he also had to consider the loyalty and trust that the clients Twitter followers may have had in the executive. Public Relations Practice Pdf Pdf, but end up in malicious downloads. Commerce-Driven Relationships As we saw in Chapter 3, many of the relationships in public relations are driven by dollars. Evaluation SMART objectives make it clear when, what and how evaluation should be conducted. This form of media convergence is different from the term economists use to describe trends in world economies. 2 (2009): 113119. 8.4 Evaluate public relations research practices using industry standards for research (i.e., Barcelona Principles). When in doubt about your ownership rights of social media content, check the providers terms of service. From small decisions, like where to eat lunch or what to wear, to big decisions, like where to live and whom to associate with, you and your closest friends and family influence each other. Many variables come into play as part of the overarching organizational culture. 7. Twitter users raged with raw emotion. A Guide for Ethical Decision-Making Addressing these apparent dilemmas ethically requires careful thinking. 29. When Amazon sent a 45-minute training video to team leaders at its Whole Foods grocery stores, it was meant to encourage employees to bring grievances to their bosses individually instead of through union representation. PLANNING A Hierachy of Outcomes Tuning In Attending Liking Comprehending Learning Agreeing Remembering Acting Proselytizing Using McGuire's Hierarchy of Effects for Planning Strategic Planning CASE STUDY: GLOBAL HANDWASHING DAY: GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND OUTCOMES Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time-bound Outputs, outcomes and impacts Timelines Formative Research Client/Management Meetings Action and Communication Tactics Production of Media and Communication Materials Events Evaluation BudgetsPersonnel Administrative Costs and Supplies Media and Communication Expenses VOICES FROM THE FIELD: NATALIE ASOREYEthics: Beware of Zombies; Enhance the ProfessionDefine the Specific Issue/Conflict Identify Internal/External Factors Identify Key Values Identify the Parties Involved Select Ethical Principles Make a Decision and Justify It IN CASE YOU MISSED IT (ICYMI) CHAPTER 7.
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