Sensationally, the three police officers suspected of involvement refused to give evidence on the grounds it might incriminate them. He came out of the car and then it just got out of hand and, er, this fellow fell down and we panicked and took off.. I cant let him go, Lindsay replied. The detective clarified that there had been no aggression from the victim. Kelvin Igweani, 24, was shot twice at a house in Milton Keynes in June 2021 after an attempt to taser him failed. It was before lunch that I was told about it, recalls Lewis, and it made me sick and Im not often made sick because hed been afraid of that happening to him., I ask Lewis if he was alleging that Woodland had been killed to shut him up. Penley said the most common assaults were well-planned, with gangs jumping out of cars and dragging their victims off to be kicked, bashed and left bleeding in the darkness. I was sent in as bait because of how young I looked to lure guys into the bushes. Our prominent Adelaidean, with his sombre introspection, tells me he is thinking and talking about stuff hed never thought of or talked about. Mick OShea arrived at the vice squad the next morning unaware that his career had already been thrust onto a new trajectory. For his part, Shannon blames one particular former police officer for his claims not proceeding further, and says male prostitutes who witnessed or suffered crimes were too readily dismissed as unreliable witnesses. Someone is hiding there. But the institutions dealt with the case appropriately and the killers went down for long stretches. The other, Roger James, suffered a broken leg and after crawling to the road was rescued by von Einem, who was driving past. Homosexuals got together with each other and had great parties, says historian Tim Reeves. Robinson drives to the end of the track, past two more cars, and does a U-turn at the car park of the Adelaide Pavilion restaurant. Smacked him to the ground. Right at the same time, a group of men was coming towards him along the path until, just as they drew level, one of them was thrown in the river. She was heard yelling and swearing at Negre, wondering why hed endanger their relationship to hang out with people he didnt even know. Lisa Robin Kelly Autopsy Results Reveal Heavy Drug Use Terrified, Mildwaters took refuge in a nearby bedroom. Youre on the side of the road. McGowan did suggest that Williamson changing his story might tend to substantiate charges being preferred, and I submit this report for directions. Yeah, it was pretty crawling with them.. Not playing with your dick or anything, but loitering around the toilet block in, to me, an uncomfortable sort of way., As a strapping young blond man, he found it easy to attract advances, and that was enough to find something in the statutes to charge his suitors with. Autopsy The Saint family didnt hear from police again until recently when a detective from the new cold-case unit rang her brother asking to use Johns image on a deck of playing cards that was to be distributed to prisons. There must be more in the car., Well take what we want anyhow, the guy replied. But he claims his attempts were hamstrung by police seeming to somehow know of their planned meetings in advance and being there waiting. She decided to call him to find out where hed got to. We know about that. Its much harder to actually try and understand how levels of bias and hatred towards a minority group of victims come to be part of these scenarios as well., He adds, In Sydney and NSW weve had this history of gay-hate killings where people have been viciously attacked, brutally killed, and also theyve been victims of robbery. Then he draws on a literary allusion that perfectly describes the way so many people had acted in the stories I am researching. Where a murder could be written off as a robbery gone wrong, a suicide or a high-spirited frolic. They took the stand and carried it through cross-examination. Perhaps they thought his missing wallet was sufficient to explain away the vicious injuries to his head at a place where gay men were routinely bashed. He also stated that Von Eimen worked with otherassociates. in the events that would follow. The Advertiser ran a letter from the secretary of the Moral Renewal Society, David W Griffiths, which agreed: The signal being sent to the homosexual community [by the verdict] is one of: be warned, unnatural behaviour, if advanced unwarranted to a normal person, can be construed as offensive and retaliation can be accepted as self-defence.. Mick OShea recalls being there at the time trying to get a pinch. But she couldnt help but wonder if shed caused his death by setting up the meeting. James knew him from parties and the beats. Morning briefing: Why teachers and campaigners want Ofsted to He initially claimed that he had no knowledge of what happened to Kelvin and said that on the night of abduction he was in bed with the flu. Richard Kelvin Crime Stoppers South Australia He was blinded sufficiently to lose his drivers licence for a year. But he battled away for a decade. But in a small-town coincidence, when OShea left more than an hour later, he had pulled up next to them at traffic lights, still in the city. Plus, the quantity of fibres on Kelvin's clothes was far too large to suggest that Kelvin was in his company for only 2 hours. The ambulance was called. Even so, OShea felt the Scotland Yard investigation was a snow job from the start. His story was consistent with his friends about the beer and the bongs and the random nature of their stopping. With Mandrax being regulated by the Central Board of Health in 1978 stocks for it in Australia had declined somewhat by 1983 and police began sifting through prescriptions for that drug in particular. "B" also provided further information about other associates of von Einem, but claimed he took no part whatsoever in any murders. Other forensic scientists were called to testify about the hair and fibre samples collected that were linked to von Einem himself and his home. Perhaps they thought saying that would save the family some anguish. If you are authorized, you may request a copy of the autopsy report, which is the written record of the medical examiner's findings. Another of those to walk into the Speakers office with stories of abuse was former male prostitute, Brad Shannon the beat regular mentioned earlier who remains happy to talk openly about what happened to him. Just not this night. Pearces barrister argued that his client had been interfered with as a child and so, to him, a homosexual advance was a grave insult. The jury came down on Verco and Londemas side. Von Einem then tortured, drugged, raped and held Kelvin captive for five weeks, before murdering him and dumping his body alongside an airstrip near Kersbrook in the Adelaide Hills area (to the north-east of the city and close to where relatives of von Einem lived). He at first denied ever meeting Richard, saying that on the day he disappeared he was home with the flu. Samuels was taken to Piedmont Hospital, police said. The pre-trial hearing began on 19 December 1990, in the Supreme Court of South Australia, with Justice Duggan as the presiding judge. He said, You better get going. Their brother, who they always called John, had come out to them a few years earlier, but not to their mother. On 11 May 1990, Magistrate Gurry ordered von Einem to stand trial for the two murders of Barnes and Langley. I had to remain standing, I wasnt offered a chair. Mark Langley (18, fourth picture) got into a fight with a friend after a party and decided to walk home alone, never to be seen again. Alarm bells ring in his head, so he pulls away and the guy leaning on the boot turns to watch him go. Woodlands body was found on the Wednesday. I mean fair enough at work where mates want to give you a slap on the bum, but you know hes only mucking around. Lindsays sister Ashleigh would recall someone making a comment about someone being gay. The noose is tightening, Detective Inspector Greg Hutchins, from SA Police Major Crime Investigation Branch, says. She had the radio on. Finally, the defence called von Einem's mother to testify about her son's activities over the weekend upon which Kelvin was kidnapped. Given these facts, on 25 May 1984, Magistrate Nick Manos ordered von Einem to stand trial for the murder of Kelvin. At home? This is a story from a blighted time. He wanted to encourage Handley to come forward and give a statement. I was parked on South Terrace. There were three major factors in von Einem's initial questioning that led police to become increasingly suspicious that they had found their prime suspect: As von Einem went on holiday to the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom during August and September 1983, the case against him began to mount up. They took me into a room, he told the ABCs Simon Royal. The witnesses included colleagues and friends who testified to him being unwell and at home during the first week of Kelvin's captivity. Studying the gay press of the 1970s, looking for evidence of bashings and murders, hed found cases that the gay community clearly treated as hate crimes. Robinson checks the rearview mirror to make sure he isnt being followed. Youve got no say., Blaxland heard someone walk to his car and that was the last thing hed remember until a voice: Try and hold on. Proceedings began on 19 June 1990 before Justice Kevin Duggan, and six months later on 17 December 1990, Justice Duggan released his findings. So when he heard about the murder at a well-known beat, he got straight on to a police inspector who hed had previous dealings with. He was in a gay park in Toowoomba., Can I tell you who it is? This gay-panic issue was given a kickalong by an incident in a Queensland churchyard. The team kept quietly plugging away. Lewis told me that the perpetrators had infiltrated the police service and its administration and evidence was then either corrupted or destroyed. The police have said they made comprehensive and extensive inquiries. Hes now 73, and still behind bars, and has been hardly a model prisoner, having been accused of raping another inmate and convicted of possessing child pornography in 2009. Barnes's fatal injuries mirrored those of Kelvin closely. So like we said, the jury thought that grabbing a bloke by the hair and smashing his face into the floor, kicking him, rummaging through his pockets, grabbing a pair of gloves, pulling his trousers off and stabbing him 25 times was not a way an ordinary person could act. This made police suspect that von Einem had something to hide. Homosexuality was never discussed and I could not understand why I found guys attractive. When he refocussed, unsure if hed slept, he noticed a car parked close behind. It would appear that robbery was part of the picture because his bag and wallet were missing, but the fact that his assailant had wanted to take him home would indicate that he was targeted as a gay man. Shaine Moore was lying under his doona, bulked up with pillows, with a red line around his throat where hed been strangled with a shoelace. ABC News Online", "Opposition questions von Einem prison move ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)", "Bid to revoke von Einem parole ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)", "Lawyer questions von Einem porn charge ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)", "Bevan Spencer Von Einem avoids 'unpleasant' trip with other inmates | AdelaideNow",, Australian prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment, Australian people convicted of child pornography offences, People convicted of murder by South Australia, Prisoners sentenced to life imprisonment by South Australia, Articles with dead external links from November 2016, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in Australian English, BLP articles lacking sources from December 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Riemer described the injuries of both victims as severe, catastrophic, and "immediately fatal." However, police raids on various locations around Adelaide linked to von Einem and his associates yielded few clues. With all the fibres being accounted for with his albi, von Einem concluded his statement by saying that Kelvin stayed for two hours before von Einem dropped him off in the Adelaide CBD near the Royal Adelaide Hospital and gave Kelvin $20 to catch a taxi home. Kevin Samuels, YouTuber with 1.4M subscribers, has died, his At approximately 6:15pm on 5 June 1983, von Einem (likely along with other unknown persons) abducted Kelvin near the intersection of Margaret Street & Peppertree Lane, North Adelaide, just 60 metres from Kelvin's home around the corner in Ward Street. The group kept drinking out at the pergola. It was then I started cruising the beats myself, South Parklands, Veale Gardens and a few well-known public toilets, sometimes during the day but mostly at night. Another man, who would become known as Witness A, had also been thrown in the river that night. Nothing about the fact that that area of the South Parklands was a well-known beat or that David Saint was in fact homosexual. Out of Sight: The untold story of Adelaides gay-hate murders Why? Kelvin had just seen off a friend at a nearby bus stop on the corner of O'Connell and Marian Streets, North Adelaide and was returning home for dinner. For their part, the police saw the homosexual community as the criminals - because they were. Theres an ambulance coming.. The case against him was so weak, though, that he was found not guilty in his 1980 trial. So I think I asked one of them to speak or to turn around or something, and then he said to the police officer, Is that all sir? and I thought, Hang on. Im going to gaol for the rest of my life, arent I, sister girl?. And then I seen them running up the river a bit. His blood showed a combination of several drugs and sedatives. So just imagine the besieged atmosphere of an office where you were hearing stories like this every day implicating powerful people. He was sitting on his car playing with his dick, having a tug, and they reckoned they were just there to go to the toilet, he says. Von Einem then took James to Royal Adelaide Hospital, where he recovered from his injuries.[2][3]. They were hospitality workers. The Court of Criminal of Appeal rejected the appeal, saying that the trial was conducted fairly and justly throughout; they did concede that Mr. Justice White should have included the evidence relating to the birthday party. Maybe he dozed off. I dont know why he started and I dont know why he stopped. Neighbors reported hearing several voices shouting around the time Richard disappeared. But after the pink-shorted Premiers reign ended in 1979, problems resumed, according to Purcell. Anyone can request an autopsy report. Little evidence was presented for the murder of Langley, as prosecutors felt if they could prove that von Einem had murdered Barnes, then it would naturally follow that he had murdered Langley, as well. They took Pitchers mobile phone and Zito phoned his own mum. Von Einem is led handcuffed He had no reason to kill Mr Negre. Instead, the women drove him home to the suburb of Dover Gardens. Von Einem admitted that the drugs were his and said that he used them to help him sleep. He sliced his throat, made sure he saw everything. Like so much else, Woodlands death had been swallowed by the darkness. WebPersons reporting a death should provide details regarding the death. And its needed. Within days, Walter Handley was killed with a single gunshot wound to the head while attempting to buy a gun in the car park of the Smithfield Plains Sports Club. Kelvin had just seen off a friend at a nearby bus stop on the corner of O'Connell and Marian Streets, North Adelaide after they had earlier that afternoon played football in a nearby park and was expected to return home immediately for dinner. Death It was a big buzz around the place. He felt his name was forever besmirched by having been in the vice squad at the time, by having his picture in the paper leaving the inquest. Mr. Justice White then gave his summation of the trial, and in the early afternoon of 5 November 1984, the jury retired to consider their verdict. A simple phone call could have saved his life.. I say this, that although some additional distress will probably be caused to the Kelvin family as a result of publication of the fact larvae or maggots were on Richard This came across as a strange thing for an innocent person to say. And because at the time of the death I was insane, I cannot be held legally responsible for my actions, and I cant be found guilty of murder.. Von Einem still denied ever coming into contact with Kelvin. The only lead the cops had was a sighting of three men in a white van whod been hanging around. Only one man, however, was convicted for just one of the murders. On June 5, 1983, he was abducted a short distance from his house after saying goodbye to a friend at a bus stop. One of those wanted for the crime was a 16-year-old girl. It brought to mind something that a PhD student, Thomas Poberezny-Lynch, had said about how the media and courts often dealt with these crimes. The prosecution also answered the doubts raised by the defence about when on 10 July the body was dumped at the airstrip by suggesting that von Einem could have dumped the body sometime very late on 10 July or in the early morning of 11 July before going to work for the day. 15 Details from the In Cold Blood Killers Case Files Dr. Millhouses refusal to cooperate with police and circumstantial evidence found at his home (like trash bags and rope that matched the one found with the body) led him to be arrested and charged with Neils murder. He cant see anyone in it. Three men left a pub in Maryborough about 9pm on July 3, 2008 to smoke pot in the grounds of nearby St Marys. On August 28 of that same year, a body cut in pieces was found inside garbage bags thrown in the Port River. Lindsay appealed the decision on the basis that provocation colloquially known as the gay panic defence was not put properly to the jury. There was a lot I didnt understand. The shooting of a man by police as he held a toddler hostage after beating his neighbour to death was "necessary given the circumstances", the police watchdog has found. Despite the court rejecting the gay panic argument, the jury convicted the pair of manslaughter, not murder. She regained consciousness unsure what had happened. That was the actual wording of the charge in those days, was it? I ask. The family had a distant cousin Bob, a married man whod become a woman, explains Helen. - Atlantic Noir Theme All Rights Reserved. Well, exactly. He saw Robinsons white Torana, and noted the Mercedes parked close to a lime-green Valiant. Beat is a peculiarly Australian usage for the places where men cruise for casual sex with other men. In an instant, Lindsay was punching Negre in the head. It all happened so fast there was no resistance. Although hed been a policeman for many years, I dont think he understood that Ken was going there to pick up men for sex, because at the time remember Ken was married.. On 29 January 2006, the Sunday Mail reported that von Einem was currently being investigated for allegedly raping an inmate several times at Yatala Labour Prison. Then Handley left a message on Lewiss mobile asking if Lewis could get him a handgun for protection. When they [the police] came to us and questioned us, Utting says, we believed they were there to ask us what we knew about these people that had been murdered. Lindsay stole a Subaru Liberty and robbed an On The Run convenience store. It took a bit of cajoling from the detective, but Londema, who was 183 centimetres and 93 kilograms, finally told her that hed grabbed a metre-long jack handle from the floor of the back seat. It was around 11pm on March 31, 2011, that Andrew Negres girlfriend left a southern AdelaIde pub in a huff. Lewis had wanted something more wide ranging. It completely contradicted his initial statement of his whereabouts on 5 June 1983, when he said he had been in bed with the flu. Significantly, Kelvin had a dog collar in his possession which was likely to have attracted von Einem's attention. A forensic pathologist (currently Dr. Michael Hunter) analyzes the official autopsy reports of various celebrities to determine their cause of death. How the system let those little turds off. Police also searched for a man who previously claimed to police during the investigation of the unsolved murder of Alan Barnes in 1979 that von Einem was involved in his death and also that he was a former associate of von Einem. He denied having any other drugs in his possession, but police also seized a bottle of Noctec, concealed on a ledge behind his wardrobe. When I went looking back over old unsolved murder cases and the few assaults that had managed to make the papers around the country, Adelaide kept popping up. Days later, Masterson confessed to Houston police that hed killed Honeycutt by strangling him in a sleeper hold. Thats exactly what Im here to talk about, I say, and Robinson opens the door and agrees to have a chat. Thats the day I lost all faith in the legal system, our whole system of government. Autopsy Report It was a talking point, a laughing point, all those things rolled into one., So when they asked John why he hadnt come out to them earlier, hed said, Well everybody carried on so much about Bobby, I couldnt do that to Mum and Dad. He said there were people who didnt want him to be able to talk about what, he wanted to tell me. When asked about drugs, von Einem did admit he had Mandrax. He said he couldnt recognise his attackers even though hed been tricked into getting out of his car to follow one of them down to the river bank. The Family Murders - Wikipedia Disturbing Details Found In Karen Carpenter's Autopsy Report WebAutopsy: The Last Hours. On August 27, 1981, Peter Stogneff (14, second picture) disappeared. Which brings us to the curious case of Robert Woodland. WebA forensic autopsy is the examination of a body by a medical examiner with specialized training. He was always hassling his trustee to dip into the pot for more. The toilets? And while the straight cops like OShea were dragging gay men into the legal system, throwing them in prison cells, the bent cops were coming at them from a different angle. There is some good news. Little effort was put into concealing Kelvin's body; he was found wearing the same Channel 9 shirt, blue jeans and white Adidas sneakers which he wore on the day of his abduction, together with the dog collar fitted around his neck. They each received minimum sentences of 16 months. Second, is it a reasonable possibility that what the deceased did or said might cause an ordinary person, in the position of the accused, to lose his or her Professor Tomsen found the victims of gay murders were considerably older than the average victim of violent crime, while the perpetrators tended to be younger than the standard killer. Even the police never said this one was a robbery gone wrong. The victims came flooding through the Speakers door with their stories of abuse. You can get away with anything so long as you say, the dirty faggot came on to me.. At 10.30pm of April 16, 1991, he stumbled across South Terrace and collapsed into bushes where he was found, covered in blood, by a passer-by. I wondered why and where these poofters would gather in order to let themselves be bashed by little guys. The document is only available to the immediate family of the said victim. I was a cleaner and a supervisor. The nerves down the side of his face were frozen. The disappearance of Steve Williams remains a mystery, as does the bashing death of Robert Woodland in Veale Gardens. Now, the reason I said, according to Lewis was that I havent seen anything to substantiate that Robert Woodland even visited Peter Lewiss office, let alone what he said there. self-control and do what the accused in fact did?, He further explained that: Losing self-control means what it says; it must be more than mere anger or panic. Soon after Handleys death, Utting received a phone call from another of her contacts, the former local chapter president of the Gypsy Jokers, Steve Williams. I dont have any doubt that that was the reason for him being murdered, he says. [11], On 28 March 2008, the ABC reported that the child pornography found in von Einem's cell had been determined not to have been written by him and that fingerprints did not match. They denied having heard anything about the 1991 murder of another gay man, David Saint, in the South Parklands. Then they started bringing one person in at a time. Past the toilet block. The defence opted for von Einem to give an unsworn statement from the dock, rather than give sworn evidence from the witness box. On 29 October 2006, The Australian reported that von Einem had been selling hand-painted greeting cards to prison officers for $20 each. After being abused by my stepparents, I ran away and lived on the streets of Adelaide and I fell into the wrong crowd and did not know any better. And thats how it went when Michael Lindsay, his two sisters, his de facto and a couple of mates came through the doors of the Hallett Cove Tavern around midnight. The 25-year-old comes here a lot. The street kids I hung out with used to go down to Popeyes boathouse near the River Torrens [the Number One beat where George Duncan was murdered]. The gay communitys embrace of Saint and his death left his siblings in something of a quandary. He was never seen alive again. Von Einem's defence team (now consisting of barrister David Peek with assistance from Helena Jasinski) appealed the conviction to the Court of Criminal Appeal in South Australia and requested that a new trial be set. If it hadnt been for Jamess presence, the dead body would probably have surfaced a week or so later and the death would have remained an obscure event - a mystery even more opaque than the one we are left with today. So the vice squad knew nothing. The earliest von Einem could be released on parole was therefore on 31 October 2007 (after allowing for the fact that a third of the non-parole period could be taken off for good behaviour in prison). Bevan Spencer Von Einem - Criminal History - Murder of Richard The coroner, often in consultation with a forensic pathologist, will decide if an autopsy is needed. *Warning: graphic content and mentions of sexual abuse ahead. On June 5, 1983, he was abducted a short distance from his house after Hed moved back in with his mum for a couple of months while his next place was under construction. When I phoned Woodlands mother, she stated, emphatically, that her son was not gay, that he had never spoken to Lewis and never made the allegations attributed to him. After several attacks, I left the group and went and lived on the streets in another part of town. Richard Kelvin - The Family Murders With all the fibres being accounted for with his new story, von Einem concluded his statement by saying that Kelvin had stayed for two hours before von Einem dropped him off in the Adelaide CBD near the Royal Adelaide Hospital and gave Kelvin $20 to pay for a taxi home.[5]. Saint didnt make it. Since then, several suspects of being part ofThe Family have been investigated by the police, but not enough evidence has been gathered against them. In their summation, the prosecution stated that the evidence they presented proved that von Einem's story was full of lies and inconsistencies, and that he did murder (with the help of others) Kelvin. This straightening out of the news has continued into this century. It contains several medical reports in lieu of the examination they took from the deceased. Karen Carpenter's autopsy (via autopsy files) revealed that at the time of her death, she weighed 108 pounds. His leg was broken, as were some ribs. The fact he was talking about it tells you it was out there. And then whether or not a homosexual advance was sufficient to explain the subsequent extreme violence meted out. They also stated that his admission that he had picked up Kelvin showed that he was in contact with him on 5 June; that the fibres and hairs proved that von Einem was with him at the time of just before and/or at the time of death; and that the drugs proved von Einem was with Kelvin in between those times. Read more about this topic: Bevan Spencer Von Einem, Criminal History, A joke, even if it be a lame one, is nowhere so keenly relished or quickly applauded as in a murder trial.Mark Twain [Samuel Langhorne Clemens] (18351910), We are taking the Nautilus down for the last time.Earl Felton, and Richard Fleischer.
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