Now that it's warming up, it's easy to spot the idiots who are part of the "slob culture". I think it can be said that never before was a population of citizens in supposedly the world's most prosperous country so hideously attired. People don't think for themselves anymore. What is notable in both countries is that the standard goes up with the average income of the shoppers.Ties I can live without, but there are plenty to be had in UK shops, and if anything they seem to be having a revival especially with younger men. BTW I had a suit on as well! Society has no problem with it or they are too afraid to criticize, so there's absolutely no shame in showing up anywhere looking like a witch now.People don't even bother to comb their hair anymore.All of us have become work beasts who come home only to eat and look at our phones and TV and sleep. This is dangerous for blood circulation. Keep that in mind if youre older than 12. I find it off putting and want to tell these Hollywood and U.K. guys to spruce up and look like a successfully civilized person, not a digital age Neanderthal Man. Its the norm to display how overweight you are and the tattoos youre covered in. It's sad -- seems like there's a plan for these businesses to separate us from other humans and save some money in the process. Technology and addiction to devices, maybe. A clear picture of your soon-to-be debonair self is essential. I was a sales associate in the men's and coats departments. Public slobbiness started earlier than you noted. I have a challenge for people who read this. We dress like slobs because we're cheap, we don't chase fashion trends, we get fat and we still wear the same clothes with our bellies hanging over our belt and we actually do like the plumber's crack look. God forbid if i choose to wear a nice casual dress shirt and even worse if i tuck it in which in my opinion looks great if its well fitted.I can't help but feel like other people seem to have no respect for their appearance particularly the young males here who regularly wear singlets with enormous arm holes, baggy graphic t-shirts, board shorts and walk around bear footed or in cheap crappy shoes. I found this by accident and wanted to contribute too. Iphones have become the "opium of the people." In a third, hes shirtless, showing off a tattoo that reads: Jokes come and go, but swagger is forever. On Instagram, where GQ reposted some of the photos, the comments range from None of that looks wearable to This isnt GQ., Mr. Davidsons looks may not express the refined GQ aesthetic that readers know, but his giddily juvenile style is increasingly what weve come to expect from male celebrities. Can we assume that the USA is a decadent nation that has given up trying to maintain what was once considered a decent standard in clothing and fashion representation? We're supposed to be policing the earth and waving chinese made flags, and inducing foreigners with our "standard of living", and yet we cannot even look respectable to ourselves. Plus,laziness&lack of class,does indeed play a role in it. This nonsense needs to stop right now. Stars like Jonah Hill, Shia LaBeouf, Post Malone, Wiz Khalifa and Justin Bieber dress like dorm-room slackers, supercharged with AmEx black cards. Also, what's up with this new trend of people now wearing pajama pants out in public. One does'nt have to 'dress up' per se,but they can certainly try to dress decently/nice. For my entire life, I have dressed well and spent very little money. It's a complete difference in attitude between what my grandfather would have considered appropriate or even halfway decent, as compared to the 20 year old pop culture twits who have infantilized the world with their inane behaviors and digital music. I'd rather see a return of the old "zootsuits" than what I see people wear nowadays--or at least some of the 1960-1970 clothes. The examples go on and on, but it is coming to the point where interactions with other people, even as a customer, are lowering to a nadir. Giorgio Armani designer fitted jeans, a fitted Stone Island, Dolce & Gabbana or other designer Italian t shirt, smart trainers such as Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana or even Adidas Gazelles. The woman he was with had on shorts, tank-top, an un-zipped hooded sweat jacket and tenni-runners. Going to the grocery store especially when I'm inundated with foul dress. We get very nice clothes. Have you noticed how horrendous women's hair styles look nowadays? Considering it takes a lot of nerve to wear PJs out in public, I wouldn't count lack of confidence as one of the reasons. Respect has to be earned,it's not an entitlement. As I live in a German speaking country I have also noticed that formal greeting is being more and more reduced. Smoking: Three homeless people from South Ferry doss houses are in Battery Park on June 6, 1941. There's one teacher who wears big (gaucho big) pants and flip flops every . Bill Maher questions why Chicago's crime wave isn't addressed: 'Why are It was a little unimpressive. What's behind shortages of Adderall, Ozempic and other meds? on this blog. Some conservative commentators and celebrities began calling for a boycott of Bud Light after the beer was featured in a social media promotion by a transgender influencer, Dylan . I usually wear all black with a band tee. .css-16c7pto-SnippetSignInLink{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;cursor:pointer;}Sign In, Copyright 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. People stare mindlessly at digital devices all day, then retire to their shanties to stare at the flat screen idiot box all night long, reinforcing big brother's aims at dumbing them down by mass infotainment. I'm just thankful that their are still a few clothing companies out their who still know how to make nice clothes for people. I saw no fewer than four men who were seated at tables or booths with grungy ballcaps firmly on their heads. Their were still social taboos on what people couldn't wear in public. As far as tattoos, I did write a post several years ago here about my distaste for them. It's sad that people find flipping through Instagram more important than there own appearance. Hmm, interesting points. (Polo ralph Lauren being one of them). And what happened to nice big collars?I blame the education system where they let their teachers come to work in casual sloppy clothing and I also blame the retail business and wholesale manufacturers. I just don't get the whole "grunge" look. Even in the court house, I asked my attorney (suit and tie as with most of the men) females working there with bare legs and tattoos that actually think they look good? If Justin Bieber gets twenty tattoos on his body, then this must be okay and cool for the young and dumb kids to do. I'm 62, Navy vet, retired engineer (Computer/Electrical), have been in the IT field for 30 years, and I'm a writer and artist. Gene - first of all, from a fellow Pole to another, dzien dobry! Ironically, I think that this is where most of today's confusion originates in the problems that are upon us now. More often than not, you can find nice clothing in thrift stores. This loss of basic common sense of what looks good has been indicated into the people for generations. Yuck. I tried to be polite about it without "fat shaming." Yes to the ugly tats. Their pants are slimmer than that staple of American men's closets, chino pants. And Mr. LaBeouf belongs in a loutish league of his own, wearing hot-pink running tights underneath tattered denim cutoffs, ripped-collared hoodies and Uggs. To me, it's not a question of bullying but of having respect for oneself and others when out in public to dress in a way so that we're not subjecting innocent bystanders to seeing a body part where normally the sun doesn't shine. I'm of the generation called "Millenials," which is a label that I dislike, since it seems to imply that my generation is lost and stupid, or at least that's how I perceive it. Personally,I fail to see how any of these teens expect to be taken seriously in the real world,when they dress like dumpster divers,street walkers,and wannabe gang bangers,and are covered with tattoos,body piercings,and other mutilations.News flash child,nobody wants to see your underwear,or your scrawny (or giant) backside. They always had a winter coat. The human body looks better, in my opinion, when unadorned. I might wear sweatpants at home in the cabin, unless I'm expecting someone or plan on going somewhere, though out in public I try to look at least decent and clean. These teachers dress like slobs. A person can always change his clothes, but he can't change ugly tattoos. Sure, everybody thinks that because they live in the United States of Moronica, have tattoos, piercings or want to look as though they have been living in a homeless encampment (even if they really don't) that this is freedom of expression. So many people will say, "Who are you trying to impress? I refused to have them on my ops after that incident. Adobe Stock. Some might say I'm being snooty, superficial, judgmental--and maybe even a bully for having this opinion. (Information Technology) professional, I wore clothing appropriate for what I was doing, which was mostly a nice pair of Dockers pants, either a button down shirt or Lands End polo shirt, and for outside I wore an Australian outback hat (like a fedora, only with a slightly wider brim) if I wasn't required to wear a hardhat. I'm an American professor in Kurdistan and even here, people when they dress casually look put-together and not unclean. What does "dress like kids" even mean in this context? Great article, Pam! Partly this has to do with the visual erasure of style barriers. Kids play tennis at Forest Hills West Side Tennis Club, famous for its strict all-white dress code. I once went to a Meetup event after work once that was held in the downstairs lounge of a nice local restaurant. Anybody who wears sneakers with a tuxedo and is seen by millions of people ought to be laughed off the stage for being an ass. I dont have to dress up to please you. I please myself. Theres the utter selfishness of it. I know that times change, but why can't the so-called fashion people come up with a trend that acknowledges real style and class? He's the only one in our office wearng a shirt & tie now, it's obvious who's boss.
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why do celebrities dress like slobs 2023