Communication technology is the key factor of globalization, which has a significant impact on the human existence, and it is a major driving force without which globalization would have not been possible. Buabeng-Andoh (2012) points out that many computers have been deployed in schools and colleges in Italy. By capital resources or market, we refer to the overall availability and structure for financing of business activities. Abstract The information and communication technology (ICT) is a leading factor in the emergence and process ofglobalization. This is also mainly because the educational institutions lack the appropriate administrative support from the relevant authority to ensure effective use. Nevertheless, residential activities are important for socioeconomic development at the individual and organizational level, as they create employment and generate sales revenues for local firms. 3099067 Madon (Citation2000) proposed a conceptual framework that attempts to explain the interaction between the Internet and socioeconomic development in developing countries. We emphasize that socioeconomic development plays the role of the dependent variable in our framework. A digital ideas platform to support child-focusedSustainable Development Goals. ICT and supporting technologies work in synergy in sustaining business activities and socioeconomic development. The education system, in general, has been an essential variable concerning the exposure of children to computers as they usually use computers more actively to participate in several activities, as noted by Kent and Facer (2004). How these capital markets are operated and regulated has a strong bearing on business activities. Without them, they can miss school, be embarrassed and humiliated, and even get health problems. Research on a student-centered teaching model in an ICT-based English audio-video speaking class. Thus it may be interesting to explore if shortcomings in a specific concept could be compensated by an extraordinary performance of some other concept. The papers are based on research conducted in diverse economic settings, including developing countries, transition economies, and highly industrialized countries. For example, motivated by environmental consideration and to reduce air pollution, governments may push sales of electric vehicles while investing in charging infrastructure (Lopez-Behar etal., Citation2019). To request a reprint or corporate permissions for this article, please click on the relevant link below: Please note: Selecting permissions does not provide access to the full text of the article, please see our help page How do I view content? This infrastructure has a major impact on the business environment as it builds foundation for streamlining business processes and inter-organizational cooperation. With this, most countries aim to deliver lifelong learning efforts to tuck on the various educational areas ranging from technical to vocational education and training. Also in our special issue, the impact of the society dimension on socioeconomic development is illustrated in the paper by Jacobs etal., who demonstrate the role of stakeholder capabilities in political participation, an important facet of socioeconomic development (Tibben, Citation2015). Even if ICT infrastructure is already set and put in place, the school administration usually focuses on education results, shifting focus from the usage and implementation for sustainability. ZTE Corporation, a leading global provider of information and communication technology (ICT) solutions, recently showcased its latest products and innovations at the Philippine edition of ZTE Day. He holds a postdoctoral degree (habilitation) and PhD in economics from CUE. Human capital is the skill and knowledge base necessary to generate a specific output. Smartphones and social media are the absolute GOATs (Greatest of all time) of globalization. We shall look into how tools developed using ICT have been used to accelerate and promote education in line with the SDGs. There was a pilot project in 1992 to integrate ICT into the Chilean education system. It has been witnessed that most of the students have expressed some eagerness to approach and use the computer for the first time to develop new skills that have enabled them to discover knowledge as they improve their prospects in life. Residential activities are business activities focused on local customers, while productive activities are directed towards extra regional demand, generating the basic income for a given region. In addition, the time-related perspective of the impact on development appears especially vital, i.e. Satellites, fiber-optic cables and the internet make it effortless to share information with those in different time zones and locations. With respect to the former, Mengesha and Garfield indicate the need for further work on acceptance of telemedicine, with the purpose of strengthening their proposed model with better explanatory and predictive power. Technology is the vital force in the modern form of business globalization. For example, through monetary and fiscal policies, governments affect overall spending and thus business activities (Lim & McNelis, Citation2018). These chocolates were given to students. [21] Fleming, S., & Hynes, J. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) refers to a set of globally sustainable targets to develop the economy, society, and environment. The fifth paper, The influence of transformed government on citizen trust: insights from Bahrain, by Mohamed Mahmood, Vishanth Weerakkody, and Weifeng Chen, examines the adoption of e-government and the effect of transforming government on trust in public institutions. He has published in Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Information Technology for Development, Decision Support Systems, Information Systems Frontiers, Communications of the Association for Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, and European Journal of Operational Research among many other journals, as well as in numerous conference proceedings such as AMCIS, HICCS, and ECIS. Except for relatively short periods of time where they may exhibit ideological consistency, it is difficult to describe their policy approaches as stable. ICT has been a tool that has enabled them to discover new areas of interest, solve problems, and discover new perspectives. International organizations are influential on socioeconomic development as they are endowed with substantial resources and can determine load conditions and organize bailouts for distressed economies (Broome, Homolar, & Kranke, Citation2017), thus having a major impact on availability of capital resources. We briefly discuss these in the order of their publication, starting with the earliest one. [16] Aristovnik, A. Using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to benefit the environment has favored sustainable education, which has helped bring forth responsible and more aware students. the business environment and culture and the physical infrastructure. In constructing the framework, we followed a systematic procedure as proposed by Jabareen (Citation2009). framework is that it also shows possible negative impacts of ICT, such as lack of attention (as part of cultural evolution) and criminal use. Currently, Piotr serves as president elect of the Polish Chapter of AIS (PLAIS). Governments can now exchange data, research, analysis, and reports with each other on a real-time basis and this has led to increased cooperation between . the business activities and the commercial base established by these activities, and the foundation that enables these happenings, i.e. Palvia etal. As suggested by Bland and Orenstein (Citation2013), international organizations frequently change their strategies and policies. The need for more research into the role of age in the process of ICT acceptance is also expressed in papers in the current special issue. The role of information and communication technologies in mitigating carbon emissions: evidence from panel quantile regression Muhammad Khalid Anser, Munir Ahmad, Muhammad Azhar Khan, Khalid Zaman, Abdelmohsen A. Nassani, Sameh E. Askar, Muhammad Moinuddin Qazi Abro & Ahmad Kabbani Journal of Media Literacy Education, 3(2), 113-122. International organizations, such as the World Bank and OECD, produce global benchmarks that measure national performance across a range of issues. Technical equipment as cell phone, internet, telephone and microchip have contributed to globalisation by exchanging ideas, capital and people to make convenient to move from one place to another as a fast pace to stimulate the process of globalisation. Unfortunately, many girls around the world face what is known as "period poverty." (2013). Finally, the eighth paper, Enterprise system implementations in transition and developed economies: differences in project contracting and governance, by Przemysaw Lech, is a view from practice. The content to be used must be evaluated and be reviewed periodically to ensure that it still meets the said and required quality. This means they cannot afford to buy period products A digital ideas platform to support child-focused, Four fun waste-to-craft projects for children, Art, Development and Peace. The selection process for students who were to be included in the study sample in each school was also carried out randomly. The framework also shows ICT impact on cultural evolution, indicated by changes in human behavior. As stated in the Introduction, we define socioeconomic development as a process of changes or improvements in social and economic conditions as they relate to an individual, an organization, or society as a whole (Roztocki & Weistroffer, Citation2016). Challenges are facing the implementation of ICT standards and protocols to meet sustainable education for all by 2030; these are inclusive of special needs, anxiety that comes from the use of electronic devices, and student's ability to move from one area to the next as identified by Frederick et al. Uttama's framework focuses on the impact of foreign direct investments and is limited to the context of ASEAN countries. pdf. Factors influencing teachers adoption and integration of information and communication technology into teaching: A review of the literature. The results indicate that positive effects of using the co-design methodology are more substantial than reported in the literature. These are manifested in individuals education, health, income, quality of life, etc., as well as organizations global competitiveness and resources, and the country's national product, political freedom, wealth, esteem, and the labor market. We would like to thank James B. For example, Tausch (Citation2010) claims that MNC penetration significantly increases inequality and unemployment, and lowers life expectancy, and doubtlessly contributes to a high tertiary emigration rate, to a higher infant mortality, and to significantly less social security expenditures.' To achieve this, we surveyed ten schools in Ravenna, Italy. With ICT comes sustainable development, which leads to a fulfilled society of social ideas. From our literature review, we have established that according to McCombs et al. One of the factors that have resulted in much improvement in performance is the increase in efficiency and effectiveness in learning due to ICT implementation in Italy's education institutions. Since the industrial revolution, ICT has developed gradually. Technological globalization can be defined as the increasing speed of technological diffusion across the global economy. ICT also have effects on business activities, labeled by the authors of the framework as economic transformation, as ICT allow effective management of current business and pursuing additional business opportunities by entering new market segments. However, a rise in the budget is not feasible, considering the current economic climate affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Further, we plotted the student's general performance and computer performance results to understand the two data sets' trends. We then proceeded to plot a scatter plot to examine whether our data sets (student computer performance versus general performance in all subjects) could be analyzed using linear statistical methods. Working with adolescents living in internally dis, How does period poverty have a negative effect on teenage girls?. This value is derived from the fact that there is less physical input; there is an increase in life quality. In Nigeria, ICT has even been used to enhance the quality assurance procedures in Nigerian universities. In each school, we selected seven students from grade VI. The data for this study is collected by a survey with 313 respondents, conducted in Bahrain. There are the impacts of the four dimensions on socioeconomic development, then there are the impact relationships between the four dimensions, and lastly, as discussed earlier, there are relationships between constructs within each of the four dimensions. According to Brush (2008), ICT for education sustainability has helped students and learners across the world access educational material more effectively and efficiently. ICT is an increasingly powerful tool used to teach, learn, and perform assessments in the education sector; thus, changes and reforms must achieve sustainable education for all. Technology-enhanced learning in both pre-schools and higher learning institutions serves as a supportive education tool to propagate learners' knowledge and skills. Roztocki and Weistroffer (Citation2016) proposed a broad framework linking ICT and socioeconomic development. The program aims to target institutions and learners eager to use ICT in their curricula and stress on using technology other than just placing them randomly in any institution and expecting them to be used effectively. A graph of ICT performance and that of general performance showed that, as the ICT performance goes up, general performance goes up and vice versa, as shown in the following graph. The internet (or ICT in general) remains the greatest gift of technology to globalization. Nevertheless, our framework is intended to be broad, encompassing various levels and interpretations of socioeconomic development. There is a myriad of resources on a particular subject matter available on the internet today; these resources are of various materials: videos, audio podcasts, 3d visual representation, and etcetera. Nevertheless, the framework interestingly presents an ambiguous role of foreign direct investment, revealing its positive impact on economic growth, but negative influence on social development. Did you know that with a free Taylor & Francis Online account you can gain access to the following benefits? This implies that every single increase in computer unit score results in 2.5 unit scores for Italy's general performance. Fu et al. . Finally, the Palvia etal. ICT is an increasingly powerful tool used to teach, learn, and perform assessments in the education sector; thus, changes and reforms must achieve sustainable education for all. 18-37. In developing our own multi-dimensional and broadly applicable framework, we took from these existing frameworks only those aspects that seem to apply in general contexts. The paper proposes a framework for ICT-supported university courses to help design courses that also develop business and soft skills of students, and thereby improve students prospects in the job market, which is especially important due to rapidly changing business environment and technology evolution in developing and emerging economies. Thus this paper also highlights the relationship between the social dimension and the business dimension. Within the society dimension, the paper by Stal and Paliwoda-Pkosz illustrates how ICT-enabled education may help people improve their soft skills, an important facet of human and social capital. After the internet, the next wave will be the IoT (Internet of things), in which everything is connected through networks of sensors and closely integrated AI. According to Kent and Facer (2004), the evolution of digital technologies began first with the invention of the internet; this has made it possible for learners and other public members to access information without delay. ac. Its creation and maintenance require financial expenditures and time. Information technology is the study and application of computers and any type of telecommunications that store, retrieve, study, transmit, manipulate data and send information. This implies a strong correlation between computer performance and the general performance of students in Italy. 2000) http://www. In our special issue, the impact of the society dimension on the business dimension is illustrated for example by Kowal etal., who show how human capital influences the commercial base. On the other hand, from our data analysis, we have established a significant correlation between computer performance and general performance (in all subjects) from the ANOVA results. For instance, students can carry out further research using the internet to improve their knowledge. The growing impact of ICT (information and communications technologies) on globalisation can be evidenced by the fact that it has led to a rapid application of recent scientific advances in. According to Fu (2013), appropriate use of ICT would efficiently raise a said people's educational quality. The policy dimension impacts the business dimension both in the context of business activities and commercial base, as well as in the context of the business environment and infrastructure. We then proceed to carry our regression from the scatter plot; our research data could be analyzed using linear statistical methods. The paper thus illustrates the impacts of the society dimension and the policy dimension on a specific business activity. Facilitating preservice teachers' development of technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (TPACK). This framework, which is systematically constructed from reviewing several earlier frameworks but more general in focus, is intended to provide context for the eight papers in this special issue, and also guidance for future-related research. Due to the increasing populations, class sizes are frequently rising, but resourcing these classrooms has remained a challenge. Poland is an example of a transition economy, while Germany is one of the most developed countries in the world. Identifying test schools and then studying them to see the effectiveness will make it possible and much easier to consider issues that might not be addressed effectively on a broader scale. ICT has been considered to achieve this goal defectively because of the following factors: it spreads in a swift manner, which is best described but the number of mobile phones in this region today. In some way, our framework shows the reverse directions of the various models related to technology acceptance that have been proposed in the literature, as those models look at factors that explain acceptance and use of ICT, whereas our framework includes ICT as an explaining factor for socioeconomic development. Second, it enhances international competitionincluding as a result of the . The data was collected using an on-line survey among 282 Polish respondents and 80 German respondents. Specifically, the authors looked at three community centers (BRAC Gonokendra) in Bangladesh, which provide economic and social programs to people and communities in situations of poverty. This is compared to an average of about 15 computers in the EU region for grade 4 students. Degnan and Jacobs define education as the life-long acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities that promote personal growth and fulfillment, economic viability (at both the individual and community level), and community enrichment' (Degnan & Jacobs, Citation1998). ICT enables economies to interact with each other around the globe, and the current fast ICT mode makes globalization a reality in today's technological world. In the technology dimension, we include ICT as well as supporting technologies that enable people and organizations derive the maximum benefits from ICT.
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the role of information and communication technology in globalization 2023