The Brightest Night After Darkstalker told Vigilance about the Royal SeaWing Massacre, the queen gave Current shelter and resources in exchange for information on the attack. Then Darkstalker shoots a hostile look at Indigo, saying that it is not a trick, and his intentions are only to make Fathom happy. He was enthusiastic about their relationship and tried his best to make her feel happy and safe. To grant her the ability of mind-reading while worn. Darkstalker then gave Clearsight and Fathom each a Dreamvisitor, keeping one for himself. Additionally, when Moonwatcher expressed her concern for giving the NightWing students powers, Darkstalker said that she reminded him of Clearsight, also asking if everyone was sure Clearsight never had dragonets. Winter remained unaffected by the plague because of Darkstalker's promise to Moonwatcher that he would not hurt her friends. But all the scrolls are about IceWings, and it sounds like they've always restricted their magic so much that no one's had a chance to find out anything. It was called The Book of Clearsight in modern times. Fathom felt like he should know what it said, but he read it anyway. [56] Darkstalker was willing to do anything to see his mother again after awakening from his enchantment,[131] and he appeared desperately hopeful at the prospect of seeing her. Swathed in jewelry borrowed from Darkstalker, she approached the throne under the eyes of the queen and her former teacher, Allknowing, who was seething next to the throne as Clearsight launched her speech. Later on, Darkstalker went home and used his scroll to find out who tried to assassinate him. Thanks to his invincible scales, he survived the attack, although he told his friends that the assassin must have missed. Upon seeing the ferociously tall waves crashing down on the drenched sand, they decided to shoot for a sea cave to shelter from the storm. [130] He had an immense care for her and often enchanted everyday items to bring her more comfort in her life. To obey his commands; to stop talking and stay where he is. When Darkstalker arrived, he shared some of his ideas for what they could do to the IceWings with his magic. Father [36] Darkstalker saw Indigo as a threat to him and Fathom's friendship,[121] so he turned her into a small wooden dragon so she would not turn Fathom against him. . To teleport Vulture into the canyon with himself and Qibli. [11] She wanted to be a dragon who created order from the chaos. Clearsight tried not to worry about why Darkstalker and Listener did not like each other; they seemed to intentionally try their best to never interact. Darkstalker realized that Foeslayer is gone and it is Arctic's fault. Maybe you were always going to turn out this way, no matter how I tried to save you. He then met his destined love, Clearsight, and took her to the beach the next day in the pouring rain. Mentioned in He asks Clearsight about it, and she states that Darkstalker had put a border shield that kills any IceWings that try to enter the kingdom. Darkstalker and Clearsight | Wings of Fire Fanon Wiki | Fandom Will Clearsight be able to use her strength to lift Darksta. She flies away to Agate Mountain, clinging onto the only thread of hope she has left. Darkstalker continues to roam free, making questionable choices. Darkstalker healed Stonemover with a stalactite, simultaneously removing the stone enchantment on his scales. Darkstalker then enchanted Flame's library card to turn it into an iron band and chain, trapping him in place. To fly as far as possible, where nobody would ever, ever find them. Clearsight was an adult female NightWing who was introduced in Darkstalker as one of the three main protagonists. To transform into a manacle binding Flame's forearm to the cave floor. He explained that it would allow the carrier to walk the dreams of any dragon the carrier had seen or known and that it would connect the three friends so that however far apart they are, they would always be together. Then, Arctic is told to cut off his tongue, which the crowd stared in horror. As they touch down, Clearsight says to Darkstalker that she is not going to let him kill the queen. Darkstalker turned and escorted whiteout away laughing slightly as the three dragons glared at each other. [120] Darkstalker wanted Fathom to trust him,[42] but internally was willing to enchant both Fathom's mind and his relationship with Indigo. Meanwhile, dragons had started to gather, and Darkstalker addresses them all. Fathom reassures her that he wants to see it for himself, and Indigo reluctantly moves away. Lionfish tackled the assassin, killing him quickly. [23] Although Darkstalker lied to himself about this attempted manipulation of Clearsight being the best thing for her, it was really about keeping her from knowing about his schemes. He then asked her to listen, apologizing for everything he did and promising that they could still rule the NightWings together if she came back. Appeared in Shadowhunter | Wings of Fire Wiki | Fandom Darkstalker realizes in shock as he realized he could not trust Clearsight with his scroll, and that perhaps there would not be a queen on the throne beside him. Darkstalker wanted to find out who tried to assassinate him, and Fathom became suspicious of Darkstalker. She then found the Tower of Knowledge with the help of her foresight, where she met her teacher, Allknowing, and her classmates: Vision, Morrowwatcher, and Jewel-eyes. Clearsight . [39], However, his later, larger spells were much more menacing: a dagger to kill one IceWing every full moon for one year; spells to torment classmates he hated in small, creative ways; a spell that sent nightmares to Diamond with all of the ways he planned to kill her. Clearsight took off her earrings after the Queen accused her of being enchanted by Darkstalker. [112] He refused to lose all of his memories and become a new dragon as he did not want to forget Clearsight. [95] Later on, once she and the other animus dragons of Pyrrhia were summoned to Darkstalker, he affirmed his view of her as a tool by suggesting he run tests on her and Stonemover to learn more about animus limits, even suggesting driving her insane. Maybe it was all the small moments where you felt threatened or powerless or out of control, and all the things you did to fight those feelings Or maybe it's just part of you, something you hatched with. Clearsight exploded into a black room -- the same as all the others, because obviously the Queen felt very depressed or something like that -- and saw Darkstalker, Whiteout, and Thoughtful all sitting around a game board. Or maybe it was losing Foeslayer and not being able to do anything about it. Clearsight thanks Fathom as he gives the bracelet back, and tells him that she is worried Darkstalker had enchanted Indigo somehow. Clearsight is dead and never coming back, though she was originally considered to be brought back to life as a zombie. Darkstalker continued to mourn the loss of his mother for a few weeks. [54] He radiated menace. Darkstalker started to write something down in his scroll as Arctic explained that if he offered Whiteout's talons in marriage, Diamond would release Foeslayer. The Lost Continent,The Hive Queen,The Poison Jungle, [97], Foeslayer is Darkstalker's mother. [23] Their relationship ultimately failed due to Darkstalker's actions, and Clearsight is not to blame. So many possible futures await, how could she just let them all float away? (COMPLETED) Even if the second group of dragonets have already 'defeated' Darkstalker, there is so. The Brightest Night The queen, furious, orders her guards to arrest her, but Clearsight evades them and flies away, yelling back to the queen that she will fix everything. Darkstalker slipped the bracelet over his foreclaw, then instantly fell into a deep sleep. The most powerful dragon in Pyrrhian history, Darkstalker was hatched with animus, mind-reading, and prophetic powers. Indigo sharply replies that she believes Fathom can be happy without any magic. Wings Of Fire: Darkstalker and Clearsight {Dynasty} - YouTube He notices that she did not bring his scroll with her, and he wonders why she stole it if she did not use it. Clearsight than turns to the sunrise, saying that his descent into malice perhaps began when he lied to her for the first time, losing Foeslayer and not being able to do anything about it, or all the small moments when she felt threatened or powerless, and all the things he did to fight his feelings. 3 pages December 11, 2017 Twilight. Clearsight then sees Arctic watching them from the shadows. Tribe Darkstalker's Obsidian Mirror shape was described as taller than anyone else's, with movements that were slow and purposeful. Book Appearances Arctic reveals he was going to give Whiteout to the IceWings so they can breed more animi into the royal family, and that he was going to see if Foeslayer was alive, and would give the IceWings a map of the NightWing kingdom- plus how to get in- in exchange for Foeslayer's life. Thoughtful was surprised and amazed that she had noticed his art and said, "No one you really saw the pieces of the scroll inside the waves?" We don't want to keep out all the other tribes. What If Clearsight Stayed With Darkstalker? - YouTube The next night, Clearsight and Listener launched their plan to free the scavengers. Wings of Fire Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Whiteout was also one of the only dragons Darkstalker truly loved, according to Clearsight, along with her and Foeslayer. Darkstalker received the same vision and, anxious at this, decided to interrupt the party to go and try to save Foeslayer. Knowing she could not stop him, she steps away, her wings folded close and shaking. Wings of Fire Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. The Dangerous Gift (vision) Arctic then replies that he is doing this for Foeslayer, saying that Queen Diamond would let her go if she had Arctic. Dragons bring us new ideas and inventions and discoveries from all over. Clearsight responds that she wanted to see the scroll, and Darkstalker hands it to her. However, if the hourglass showed more black sand than white sand, it meant the dragon he was pointing to was good. She tells Listener that if she ever believed her, then she was to find her parents, her family, and possibly the queen, and leave the Night Kingdom. After imprisoning Darkstalker in order to save Pyrrhia, Clearsight relocated to Pantala . He thought that Fathom would be better off without her. [113] He tried to keep her focused on the happy futures where they had dragonets, but ultimately manipulated Clearsight's ability against her will, even seeming defiant and indifferent when confronted. [134] However, she was later freed by Fathom, who turned against Darkstalker due to what he had done. Later, Qibli looked into the Obsidian Mirror again and looked at Moon first. Darkstalker insists that they are so close to their happy future, stating all his enemies are dead. There, Darkstalker presented the dreamvisitors to his friends, much to Fathom's dismay. Clearsight made the only known travel route between the two continents, which was hidden in the back cover of the Book of Clearsight. The start to fly back to the kingdom. [7] He had one silver teardrop scale on the outward corner of each of his dark[8] eyes, which indicated that he was a mind reader,[9] and he had eyes which were as black as underground caverns. Queen Vigilance called for Darkstalker and ordered Clearsight to start calculating. In the prologue, Clearsight thought about Darkstalker a couple of times: How she could not return to Pyrrhia until she was not tempted to wake him from his eternal slumber, how she would still miss the dragonets she would have had with Darkstalker, and how she saved Fathom and the NightWings from Darkstalker and could continue saving dragons from harm in Pantala. Whiteout agrees. Waterfalls of language in fire-blown claws," and then told him that he was the one who made the Cascade of Dreams. Darkstalker asks where Arctic was bringing Whiteout, and Arctic says that Whiteout wants to go with him. Darkstalker walked in later with Fierceteeth, enchanted to look and act like Clearsight. Now the ghosts of futures she left behind are coming back to haunt her. To this, Moon responded that it might not matter since Darkstalker still caused his father's death with an untainted soul. He showed her a blank scroll, also known as his talisman, that was wrapped in a black leather casing, and explained that he had put all of his animus power into it so that he would not lose any of his soul when he used his magic. Darkstalker tried every enchantment he could think of, but nothing works. So it's all anecdotal, and , It's well, it's complicated there are so many consequences and spells can go wrong, especially with a war scenario where it's all so chaotic. [30], Immediately after Clearsight arrived on Pantala, she was greeted by two dragons, one of which was an unnamed LeafWing and one of which was Sunstreak. If the white sand (representing the evil in that dragon's soul) outweighed the black sand (representing the good in that dragon's soul), it meant the dragon was tipping towards evil. [115] She was sad enough about him that she considered staying with him until the mountain crushed her. Clearsight assures herself that Darkstalker is not completely evil, and Darkstalker says the same, except with more confidence and tells Fathom there is nothing to worry about. Who would be your best friend? Their dragonets at one point asked them to tell them a story about how bad guys became bad guys. Darkstalker is noted at the end of the book as the true owner of the animus touched scroll. Clearsight with all her thoughts of doom and disaster weren't helping. [111] He disliked that she worried over their futures so much, but loved her wholly. Qibli suggested it was because of his actions and not his magic. This caused Clearsight to be ever-more worried about Darkstalker's animus powers, as she feared the worst for her newfound soulmate. Lionfish says that they should go back to the castle and Clearsight, Darkstalker, Fathom, and Lionfish go back to Fathom's room, and Fathom worries about Darkstalker's soul the whole way there. As we work to restore service, you can check out how your donations support the OTW and its mission in our newest budget update.. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Darkstalker was mentioned several times throughout the prologue, with Qibli even comparing him to the "great evil" in. Clearsight learned from her visions that this was an IceWing test run; the tribe had planned to swim across their borders to avoid the NightWing air defenses, slipping under the noses of them to launch a surprise attack. When the IceWings took her, Darkstalker offered to kill every IceWing for revenge. Aunts or Uncles [140] She believed that he was good, and that he wanted the most peaceful future for Pyrrhia,[141] and she believed wholeheartedly that he would never kill her. Under one full moon, she was hatched with exceptionally powerful foresight and formerly served as Queen Vigilance's Head Seer for a short amount of time while she resided in the Night Kingdom. Arctic killed himself with his own claws, fulfilling Clearsight's prophecy that "your claws will betray you in your final hour.". Clearsight is uncomfortable with the energy that vibrated between Darkstalker and Indigo, sensing a sudden vision of a world with no Indigo with it. Diamond, Prudence To show him Foeslayer's location, relative to the Ice, Sand, and Night Kingdoms, along with NightWing and IceWing troop deployments. 50 parts. The next day, Darkstalker, Anemone, Turtle, and the NightWings at Jade Mountain left for the Rainforest Kingdom. The Temple of Clearsight held the Book of Clearsight, which was closely guarded by the Librarian. When should I read Legends: Darkstalker? : r/WingsOfFire - Reddit [119], When Indigo initially attacked Darkstalker, Fathom protested, stating that Darkstalker did not seem dangerous, and admitting wistfully that he could be a friend. [9] She was selfless and open-minded, willing to admit to her own faults as well as others'. [103] He was suspicious of[104] and bothered by Darkstalker's mind-reading abilities, and was jealous of his son's knowledge of Foeslayer's thoughts. Later, when Queen Vigilance is with Clearsight, Vigilance sent an assassin after Darkstalker. Mother Darkstalker, I'm so, so scared. [10] She mourned him and their possible future dragonets for a long time after he was trapped, and never moved on, even after relocating to Pantala. Partner Darkstalker stays on the edges of Clearsight's mind, describing it as fascinating. Darkstalker also says that Arctic will most likely reveal the NightWing secrets, and also might use his powers again to attack the NightWings. Darkstalker mistook Turtle for Fathom and blasted fire at him. Historical: Diamond, Present: Crystal Hailstorm Icicle Mink Narwhal Permafrost Tundra Winter They flew off to save him from attempted murder and found him with his throat slashed, lying in a pool of blood, though miraculously, still alive. They flew out and went into a forest, where they built a fire and ate fruits that Darkstalker brought. Their conversation was interrupted by a broken, soft sound of pained groaning; the sound turned out to be coming from Current, a SeaWing prince who had sought refuge after Albatross's horrifying attack on the Island Palace. Rainforest Kingdom: NightWing village, Present: Snowfall Glacier Darkstalker, deeply suspicious and furious at his lying father, enchanted his father to obey his every command. To injure Arctic to a disabling but not lethal degree. Complete. 6,924 takers Report. Later, Moon and Qibli spied on Darkstalker and overhear him casting spells on the fake Clearsight to recreate her, which ultimately failed. After she told Darkstalker about her visions and the importance of telling the queen, he requested a private audience with her. Appeared in Clearsight continues, saying that maybe his malice was maybe always a part of him, something he inherited from his father along with his animus powers, and maybe he was always going to turn out this way no matter what she did. "Thankyou, Clearsight," His eyes fogged over breifly, as did Clearsight's but then they shoved away the visions. This leads to Darkstalker opening Flame's pouch, finding the third dreamvisitor inside. [37] He knew how to play tricks with his words. The Tragedy of Clearsight - YouTube Horrified, Fathom continues in silence. Darkstalker told her to kill her mother if she wanted, or anyone else who stands in her way. After a tense conversation between father and son, Clearsight suddenly collapsed in visions: wars, Foeslayer wielding a spear, NightWings, and IceWings clashing, IceWings following Arctic into battle, Arctic in Vigilance's display prison, screaming through the bars Darkstalker's father, obviously concerned, asked if Clearsight was okay. Fathom could see from Clearsight's expression that it was true. [14], Clearsight was obsessive about the future, often spending her time exploring different potential timelines to try and find the best outcomes. Darkstalker then shows Clearsight a soul reader, pointing it at Clearsight and the result is a large pile of black sand and a tiny scattering of white sand. [49], After he began to seek vengeance upon the IceWing tribe after Arctic became even crueler, he became more dishonest,[49] devious,[50] vengeful,[51] furious,[52] manipulative,[53] angry, and callous. This took me so long to make! [109] Darkstalker never cared much about Arctic's hatred towards him. He was enthusiastic about their relationship and tried his best to make her feel happy and safe. After Darkstalker killed Arctic with his animus magic, Fathom helped Clearsight to defeat Darkstalker by enchanting Clearsight's mind reading-blocking moonstone bracelet that was meant to keep Darkstalker asleep for the rest of time. Seeing the blank paper, Clearsight asked him if he had decided to try his talons at writing; but to her shock, he announced that he had put all of his animus power in the scroll as a vessel, so usage of his power would not turn him evil. Because if we use animus magic, then they might retaliate with animus magic, and then it gets well, really bad . Beware your own power. He spreads his wings to go kill the queen, but Clearsight tackles him, pinning him to the roof. But yet Clearsight didn't stop him. Anemone enters with Flame following, and he admitted that he tried to kill Stonemover because he lied about being able to heal Flame's scars. They also spied on Darkstalker himself and found him giving powers to the NightWings on a limited account. To protect Darkstalker's soul from the effects of animus magic forever. Darkstalker feels as though he is missing something when he sleeps and dislikes sleeping as a result. [151] He thought that Whiteout was perfect the way she was. [31] He believed in not worrying excessively about the future and preferred to focus on the present. "I thought you liked it," commented Clearsight. Well, if we assume Clearsight's kits are the ones dating Pantalan dragons, there is a solid chance some of them will go for LeafWings instead of BeetleWings. I am running, running away from the only dragon I ever loved, whispering, "take me back," to the air, and the vortex appears, and I fling myself into it, and then I am back in my place, left with a laptop and nothing but the memories crumbling into place. Other I mean, of course no one wants to run experiments on animus dragons, even if you had more than one at a time for comparison, to see who goes evil first. Moon Rising,Winter Turning,Escaping Peril,Talons of Power,Darkness of Dragons Do different spells affect their souls in different ways, or are they always the same? [66] Clearsight saw multiple highly likely futures in which Darkstalker killed her after she stole his talisman[67] and feared that Darkstalker would soon enchant away her and Fathom's ability to feel and think for themselves freely.[68]. "Darkstalker. Then, Clearsight points it at Fathom. Clearsight gives a fact that Agate Mountain would not be the tallest mountain much longer, as there would be an earthquake and a whole side of the mountain would fall. He insists he can make their future turn out how they want, but Clearsight responds, "Not if we want different things.". Our scrolls and artwork are sold across the continent. WoF Next Gen: Child of Clearsight and Darkstalker - DeviantArt Under one full moon, she was hatched with exceptionally powerful foresight and formerly served as Queen Vigilance's Head Seer for a short amount of time while she resided in the Night Kingdom. Darkstalker begged her not to give up on him and to focus on their remaining bright paths. Clearsight wakes up in her room at the palace with a huge headache from her horrible nightmares about Darkstalker turning evil. As the letter went, Clearsight got more mature and at her deathbed, she said not to look into the future, and to stay in the present.[19]. To make animi other than Darkstalker incapable of casting spells in the throne room. Luna later mentioned Clearsight again when. When Clearsight first saw Listener, she felt that most paths with Listener ended well, which made Clearsight feel openly more secure around her. This is shown when he used his magic to return her favorite scavenger toy to her whenever it got lost. To track them down, Darkstalker enchanted a beetle to bite off Arctic's shielding earring, and then enchanted a dagger to lead them to Arctic and stab him in one of his legs to render him immobile. Darkstalker did truly care for Fathom,[39] but as Fathom grew more concerned for his friend's morality,[51] he was eventually forced to betray his friend. Darkstalker showed her some examples of what he can do, such as enchanting a stick so that when it is snapped, every IceWing in Pyrrhia would drop dead. These are user interpretations of her prophecies, and while they have been reviewed and deemed accurate by parts of the community, it is important to note that they are not stated in canon. Darkstalkerxclearsight Stories - Wattpad He said he knows about your plan to replace Thorn and he'll help you if you help him. Finally, the soul reader stops, giving out a measure of black and white sand. [64] He eventually was eerily blank when facing the concept of Foeslayer's death,[65] and wanted the NightWings to fear and respect him. They advise Clearsight to take a break, but she's got so much on her plate. There's so much we don't know. [138] Darkstalker refused to enchant Moonwatcher's mind as he did for most of Pyrrhia, and she believed that he was not evil. She never existed in the timeline the books took place in. Clearsight, Fathom, and Darkstalker started to become better friends. Rainforest Kingdom: NightWing village, Cite error: tags exist for a group named "event", but no corresponding tag was found. Darkstalker smiled. When Clearsight left for Agate Mountain to meet Darkstalker one last time, Fathom took the scroll and held it over a candle. Clearsight was mentioned many times throughout the book, and it was revealed that she left a map to Pyrrhia inside her book. During the time, she was the only dragon he could talk to, and he mentored her. [3], Clearsight met Fathom shortly after his arrival in the Night Kingdom, and cared about him very much Darkstalker even worried that she might have loved Fathom more than himself at one point. [47] He was completely willing to force Clearsight and Fathom along the path he desired, even if he had to drag them along it kicking and screaming. The most powerful dragon in Pyrrhian history, Darkstalker was hatched with animus, mind-reading, and prophetic powers. They successfully rescued the scavengers, (with a lot of trouble from the rescued) stowing them in two canvas sacks as they flew to North Beach to release them. Although Fathom convinced Indigo not to kill him, Darkstalker wanted to get revenge on Indigo from then on and made plans to get rid of Indigo for personal reasons. The NightWings are famous for our intertribal relations and open trade partnerships. [148] In the last chapter of Talons of Power, he thought Turtle was too unpredictable and enchanted away his animus magic.[149]. One year later, Clearsight went to school for the first time. In the prologue . After Qibli uses the Obsidian Mirror to spy on Queen Glacier, Winter was frightened of all the IceWings getting sick and started to take off to ask Darkstalker for help, proving that Darkstalker did enchant Winter specifically to like him, more so than the enchantment placed on other dragons. With no magical abilities or heroic destiny, he worri. Hivewings are descended from Darkstalker THEORY : r/WingsOfFire - Reddit Darkstalker takes out his scroll and Clearsight questions what he's going to do with it. Grandmothers The next day, after school, Darkstalker took Clearsight to his house, which was empty; both of his parents were at work. Historical: Arctic Frostbite Opal Penguin Snowfox, Winter Icicle Alba Changbai Ermine, Cirrus Fjord Hvitur Ivory Lynx Snowflake Polar Bear, Darkstalker Whiteout Eclipse Fierceclaws Shadowhunter Typhoon, Great Ice Cliff Moon Globe Tree IceWing palace Diamond Caves, Approximately 2,007 years (hatched in roughly 3,007 AS). [96] Darkstalker secretly hated SeaWings, specifically Anemone's family, because of their ancestry linking them to Fathom.[97]. [128] He would have followed Darkstalker anywhere,[129] and Darkstalker was often irritated by Fathom's caution towards animus magic.
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