Chart Selection Her curse is that she is not identified with her feelings leaving her misunderstood and marginalized. WebAurelia (minor planet designation: 419 Aurelia) is a main-belt asteroid that was discovered by German astronomer Max Wolf on September 7, 1896, in Heidelberg.It is classified as Chiron WebAstrology Ephemeris: Centaurs, TNOs, Asteroids & Planets (1500 - 2099) Gives astrological ephemeris positions of centaurs, TNOs, asteroids, Uranian points and classical planets. Ophelia is the name of one of Uranuss moons. (208) LACRIMOSA Aries Dates before 4 Oct. 1582 are treated as Julian Calendar. Web2.Nessus conjunct Dejanira. They can be safely entrusted with the position of a leader. 1252 CELESTIA: Keywords: heaven on earth, utopia, spiritual plane for growth Positive: higher level of living with equality & nobility, heavenly Negative: Neutral: pure place, true-living, goodness-intended, 30 URANIA: Keywords: muse of astronomy and astrology Positive: heavenly Negative: Neutral: astronomers, astrologers, psychics, mystical types, celestial-globe, compass, 443 PHOTOGRAPHICA: Keywords: brains ability to retain visual imagery, photographic memory, holding visual-imagery Positive: clairvoyancy, visionary, vivid- imagery imagination, reflection, to see Negative: Neutral: photographs, photography, pictures, imagery, visualizations, where one holds an image of something, 84 K/CLIO: Keywords: muse of history Positive: Negative: Neutral: focused on history, may be tied to fame, trumpet, clepsydra, 27 EUTERPE: Keywords: Muse of music, song, elegiac poetry, gladness, flute-playing, flutes Positive: to talk about love, inspirational, to be concerned with something/somebody Negative: Neutral: especially linked to music, singing the praises of somebody/something, 18 MELPOMENE: Keywords: Muse of tragedy Positive: Negative: Neutral: connected to acting, theatre and darker writing, tragic mask, 22 C/KALLIOPE: Keywords: Muse of epic poetry, fair-voice Positive: eloquence Negative: Neutral: poetry and writing, stylus+tablet, 62 ERATO: Keywords: Muse of lyric poetry Positive: lovely Negative: Neutral: romantic writing, the poet, 23 THALIA: Keywords: Muse of comedy Positive: abundance, good cheer Negative: Neutral: comedians, comedy, comic mask, 33 POLYHYMNIA: Keywords: Muse of hymns, mime, mimic-art Positive: many songs Negative: Neutral: acting, poetry, creative spirituality and natural metaphysic, 81 TERPSICHORE: Keywords: muse of dance, delight in dancing, muse, dance and dramatic chorus, mother of sirens, lyre Positive: to dance, possessing the gift of prophecy Negative: Neutral: dance, lyrics, chorus, theatre, choreographers, moves, dancers, cithara. 171 ophelia: Keywords: 'in need of help or helper' , demale despair/madness, duty to the point of driving one mad Positive: demolishing the instruments of captivity, exposing truth behind oppression, revolutionary gestures against those whom caused opression, disowning weakneses and taking on empowered role, becoming the elektra Input must be Universal Time. Hypnos was depicted as a young man with wings on his shoulders or brow. ), Ophelia. WebOphelia was also exactly trined to Woods natal asteroid Wood (#1660) at 10 Libra, itself conjunct Lachesis at 7 Libra. 389 INDUSTRIA: Keywords: industrius Positive: hardworking, diligent, disciplined Negative: Neutral: 430 HYBRIS: Keywords: behaviors that challenge the gods (authorities) Positive: Negative: excessive pride, arrogance, foolishness that leads to downfall, over-confidence Neutral: 494 VIRTUS: Keywords: virtue Positive: virtuesness, power, excellence Negative: Neutral: 902 PROBITAS: Keywords: Positive: uprightness, honesty, appropriate, good, excellent Negative: Neutral: 975 PERSEVERANTIA: Keywords: perservenerance, dedication, Positive: endurance, never giving up, devotion, persistence Negative: Neutral: discipline, 1224 FANTASIA: Keywords: Positive: fantasy, rose-colored glasses Negative: delusions, easily fooled, being manipulated Neutral: living in a fantasy world, dream world, daydreaming, 1930 LUCIFER: Keywords: light bringer, going against the status-quo, most loyal lover of source/god, the ego and pride Positive: reconnecting to your own divinity, facing your darkness, bringing the dark to light, to bear light, illuminating Negative: terror, horror, fear, loathing, where things are discordant, self-serving, where you get in your own way, where you dont follow rules, where you are tempted to take shortcuts, excessive pride, chip on your shoulder, where your ego gets in the way, pride before the fall, where you are wrong where you think you are right Neutral: where you are tempted to go your own way regardless of rules, 168 SIBYLLA/SIBYL: Keywords: woman whom were oracles, seer, prophet Positive: influenced by divine inspiration, foretelling of what is to come Negatve: Neutral: prophecies, priestess, predictions, divination, interpretations, one who claims to have divine/messages or insights. Orpheus The name of an asteroid and a space telescope. 7 FRIGGA: Keywords: wife of odin, seer, norse god of marriage, Frigg the beloved, sky goddess responsible for weaving the clouds/fates, beginning of the year, the runic alphabet, runes, divination, cats Positive: foreknowledge, wisdom, beloved, loving mother and wife, foresight, nurturing, tender-hearted, fertility, art of foretelling events/weaving destiny Negative: Neutral: knows the future but does not share what she sees, knowing the future but not being able to change it, the full moon, fine jewerly, spinning wheel and spindle, 3989 ODIN: Keywords: norse god of healing, the runic alphabet, sorcery Positive: Negative: death, the gallows, battle, frenzy Neutral: royalty, runes, poetry, 76 FREIA: Keywords: goddess of love, queen of valkyries, goose, geese, sparrows, divination, magic, wealth Positive: wisdom, beauty, passionate support of those she favoured Negative: war, death Neutral: gold,magic, sexuality, fertility, aurora borealis, the sword, floral bouquets, romantic music, 4484 SIF: Keywords: goddess of the earth, wife of THOR, name means relation to marriage Positive: fertility, family care-giving, passion Negative: Neutral: long golden hair, fields of wheat, the arts, summer, the sun , gold, 256 WALPURGA: Keywords: wood protection, may eve, white goddess, occult knowledge Positive: strong protection, dancing, merry-making, fertility Negative: besieged by forces of tumult, death and chaos, corrupt people/things, monsters, evil, terrifying Neutral: divination, spellcraft, oracular activities, witchcraft, bonfires, gathering of witches, 8 FLORA: Keywords: roman goddess of spring and flowers, manifestation, flowering, fresh-life Positive: floweriness, flower-child mentality, bestowing grace, happiness, beautiful strong energy, nourishing, ornateness. Ophelia: No Chance for Love - Lindaland - Linda Goodman 4450 PAN: Keywords: centaur/faun, the flute/pipe Positive: earthy, sensual, seductive, creative Negative: likely to instill panic, produce change or contact Neutral: 1221 AMOR: Keywords: love felt idealistically, romanticised in pure/unconditional thought Positive: Negative: Neutral: not necessarily sexual. The major asteroids in astrology are Ceres, Juno, Vesta, Pallas, Chiron, Eros and Lilith. Lilith : this Asteroid (indeed, it's the body, NOT the sensitive point Lilith also called the mean apogee of the Moon, By Lun-acy at Deviant Art. 11th house placements/stellium, ruler of the 1st, 2nd ,6th,9th or 10th house in 11th house. 13618 HAUMEA: Keywords: self-awarness programs Positive: soul-ful confidence, unshakeable inner knowing, creative, regenerative, able to reconstruct, redefine, transform, especially in regarding to consciousnes, willfulness, supportive, fostering Negative: insecure, attention demanding, dramatic, egocentric, bully disposition, forces head-on collisions, claims martyrdom Neutral: affinity or family bonds with those similar in nature, storm warnings in form of rainbow, lava cooling in sea to make land, creation, fertility, child-birth and sisterhood, verbal affirmations, 136472 MAKE MAKE: Keywords: biographies, oral remedies, incantations, easter bunny, birds, fans, eggs, creeds, fertility, documents of self declaration Positive: articulate, ultra-communicative, self-assured especially verbally, clever, quick-witted, interest in invoking insight/inspiration with speech, quick to report findings-regardless of impact, courageous, conscious of family security/safety Negative: cunning, verbally manipulative, double talk, diversion of facts, declaring false-findings, talkng to avoid consequence, hiding as a coping skill, reckless, disregard for safety,self-serving Neutral: data collecting to support doctrine/cause, books especially those of multi-cultural interest, translation, cultural synthesis, intergration of tasks, computer algorithms, dissemination of information, split second decisions, lightning fast assessment, 225088 SNOW WHITE: Keywords: Positive:self contained, compassionate, sensitive, empathetic, strong sense of fairness, uncompromising assessment of ones spiritual state, on task enthusiasm, belief in destiny/karma/fate Negative: easy to consume, compliant, co-dependant, striving for closeness while using distance/aloofness as a defense, socially conscious to a fault, competitive, lack of fairness, selfish, rationalizing, refusal to accept ones position, projecting nature, feelng of being target/market Neutral: mirrors, narcissism, cutting, tattooing, obssession with the womb, apples, contaminated produce, poisoned produce. Asteroid Day Month Year Hours Minutes Seconds Sort by Zodiac Coordinates Collection of asteroid names and meanings from various internet sources: 5 ASTRAEA: Keywords: dealing with endings left unresolved, balance, justice, sublime idealism Positive: purity, innocence, renaissance, renewal of culture, poetry, literature, not giving up, uncomfortable in reality, bringing things together/breaking them apart, intellectual acumen, good-judgement, Negative: inability to let go/resolve, not getting over something, not accepting what is, lack of closure, overkill, not knowing when to quit, obsessive streak, waiting around too long, willingness to put up with Neutral: eyes, what is visually seen, how we are affected by what we see, integration, virgo qualities, moral values, reasoning, weighing out options, 25290 VIBHUTI: Keywords: glory , power of god , sacred ash, that of which is valuable Positive: epiphanies, feeling powerful/empowered, liberation Negative: burned to ash, not as clean as its suppose to be/as one would think Neutral: marked, concentrating on something ouside self. Asteroid Psyche was discovered by Annibale de Gasparis on March 17th, 1852 in Naples. Pandora - Greek. Can indicate talent for hypnotism/trance inducing. D M Y Ophelia : 7 cp 47'41" Atropos : 11 ar 43'17" Magdalena : 2 pi 25' 6" Industria : 2 ta 42'24" Persephone : Asteroids are for those who are intrepid explorers. Asteroids in Astrology - TAKE Astrology It can do just about any astrological procedure you wish, and is always getting better and better. Negative: self-damage, self sacrifice, martyrdom, hard domineering, rash manner Neutral: impels assertion, advocacy, promotion on behalf of self and others, ambition and desire to dominate, defend and protect, 763 CUPIDO: Keywords: love at first site, the look of love, highly charged sexual tension (retrograde will repress or disown ones real needs in the exchange of love setting conditions on ones self for the desired object) Positive: drive and attraction so strong may be uncontrollable, intense feelings, fulfilling sex Negative: jealousy, envy, disregard for partners feelings, trials of love, hang-ups, fears, perfectionism, need for control Neutral: awakening of consuming affection of ones desire, style tone and preffered area for individuals romantic prowess, 1027 AESCULAPIA: Keywords: Caregiver, Matyr, shaman, mystic, orphan, healer, belief-systems, healing, well-being, wholeness & happiness Positive: alignment of body & soul, heart & mind, outer & inner peace Negative: harsh endings: relationships, life, victim (from authorities) Neutral: health efforts, alternative medicine, homeopathy, practice of medicine, knowledge of medicine, revival, hospitals, medical ethics, sanctuaries, 4227 KAALI: Keywords: Universal Mother Kundalini, 64 emanations, destructive force, ones kundalini energy, electrical force, left-hand path, astral forces, dark divine feminen Positive: primal kundalini activation, transmution, tantric, enchantress, creation Negative: dark side of divine feminen, destruction, violent emotional expressions, annihilation Neutral: transcending shadow feminen, utilising shakti to acheive great things, intensifies anything it touches, 193 AMBROSIA: Keywords: immortality, masculine/feminen intergration/balance, healing force, purity, power,botany, medicine, contexts of cookery Positive: healing/regenerative, cleansing powers, ageless immortality to whomever consumes it Negative: Neutral: never going hungry on your spiritual journey, absorption and transmution of divine nature within, knowledge, 2815 SOMA: Keywords: union of two opposing forces (yin/yang) resulting in rebirth, kundalini Positive: Negative: Neutral: perceived physical reaction shown to external stimuli, the way one feels inside their body, the internal physical senses/sensations of the body, a drug. Asteroid Online Calculator, Asteroids in Astrology Natal Chart Whilst Psyche followed the same established pattern of being allocated a symbol (a butterflys wing and a star), she was the first asteroid to become known by her astronomical number (16) written within a circle. Keywords: seeking of magic and mystery , magician, mystical, occult, alchemy, balancing of polarities within Positive: sculpting, shaping and directing energy with purpose, remembering your divinity, something else to remember/re-awaken Negative: had enough with lack, limitation, work, dis-ease, struggly, suffering, pain Neutral: attune one to wisdom and power of ancient magicians and alchemists, magicians abilities, 10 HYGEIA: Keywords: goddess of good health, daughter of medicine Positive: good health, fitness, hygeine cleanliness, maintaing health through right living with nature Negative: Neutral: naturopathy, ayurvedic healing, homeopathy, natural/alternative healing methods, 432 PYTHIA: Keywords: a seer, prophet, priestess, oracle of delphi, talent for divination, drug usage Positive: clairvoyant, all around psychic power, oracle, interpretation+explaination Negative: neptunian, foggy, halucinogenic, delirious ranting, deluded, paranoid Neutral: someone with psychic or prophetic faculty, detox, fasting, purification rituals, tarot, symbolism, 212 MEDEA: Keywords: princess, wise-one, witchcraft, occult, magickal herbs, natural healing, working with nature Positive: involvement, feeling involved in something, playing around, trying to be attractive/bewitching, controlling the other with charm, bewitching, herbalism, natural healing Negative: hateful attitude, fury, resentment, scheming, murder, revenge, murder own children, misandrey Neutral: strong (or absent) emotions, love/hate relationships, botany, herbs, archetypal witch, exploring ancient feminen, 34 CIRCE: Keywords: greek sorceress/temptress, wields a magic wand, enchantress, magician, solitary existance, one away from society and surrounding self with animals and ones craft, Positive: offering hospitality, spells, passionate love affair, knowing ones passions and beliefe system, own moral boundaries unapologetically, magic, wiccan/pagan roots, exploring natural means of healing, helping others Negative: ill-effects of misusing magic, cunning, bewitching, dark, manipulative, lies, trickery, shunning traditional feminen roles, aggressor with others forming relationships on her own terms, misandry Neutral: where we may attempt to undermind others, as well as ourselves, place where one seeks alternative answers on ones personal journey, herbalist, magician, healer, archetypal witch, doing what one loves in privacy, little desire to be in the public eye, turning men into animals, 1130 SKULD: Keywords: norn of future, determines the inevitable future fate of mortals, north node energies, water-spirit/ valkyrie, swan maiden Positive: awareness in the present thus creating the future Negative: uncertainty Neutral: tending to trees, norse divination system, runes, nordic, past-present-future, divination, our fate, our lifes direction, our future, the outcome, what is to come, prophetic, 167 URDA: Keywords: norn of the past may have relevance to past life recall or retrocognition, energies of the southnode Positive: Negative: Neutral: norse divination system, runes, nordic, past-present-future, divination, our karmic past, our background, our roots/origins, what is behind, remembering, past-life regression. Bright and shining. Im sorry if the way I phrase things in the post is shit, I kind of just wrote it as the thoughts kept coming. Astrologically, Atlantis represents being overwhelmed or flooded, including actual maritime or natural disasters involving water. Negative: forgetfulness, sleepy, spaced out, unfocused, ego-death Neutral: hypnotic abilities, dream yoga, utilizing inner elements, losing fear of death, dreamy, indicates where/how you are hypnotic and/or dreamy. WebSelecting Asteroid Numbers from a List. fite tv not available in your territory; oil painting restoration and cleaning; ophelia asteroid astrology. Here are the ones close to my Sun i Scorpio. A problem could arise if Belladona were conjunct something that was explosive, such as Uranus. Asteroids conjunct Sun Asteroids in Astrology and Their Meaning | Alex's Asteroid Astrology Negative: Neutral: love avenged, 2102 ADONIS: Keywords: spell-bound love Positive: pleasing and fulfulling the beloved, potent lfe Negative: Neutral: sexual magnetism, the desire to arouse, 80 SAPPHO: Keywords: sexual attraction, deep appreciation of self and others Positive: artistic, poetic, refined and cultures, very passionate Negative: Neutral: sapphic (lesbians). asteroid Selena White Moon - Astrodaiva When dark feelings, dread or grief are repressed in the atmosphere Cassandra is the medium of their expression. WebAlex Miller, Asteroid Astrology. 74 GALATEA: Keywords: statue carved of ivory, perfection, goddess of calm seas, nereid/nymph, river spirit she who is milk-white Positive: object of ones affection, venus inspired/created, that in you which is perfect for another person, what one idealizes Negative: love triangles, destructive jealousy Neutral: 447 VALENTINE: Keywords: sacrificial love, pure love, thinking of beloved before oneself, agape Positive: Negative: to obtain anothers approval Neutral: sending something to another personally, 10199 CHARIKLO: Keywords: a step into the future, nymphs/naiads/water spirits or ancient local nature goddess, graceful-spinner Positive: boundary sensitive, wise, just, non-assumptive, interrogative abouty touchy/delicate issues Negative: judgemental, feeling of being victimized at a glance, assumptive, intolerant, biased Neutral: weaving and spinning energy, fate or destiny, scientists, science-fiction, birth to prophet/shaman, 1247 MEMORIA: Keywords: memories, past lifes Positive: use of memorization skills as part of their work, Negative: Neutral: someone who will leave a lasting impression, 113 AMALTHEA: Keywords: nymph, nurturing , spiritual wealth Positive: adoption, love, nurturance, abundance, tending the care of others, protecting the weak, immense internal wealth, Negative: Neutral: feeling the love of your chosen spiritual expression, dedicated to love and nurturing, pure love without emotional walls, 407 ARACHNE: Keywords: patterns, spinning a web, having a highly refined talent Positive: extreme talents, skills Negative: illusions, entrapment, death, predator, jealousy regards talents, harsh competition, clashes with authority, ignoring instincts for survival, weaving a difficult web with boastful words Neutral: sex, knots, complications, spinning, expansion, possibilities, magic, invisible, destiny, fate, growth.
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ophelia asteroid astrology 2023