During her stay in Cadiz, she refused to sign a document in which she declared her loyalty to the King of Spain and denied her husband's patriotic affiliation, to which she responded that her husband's duty was to serve his country and fight to liberate it. A ruling junta was proclaimed and Juan de Las Casas, the Captain-General of Venezuela, was deposed. The Spanish American Revolutions 1808-1826New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1986. The republic of Venezuela celebrates its independence from Spain on two different dates: April 19, when an initial declaration of semi-independence from Spain was signed in 1810, and July 5, when a more definitive break was signed in 1811. As in most parts of the American continent . A Congress was called in early 1811 to solve the bitter fighting among Venezuelans. Led by visionary radicals such as Simn Bolvar and Francisco de Miranda, Venezuela was the first of the South American Republics to formally break away from Spain. Unable to return to Venezuela, Luisa arrives in Cadiz. The campaign was a great success for the republicans under the command of Manuel Piar with which they managed after several battles to expel all the royalists from the region with which they were left in power of a region rich in natural resources and communication facilities that served as a base to launch campaigns to other regions of the country.[16]. Knowing of his intentions, Bolvar requested his incorporation to the New Granada army and logistical support to later initiate the military operations of what is known in history as the Admirable Campaign. A group of Venezuelan Creoles boldly proclaimed their country an independent republic in 1797. Emparn was stripped of authority and sent back to Spain. In the battle of Araure, the action of the nameless battalion was decisive. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. From Caracas, Bolivar proclaims "War to the Death with the extermination of the Spanish race." To further humiliation, the battalion received spears instead of rifles as combat weapons. Venezuela celebrates itsindependence day(an official holiday) with parades,speeches,and parties. This initial success of the patriots allowed Ribas to place his men in line of battle and with them he charged against the royalists, who responded with intense artillery fire. The purpose of the Armistice Treaty was to suspend hostilities in order to facilitate talks between the two sides, with a view to conclude a definitive peace. ", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Venezuelan_independence&oldid=1138131080. In these encounters the Battle of Araure stands out, in which Simn Bolvar defeated Jos Ceballos. On January 8, 1813, he occupied the city of Ocaathe second in importance in Norte de Santander, after Ccutaafter having left the free passage in the Magdalena Medio, thus obtaining the navigation between Bogot and Cartagena. Minster, Christopher. Garca de Cerna triumphs over Reyes Vargas in Cerritos Blancos while in Puerto Cabello, Urdaneta and Girardot took the fortresses of Viga alta, Viga baja, and the outer town. In 1814, bloody battles, reprisals against the civilian population of both sides, and the siege of the cities took place. Colonel Atanasio Girardot joined Simn Bolvar in the so-called Admirable Campaign of the Libertador and fought gallantly at the head of several battalions that managed to occupy the cities of Trujillo and Mrida. The exile passed without news of her mother and her husband. Christopher Minster, Ph.D., is a professor at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador. She gets hope for a triumph of her own, but at dawn, when all is calm, she hears only the wailing of the dying and wounded from the fray. On July 11, 1811, six days after the Declaration of Independence, two insurrections broke out, the asonada de la Sabana del Teque of the Canary Islanders in Caracas[8] which was quickly brought under controland the insurrection of Nuestra Seora de la Anunciacin de la Nueva Valencia del Rey. (2020, August 27). Among the political, economic, social and natural causes mentioned by Bolvar are: On the royalist side, Monteverde, conceited by his success, refuses to hand over power to General Fernando Mijares, who arrived in Puerto Cabello from Puerto Rico and was appointed Captain General by the Regency. The importance of the documents drafted by Antonio Jos de Sucre, in what meant his first diplomatic action, was the temporary paralyzation of the fights between the patriots and the royalists, and the end of the War to the Death initiated in 1813. On March 26, 1812, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, an earthquake destroyed Caracas causing great damage and the death of about 20,000 people. The cause of Civil War break out in 1826 was because of the election of Abraham Lincoln and slave and non slave states.The effects were seen on the economy and assassination of the president. Independence from Spanish rule in South America - Khan Academy Alarmed Spanish officers in Venezuela called for a cease-fire, which was agreed to and lasted until April of 1821. A month after her imprisonment, one night she hears a loud alarm and realizes that an assault on the barracks is being prepared. The most feared royalist force was the "Infernal Legion" of tough-as-nails plainsmen led by cunning Spaniard Tomas "Taita"Boves, who cruelly executed prisoners and pillaged towns that had formerly been held by the patriots. Modern Flag of Venezuela Recognition The spilled blood flows into the prison cistern and Luisa is forced to quench her thirst with that putrid and pestilent water mixed with the blood of her own kin. Here fought the battalion that in the past day of Barquisimeto was punished by the Libertador, denying him the name and the right to carry the flag. Herring, Hubert. Simn Bolvar, byname The Liberator or Spanish El Libertador, (born July 24, 1783, Caracas, Venezuela, New Granada [now in Venezuela]died December 17, 1830, near Santa Marta, Colombia), Venezuelan soldier and statesman who led the revolutions against Spanish rule in the Viceroyalty of New Granada. (2023, April 5). On July 5, 1811, the ruling junta voted in favor of complete Independence from Spain - their self-rule was no longer dependent on the state of the Spanish king. After some successes in Maturn and in knowledge of the advance of Santiago Mario on Cuman and the retreat of Gregor MacGregor, General Piar arrived at Chivacoa with 700 men and from there passed to Ortiz to threaten Cuman and serve as liaison to Mario and MacGregor. By October of 1812, Bolvar was ready to rejoin the fight. "Our division and not the Spanish arms turned us to slavery," he had written in his famous Cartagena Manifesto, taking stock of those years. With this declaration, Venezuela became the first independent republic of Spanish America, and the fire of that declaration, fueled by external conflict, would spread the ideals of independence throughout all of the lands of Latin America. Guzmns new liberal newspaper, El Venezolano, demanded abolition of slavery, extension of voting rights, and protection for the debtor classes. The pro-independence army advanced from San Carlos to Tinaco covered by the advance of Colonel Jos Laurencio Silva, who took the royalist positions in Tinaquillo. Venezuelas Declaration of Independence in 1810. April 19 is known as Firma Acta de la Independencia or Signing of the Act of Independence.. The defeat at Lake Maracaibo made Morales' position untenable and he capitulated on August 3. Still, the independence of Caracas had much longer lasting effects than that of Quito, which was quickly put down. ThoughtCo, Apr. Jacmel's expedition disembarked in Barcelona on December 31, 1816. The Municipality of Caracas confers Bolivar the title of "El Libertador" ("The Liberator") and "General in Chief of the Republican Army". Bolvar ordered the confiscation of all the possessions of those who had emigrated, including their crops. The growing political crisis was brought to a head in 1848 by General Jos Tadeo Monagas. On his way, he defeated an enemy force that was blocking his way at La Aguada. After returning to Haiti and organizing a new expedition, Bolvar set sail from the port of Jacmel and arrived at Juan Griego on December 28, 1816, and at Barcelona on the 31st where he established his headquarters and planned a campaign on Caracas with the concentration of the forces operating in Apure, Guayana and Oriente but after a series of inconveniences he abandoned the plan and moved to Guayana to take command of the operations against the royalists in the region. The Retreat of the Six Hundred was a journey of hundreds of kilometers through territory hostile to the patriots that occurred during the Expedition of Los Cayos in 1816, fighting along the way with few weapons and ammunition. Captain General Pablo Morillo receives instructions from Spain on June 6, 1820, to arbitrate with Simn Bolvar a cessation of hostilities. On July 5, 1811, the independence declaration is signed. Jos Flix Ribas, a wealthy young patriot, rode through Caracas, exhorting Creole leaders to come to the meeting taking place in the council chambers. Backed by their personal armies, a series of warlordlike caudillos (leaders) assumed power, which they exercised for their personal benefit rather than for that of the nation. An opposition movement began to develop in 1840, however, when Antonio Leocadio Guzmn, the leading spokesman for dissident merchants and professional men, founded the Liberal Party. This Treaty was signed for six months and obliged both armies to remain in the positions they occupied at the time of its signing. On July 14, in a public and solemn act, this flag was hoisted for the first time. [26] Others think that the initial rejection of the independence process by a large part of the other social groups (pardos, Indians and blacks) gave it the nature of a social revolution, since these sectors wanted a transformation of the social and economic structure that would give rise to a more egalitarian society. He established a nationwide system of public primary education and promoted state support for secondary and higher education. General Pez was the main leader behind Venezuela's break from Gran Colombia. Then in the Battle of Calabozo, Bolvar is victorious over Pablo Morillo, Paez takes charge as commander of the vanguard to pursue the Spaniards and defeats them in the Uriosa on February 15, 1818. He was a revolutionary who freed six countries, an intellectual who argued the problems of national liberation, a general who fought a war of unremitting violence. Still, the nation was in ruins and there was a military stalemate between the patriots and royalists. In 1815 the Spanish general Pablo Morillo landed with an expeditionary force that spearheaded the reconquest of much of New Granada. [7] It was approved by the deputies on July 7.[7]. In this single clash, passionate and violent, more than 500 horsemen of Yez, the aa of the llaneros, were killed. The Declaration of Independence in Global Perspective In spite of the setbacks suffered by the expeditionaries and by the Libertador himself in Ocumare, the historical importance of the Expedition of Los Callos lies in the fact that it allowed Santiago Mario, Manuel Piar and later Jos Francisco Bermdez to undertake the liberation of the eastern part of the country, and MacGregor with Carlos Soublette and other leaders to definitively enter Tierra Firme, to open the way to the definitive triumph of the Republic. When the USS Maine sank, the United States believed the tragedy was the result of Spanish sabotage and declared war on Spain. After that, the others generally accepted Bolvar's leadership. Bolivar quickly established an independent government known as the Second Venezuelan Republic. The Spanish had managed to reconquer the provinces of Coro and Maracaibo, which gave them considerable territory in the west of the country. Luisa Cceres de Arismendi trembles at the idea that she is also going to be sacrificed, but she was wrong: the purpose of her executioners was for her to walk over the corpses of the shot patriots, to walk over those lifeless bodies that had had the audacity to want to free her. Venezuelans suffered greater casualties and endured more privations during the wars than did any other Latin American national group, because of the ferocity of battles on their own soil and the large number of Venezuelan troops who carried the struggle to other regions. It was written in Cartagena de Indias (Colombia), on December 15, 1812. New Granada had been relatively untouched by the war, so Bolvar was able to quickly recruit a new army from willing volunteers. Although their effort failed, it forewarned of the revolutionary movements that were soon to inflame Latin America. Once the first Republic was over, the main political and military leaders of the Independence went into exile. Monteverde is defeated and wounded. The Venezuelan independence was the juridical-political process that put an end to the ties between the Captaincy General of Venezuela and the Spanish Empire. Colonel Manuel Villapol was placed on the right; Colonel Florencio Palacios in the center and Lieutenant Colonel Vicente Campo Elas, with the Barlovento battalion, on the left. The Capital of Gran Colombia would be Bogot. The decade 184858 was one of dictatorial rule by Jos Tadeo Monagas and his brother, General Jos Gregorio Monagas, who alternated as president during the period. He was told to harass the Spanish along the Magdalena River. Even those Creoles who supported Spain in the New World were appalled. Then, with the permission of the secretary general, Francisco Isnardi, Mendoza and Roscio presented the document to Congress for discussion. Patriot leaders such as Manuel Piar, Jos AntonioPez,and Simn Bolivar did not necessarily acknowledge one another's authority, leading to a lack of a coherent battle plan tofree Venezuela. Influential factors include the desire for power of the creole social groups that possessed social and economic status but not political, the discontent of the population due to mismanagement and the rise of taxes,[2] the introduction of the ideas of Encyclopedism, the Enlightenment, the Declaration of Independence of the United States, the French Revolution, the Haitian Revolution, and the reign of Joseph I of Spain. As of February 1814, a series of encounters between patriots and royalists took place in an area from Lago de Valencia to San Mateo in what is known as the Valles de Aragua. Boves commanded the royalists in the Battle of rica that had as outcome, the death of the fearsome commander.
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