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Unlike ancient pueblo towns, which often were abandoned after a few decades, some Hohokam villages were continuously occupied for up to 1,500 years or more. Hohokam villages also show that society was organized in a hierarchical fashion. The Modern World System, Academic Press, New York. Feathered, horned, and antlered serpents: Mesoamerican connections with the Southwest and Southeast. 411428. In Heidke, J. M., and Stark, M. T. Gladwin, W., and Gladwin, H. S. (1935). Is Brooke shields related to willow shields? The Origins and Significance of Snake-Lightning Cults in the Pueblo Southwest, Special Report No. 45124. Haury, E. W. (1932). The main body of the Publication Information page contains all the metadata that HRAF holds for that document. VanPool, C. S., VanPool, T. L., and Phillips Jr., D.A. Foster, M. S., and Gorenstein, S. 24, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA. WebThe descendants of the Hohokam are likely the Oodham, and the ancient Hohokam figure into Oodham oral histories (Donald Bahr in Fish and Fish 2007:123). Researchers commonly frame this connectivity in economic or cultural evolutionary terms that position Hohokam communities as somehow descendant from or dependent on more complexly and hierarchically organized societies far to the south. Re-Creating the World: Painted Ceramics of the Prehistoric Southwest: The Bill Schenck Collection, Schenck Southwest Publishing, Santa Fe, NM. ), Life in the Foothills: Archaeological Investigations in the Tortolita Mountains of Southern Arizona, Anthropological Papers No. 39, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, pp. Gladwin, H. S. (1957). Typological and iconographic analyses of Casas Grandes pottery at the Milwaukee Public Museum. 513524. Hohokam origins. Clark, T. C., Heidke, J. M., Markel, M. K. and Lavayn. Journal of Field Archaeology 23: 403420. (ed. Ritual change and the distant: Mesoamerican iconography, scarlet macaws, and great kivas in the Mimbres region of southwestern New Mexico. (2005). Wallace, H. D. (2004). The University of Utah Press J. Willard Marriott Library 295 South 1500 East, Suite 5400 Salt Lake City, UT 84112, Winner of the Don D. and Catherine S. Fowler Prize, Brings a scientific calculus to bear on the interpretation of Hohokam rock art that is far more sophisticated than any earlier attempts. David R. Wilcox, adjunct professor of anthropology, Northern Arizona University, and senior research associate, Museum of Northern Arizona. Book Parsons, E. C. (1939). 461480. Wallace, H. D. (1995). 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