By I wish you all the best with your life and your health. Results revealed statistically increased levels of awareness, autonomy, and empowerment and significantly decreased toxic mental health factors. In fact, the more you build your brain, the more confident, and less anxious, you will be when faced with a challenge! I think yours is a jolly good underlying question, though Dr Pitt might not take kindly to its being posed to him by way of your setting him a homework assignment that requires him to write 10 to 20 pages. I recently attended a women of influence confrence this last weekend in Anaheim hold with my adult daughter who is a graduate from Books university with s teaching credential. its always about the money. Dr Leafs teaching contradicts real science 9. You also say that Scriptures are super clear about fear and the power of our thought lives. Can you list which ones? In this podcast (episode #296) and blog, I talk about the impact of COVID on the brain, how we can manage COVID-related mental Int J Biol Sci, 2013. Dr. Caroline Leaf is a cognitive neuroscientist with a PhD in Communication Pathology and a BSc Logopaedics specializing in cognitive and metacognitive neuropsychology. I would assume a very small number of your readers are qualified to search out all the detailed studies or analyses cited as the various references. Can you clarify which of Dr Leafs peer-reviewed articles have definitively shown the academic improvement in the cohort of 100,000 students, as you and your referee have stated? If Dr Leaf had minor errors in her teaching that were still being debated amongst members of the scientific community, then I wouldnt be so worried, because youre right, no ones perfect and were all prone to error. WebFor years, Dr. Caroline Leaf has traveled the globe as an author and public speaker examining many aspects of the neuroscience world. Caroline Leaf 5. Your writings and information are liberating and open and I thank you. Tell the state or national church oversight for your denomination. Further, both he and Dr Leaf are obviously close friends which introduces possible bias. This fear based living is exactly what Dr. The data collection protocol begins with an email invitation, and non-responders are contacted up to three times by email reminders spaced by 5-7 days each. She is just sharing her research and her personal experience to bring some hope and a natural alternative to anxiety infested, pharmaceutically dependent, malnutritioned, stressed out people. I always try spend at least an hour in the morning building my brain by doing research and then detoxing my brain using my SWITCH app. 9(7): 666-79. First and foremost is your assumption that our thoughts affect our health. The detection of irritation is most prominent here. If you are genuinely interested in a more succinct critique of Dr Leafs ministry, you can click on the hyperlink at the top of this post to find a very concise rebuttal of Dr Leafs ministry of fake science. Dalgleish, T., The emotional brain. In her latest blog post, Dr Caroline Leaf attempted to tackle the complex topic of Alzheimer disease. This will be for a grade with 90% pass, with a certificate sent to facilitator and account upgraded to facilitator when completed. When it comes to our biology, it is so important to remember that everything is connected,and that we should always take a holisticapproach when it comes to our mental and physical health, and avoid magic bullets and one-shot wonders. These results show the promise of the NeurocycleTM as a stress management and instructional efficacy support tool for educators that also provides a medium for measuring results and maintenance. It is overwhelming listening to Dr. Thanks to both Dr. Caroline Leaf (and her husband), Dr. C Edward Pitt and others for openly stating your research and opinions. This step is like a mental autopsy. Most TED watchers wouldnt have heard of her before, but Caroline Leaf is a well-known name in western Christendom. As for being wired for optimism, the brain is likely pre-wired with a template for all actions and emotions, which is the theory of protoconsciousness [22]. As I said before, chronic long term stress is not caused by wrong thinking. I just finished module 1 training with Dr. Caroline Leaf to become a certified Neurocycle facilitator (inaugural class of 2022). She certainly profits off her cosy association with the Copelands and Joyce Meyer, but thats not why her teaching is wrong. 11. This blog is my reply. But the corollary is also true, that one can not successfully apply revelation to scientific knowledge. Then she said that covid hit, and so you lost another year.. Thank you for alerting me to Dr Leafs comment about prayer and how it was not enough. 2. This is why it is important to take the time to be creative: draw, paint, build, write, playmake time to do what you enjoy doing, and watch your brain health improve! Poor ppl who cant really afford to spend money on her products are buying them. Indeed, neonatal reflexes often reflect common motor patterns. As a leading Brain and In fairness, the fields of neurology and neuroscience are vast and rapidly expanding, and it is impossible for one person to cover all of the literature on every subject. Have an Attitude of Gratitude! I am very grateful with Dr. Caroline Leaf for the opportunity that she gives mer. Lifestyle a Permanente level. Thanks again for the question, and all the best to you. Sleepis like the street-sweeper of the body, and is essential when it comes to our brain health. Recheck: an editing process to check for accuracy. 7(11): e1000361. When? Reminders are only sent to those who have not yet completed the survey. However, in order to be true, this fact must be consistent across the whole of humanity. It is a scientifically researched 5-step process and acts as a delivery system: you are using your mind to deliver information to your mind and your brain, which will increase your overall brain and mental health. Pingback: the truth about anxiety - ryan's blog. Thanks!! I welcome Dr Leaf to tender any further evidence in support of her claim. Sure, medicine and pharmaceuticals are not our saviours, and no one who believes in rational evidence-based medicine would believe that they are. If her theory is widely used as you say, it must have been extensively cited. Despite this, current pharmacological treatments do not offer lasting treatment or resolution for these disorders (Turner, 2021) and much more neuroscientific research is needed to inform clinical practice and the treatment of mental illness (Ivanov & Schwartz, 2021). Is it through negative thinking patterns? It would not cease. For instance, low gamma waves and high beta waves can be associated with ADHD and anxiety, respectively, while higher theta and alpha waves can reduce generalized anxiety disorder (Dadashi et al., 2015). There are lots of good Christians who move towards raising others in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and there are also wolves in sheeps clothing. We can learn from all types of people and leaders without becoming their disciples. Dear Dr. Pitt, 6 Strategies to Stop Fights Before They Begin, Why it's important to question our beliefs & biases, Why & how to compromise more in relationships. PLoS Med, 2010. Could you compile a short document, say 10-20 pages, maybe quite dense, but coherent, possibly with references, where you would focus EXCLUSIVELY on what remains of Caroline Leafs teaching after what you have to debunk is debunked? I was under the impression she was an expert in her field of neuroscience which I assumed meant brain mapping and all of the scientific Data to go along with that! I recommend planning aheadand setting aside a few hours every morning, evening or afternoon to read something, listen to a new podcast series or audiobook, or learn a new sport or language (or whatever appeals to you!). Reflect/analyze: ask, answer, discuss. The New England journal of medicine 2001 May 3;344(18):1343-50). She talks very fast, Im sure its an intentional tactic to make it harder for most people to know theyre being fed a bunch of guess-work and fake science. You are more than welcome to share any of my resources about Dr Leaf with any one you like. Dr. Leaf's Blog Though I can be even more concise if you want: I started viewing some of Dr. Leafs online videos. We are terrified of loosing the faith or our loved ones going to hell. Nat Rev Neurosci, 2004. My micronutrient levels were all well above average with the exception of a slight deficiency in biotin. (As an aside, how do you factor in or out the general agreement that the things which men think are wise are plain foolishness; that spiritual things are not known by mind power?) I could honestly come up with a book of amazing questions but mine (as with many other practitioners of this theory) would offer a proper diagnostic tool to calculate what you are and give you insight into what practical things this means for you in regards to life! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Apr 23, 2023. Im sure there are groups of people on-line that also share your eager pursuit of deeper knowledge, where your questions are addressed with the respect due to them. I certainly can not speak for them living in Australia. No pressure at all. The other thing to do is to tell your friends about how you feel, and why. You say, Being a leader doesnt require her to be flawless so we must give her and all leaders grace and room for error. These findings show that the NeurocycleTM has an impact on mental health from a whole-brain perspective. DISCLAIMER John 3:16; Romans 6:23, 12:1-3; Galatians 1-6. While there are many kinds of therapies and treatments designed to support educators, mindfulness has shown specific efficacy for teachers, students, and educational settings due to its ease of implementation and near immediate positive impacts. Id like to see the page and book where you found this quote. World J Diabetes, 2013. Dr Leaf did her PhD in 1998. I bought 4 tickets to go and hear her, and invited my husband and another couple to go with us. You can have either one, or both at the same time. She laughs at how ridiculous it is that she never went to college but was given accreditation regardless She doesnt claim to be an expert on psychology but speaks from her own life and experience of scripture so its far more balanced and rational without claiming to be what youre not, I tried to contact her and received the answers you received referencing her website, As you also point out, many are helped by numerous ideology from all kinds of people it doesnt mean they are who they say they are, It would be far more credible if Caroline Leaf had the humility to change her claim and started saying I have a degree in speech pathology and Im passionate about this and this and this. First, it is important to note than women generally only live a few more years than men. on The data collection protocol begins with an email invitation, and non-responders are contacted up to three times by email reminders spaced by 5-7 days each. The data will be used to identify needs and priorities, benchmark against various population characteristics, evaluate programs and policies, plan for services and programs, and advocate for resources. The aim of this step is to focus on one thought, with all its embedded memories (which could be in the 10s, 100s or 1000s), asking what it is about, answering yourself and discussing this thought in depth. You are essentially putting the thought on trial. Public BEACH data. But nowadays, most of us have to be taught how to practice peace in our minds because the world is so chaotic and leaves little time for such things. Its in every reply toward any comments, backing Dr Leaf, even slightly supporting, even a fraction of what she states. As you have heard me say many times before, how we choose to use our brains affects both our mental and physical health. I guess you would have to find an audience of people who are interested in hearing the various opinions. Teachers that I have respected and am now questioning myself today Christine Cain is one? Teacher Mindfulness Training using the NeurocycleTM. I take note of the fascinating subjects and wonder whether the Lord will ever allow me the opportunity to be informed by others capable of guiding me deeper. So please give us links and books where you find her quotes, also give us page numbers. His endorsement is noteworthy, but it can not validate every statement made by Dr Leaf. And dont waste your time on Caroline Leaf. She was one of the first in her field to study how I think she is just saying that stress takes a toll and us and chronic, long term stress is caused by wrong thinking. I understand that you are both busy, but I believe that I have documented a number of observations, backed by recent peer-reviewed scientific literature, which directly contradict Dr Leafs teaching. Writing things down is like putting your brain on paper, and helps to pull up buried memories from the nonconscious mind, adding clarity to what you are thinking about and allowing you to better see the area that needs to be detoxed by helping you to visualize your thoughts. You can find it in my book (, or you can access the chapter here: (and the references here: You also ask, even (if) she references a 1979 article and may have errors here and there, what is Dr. Thanks for the comment. And while there are many leaders in the evangelical movement who are preaching a false gospel, we need to be careful not to lump all unconventional teachers in together and call them guilty by association. However, these experiments were done on only nine subjects, and the panic attacks were induced by cholecystokinin. Leaf she asked her to share the story of when her son was put in harms way in Rome when Dr. Each communication contains a URL that participants use to gain access to the survey. (Oh, and just by-the-bye most doctors I know dont just pump people full of drugs, myself included. Rate and comment on Dr Leafs books on Goodreads and Amazon, Google, B&N etc. Store | Dr. Caroline Leaf Dr. Leaf She was one of the first in her field to study how the brain can change (neuroplasticity) with directed mind input. Leaf Want to Be Successful? Most importantly, take the time to examine your thought life; a chaotic mind will affect your quality of sleep and how much you sleep. Thank you very much. Leaf has studied and researched the mind-brain-body connection. Did its feebled thoughts and behaviors result in its disease? PLoS Med, 2010. There is a strong genetic component of the risk of type 2 diabetes with 62-70% being attributable to genetics [15, 16]. Choose from our available pricing plans and inaugural discount. At the end of each of my posts, I list the references I have cited. As you both remain humble and teachable, He has every chance toi harmonize the components of your observations that now appear contraductoiry. I was the daughter myself of some extremly Pentecostal parents who were very wrapped up in the Copleland ministry and I saw many things that were not biblical my sound in the latec89s early 90s and I also had a twinge of pain when Caroline leaf mentioned the Coplelands on stage! Focusing on the mind is critical to our health, as I mention in all my books, talks, products and researchwe need to exercise the brain like we exercise our bodies. Not for the sake of us, but for others that do not know HIM! Users are invited and reminded to participate in the survey via emails. But if Dr Leaf isnt going to listen, then other people might, and the only way other people are going to hear is if you speak. Write: in a metacog in your neurocycle journal. Where? A final set of 71 items was selected for the initial questionnaire, and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) found 20 items nested within six factors that explained 71.9% of the overall variance. I understand your comment was a generalisation, but its a scarecrow fallacy. Its like if she uses scientific language and talks really fast that no one will notice. Dr. Leaf's research started 38 years ago with her masters thesis and her PhD dissertation work. From her graduate work, she moved to applied clinical work in the field with educators, students, government organizations, and patients in South Africa. Dr. Spiritual truth and scriptural knowledge will always compliment one another. Rev Diabet Stud, 2012. And that shes full of it. Users are invited and reminded to participate in the survey via emails. Dr Caroline Leaf QEEG measurements of 11 NeurocycleTM participants were performed before using the NeurocycleTM, after the first 21 days, and after the final 63 days to assess mental health improvements. Due to low Emotional Intelligence, bad choices and stressed out people trying to make decisions for a toxic world. This was confirmed in the psychosocial assessments conducted alongside the QEEG tests, which revealed a corresponding improvement in decreased toxic thoughts, isolation, and overall LMM score as well as increased autonomy, awareness, empowerment, life satisfaction, and ability to manage life obstacles. So please, show your work!! This is particularly true when it comes to the brain-body connection. Hi John, thanks for the reply. My passion is to help people to improve their thinking and mental state so they can have a fulfilled life. A Neuroscientist Explains The Difference Between The Mind Fowler, G., Evidence-based practice: Tools and techniques. In treatment vs. control comparisons, participants significantly improved on performance of all five brain waves, supporting a likely decrease in anxiety and stress, as well as an increase in relaxation, learning, and autonomy. Im curious to know if your comment was inadvertently truncated as Im intrigued to know what you meant about the so-called flame war. I am following my innermost values and Gods calling for my life, standing up for the truth against those who would profit from lies and hurt innocent people in the process. While Dr. Mind, gravity, EM spectrum. You can read more about her research in this post here: Hmm? I am proud to have been a part of this training, and I am thrilled to be a part of the future trainings with Dr Leaf, because I know I will be able to help more people with everything I'll learn. Dr Pitt..Ive spent the past few hours going through your material about Dr. Caroline Leaf. Not like gravity. The World Health Organization (2022) has reported that there was a 13% rise in mental health conditions and substance abuse disorders from 2007 to 2017. Very little emotion evidenced by lack of inflection. HIGH CHOLESTEROL Genetic susceptibility accounts for 40-60% of the risk for high cholesterol [13]. These include the following. Youre more than welcome to disagree with the conclusions I draw but I disagree that it is unsound. The goal of this step is to focus on and embrace what you are inputting into your brain through your mind by gathering awareness of the emotional and physical warning signals, as well as the behaviors and perspectives, you are manifesting. It does not determine our health. Why or why not?. for user demographics, treatment history, and program experience. It helps build healthy, long-term thoughts with their embedded memories into the brain, allowing you to reconceptualize the toxic thought and turn the new healthy thought into a habit. Scientific knowledge will occasionally explain some elements of scriptural knowledge and spiritual truth, but only the how, not the what or the why. There is high-level evidence to show this to be true [26-28]. 58 Suppl 2: S33-41. So does astrology. It seems they want to protect their house-of-cards ministry any way they can. By Dr. Caroline Leaf on September 22, 2021 In this podcast (episode #319) and blog, I talk to Kati Morton, a licensed therapist, author, and mental health advocate, about how to identify and cope with PTSD, dealing with social media trauma, reframing toxic self-talk, why things often feel like they get worse before they get better, and more! An Active Reach is the action you do during the day in response to the toxic thought you are working on. Whether its Kenneth Copeland, Tim Keller or John MacArthuror Dr. During her years in clinical practice and her work with thousands of underprivileged teachers and students in her home country of South Africa and in the USA, she developed her theory (called the Geodesic Information Processing theory) of how we think, build memory, and learn, into tools and processes that have transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), learning disabilities (ADD, ADHD), autism, dementias and mental ill-health issues like anxiety and depression. She and her social media team actively block those who dissent. Again, I will discuss this further soon. Her statements should stand up on their own through the rigors of critical analysis. When you go to sleep, you are kind of going into a housekeeping modeeverything is cleaned up, which helps prepare you for the next day. I have shown that either Dr Leafs teaching is wrong, or Dr Leafs teaching is heretical. I attended the University of Queensland where Professor Ian Frazer was based. Her claim that she could put mind over matter thoughts out there to keep her son safe and keep in contact with him is very new age, and fits in with other messages that she has previously given (at the church of TD Jakes, no less) ~ And Caroline Leaf has been recognized as really a pivotal figure in defining a mode of artisanal and extraordinarily expressive animation. Prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus by changes in lifestyle among subjects with impaired glucose tolerance. Dr. Caroline Leaf will change your healthspan forever by empowering you with simple steps guided by three decades of clinical practice, that will make you more mindful of maintaining your mental and physical health. Dr. Leafs work will teach you to change your mind, and your life, for the better. But to take a mans theory widely cited in his field of education and psychology and make it seem to lay people its your theory then you better watch out! Number of occasion? Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. I know whats right.
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