amazing, and they really connect on a different level. Both might eventually find that maintaining the relationship is draining. True partnership is a goal. This aspect is often seen between two people who become obsessed with one another. You may even feel stronger as a couple than you do as individuals. Thank you for the analysis, Indigo In composite/Davison, Union conjunct MC, Union conjunct IC respectively (3), Sun conjunct Amor (3).. Venus conjunct Mars is considered to be a marriage and major sexual attraction aspect. You joke around with each other a lot, and tend to keep things light and airy. It can be sickening to outsiders sometimes. You are a reliable, steadfast, and steady couple. Moon square Mars in compatibility normally brings on irritation at first interaction. Venus feels like being romantic with the Moon. I cannot really say a lot by just these few facts about the composite. You may have a lot of energy for completing tasks, routines, and work done together. In this relationship, many facets of your personalities that you would rather keep private may be revealed. Composite Sun in the 4th House. So it is important for both parties to be open and honest from the beginning or there can be mistrust in the future and paranoia. A negative potential of this placement is making your arguments everybodys business, perhaps because you cant seem to control yourselves in public. I am an amateur in astrology, but I have lilith asteroid aspected in both composite charts: Midpoint and Davison; in Midpoint chart is conjunct Mars, and in Davison Chart is conjunct Sun; both conjunctions are in cancer almost in the same degrees and in 5th house (really weird thing!!). This can take its toll over the long term. Next: The Composite Chart: Planetary Aspects. Similar to the Venus/Mars conjunct, there is great sexual relief and satisfaction. The Moon in a prominent position in the composite chart suggests that emotions are dealt with quite promptly and directly. You also tend to enjoy spending plenty of time together on the home front. Always look to the rest of the chart to determine. You are likely very eager to learn and grow, and generally ready to laugh. When the composite Moon is conjunct composite Venus: This is a tender and gentle position wherein the couple feels at ease and comfortable with one another, unless this conjunction of the Moon and Venus is severely challenged by other planets. You need to maintain a feeling of peace and balance, but the process involved in order to achieve this harmony can be lengthy! As a couple, you make things happen, and the direction of your partnership is out in the open and clearly defined. You need to work harder to have open lines of communication and expression. We have osc lilith and BML conjunct one another in Leo in the first and they conjunct the moon - incidentally this conjuncts both our natal moons. Composite Saturn in the 12th House. You are not the types of people to fly off the handle at one another. Both people immediately take notice of one another. When Venus conjunct Mars, there is an immense sexual chemistry between two people. One persons helpfulness may be welcomed at first, but resentments can build over time. As easily as you can plumb the depths, you can also reach great heights together if you allow the inherent passion in this relationship to express itself positively. Composite Moon in the 1st House. As in terms for draco overlays. Towards others, you are protective and defensive of your relationship. It can take longer then the conjunction/opposition for these two to form a relationship of any kind because of how much they drive each other crazy. Your sex life may be sporadic or there could be a feeling that one of you makes more sacrifices than the other. Still, one or either of you may wish for more intimacy from each other and less freedom! This contact is even more potent on an emotional level then the Sun-Pluto. Composite Venus in the 12th House. They may feel like they havent been as fulfilled in the bedroom before they met each other. Composite Sun in the 8th House. This couple may have karmic lessons regarding children or family. Composite Venus in the 1st House. Although it may not ever feel like a true partnership or commitment with each other, the spirit of acceptance generated between the two of you makes you feel appreciated. challenge usually with this placement, which means that the couple will be Moon Lilith-Moon aspects indicate that the emotions are involved in an inner conversation with the uncontrollable natural feminine or wild within the person. To determine how/where the transformation takes place, look to the rest of the connecting contacts. This can work out nicely when theres other less dramatic contacts. You easily put the blinders on and gloss over the bad stuff. The two people generally tend to want to be alone together often. You are more able than most couples to work through problems objectively by talking things through and not flying off the handle. Not the most reliable couple around, you dont like to be bound by schedules and rules. His natal mars, lilith, pluto conjunction is conjunct my ic and I've distanced myself from him knowing that he has wayyyy too much power over me, but every time I see him I can barely stand and immediately start shaking I am glad my post was helpful! But the role of lilith I think must be pretty strong for us. Venus conjunct Jupiter in synastry is considered one of the best aspects to have. Here are some generalized descriptions of the basic energies of the different composite Ascendant signs. They could have met at an inconvenient time, but still decide to come together anyways. 1181 Lilith is conjunct the vertex in the 7th. There is a big North Node in the 12th house, South Node in the 6th house, you need to learn to leave your world, help people and animals, and provide specific assistance. This dark void stays approximately nine months in each house. Similar feelings can arise with Chiron in the 8th, 7th, 12th, 1st. Has anyone experienced this and what might it mean? They are obsessed with relating and connecting deeply but this can cause further wounding if theyre not careful. As a couple, you project an aura of depth and intensity. Each others parents can definitely be a stress. You see theme here where both parties feel urge to be of servuce to one another while forming an actual bond or relationship. Composite Sun in the 1st House. The Mars person can physically manipulate or be more aggressive which makes the Moon cower back. Last year my progressed moon was conjunct my black moon lilith when I went off on an adult who said mean things about my son and his friend. It very well can, and it can be a very romantic, deep relationship. The Suns rays combine with Plutos shadows and create great transformation. You are an interesting couple that projects an image of being fun to be around. Mars really make them feel like a woman. Look to the individual charts to see who might have a hard time with this kind of emotional excitement and who might understand it and feed off it. How the Moon expresses their emotions and their morals, really touches the Pluto person. The mental component of this relationship is strong, and you are very much involved in one anothers daily affairs. You are a couple that thinks, communicates, and analyzes. Black Moon Lilith is right on the ascendant in 6 degrees Sagittarius, and the chart ruler Jupiter in the 8th (in Leo) is opposing the Moon in the 2nd (Aquarius). Draco shows who we can embrace and become as we turn into an adult and simply experience real life experiences which may feel deeply embedded in us or karmic. In fact they may want to team up and tackle projects together. Problems and frustrations between you are hard to define and therefore hard to resolve as they are effectively swept under the carpet. Your relationship is spontaneous and light, and you are more able than most couples to remain objective about your relationship and the issues you face. Whether or not it moves towards a more committed, traditional partnership depends on other factors in the composite chart. can hold a lot of envy from outsiders. The Moon draws out their creative and organic self. The sex between the pairing tends to be very emotional and primal. Composite Mercury in the 1st House. You are likely to do whatever you can to work on making this a harmonious partnership. The seventh house is the natural house of marriage and one-to-one partnerships, but it is also the house of enemies! Composite Saturn in the 9th House. Part of you embraces change, and another part resists it. One of you may end up feeling used or less than satisfied. There is a whole lot of energy generated between the two of you, and you could feel pressed to stay active together. A feeling of growing and moving together is fundamental to your union. Your automatic responses to each other are diplomatic. This is a potentially very intimate union, and care must be taken to nurture one another. There may be some suffering on sexual levels (inequality, wherein one serves the other sexually, for example, one person having an affair that brings suffering to the other, a love triangle, mistress setup, and so forth), or one partner feels dominated by the other. The need for security together is emphasized, but not always easy to fulfill. Mars sees Venus as soft and beautiful physically, but Venus is overly sensitive or does not react how the Mars wants when they pursue. Idealizing each other is great unless its taken to an extreme. Power struggles between the two of you tend to be buried instead of dealt with spontaneously. Venus square Mars there is either an immediate repulsion or attraction towards one another. A feeling of warm familiarity surrounding your personal belief systems is likely when you come together. They have something they need to work out together, and the 8th house does not always guarantee a happy ending. The way this contact works out depends on everything else in the synastry reading as well as birth peoples birth charts. They look into each others eyes and feel their spirits lift. Posts: 58083From: Saturn next to CharmaineRegistered: Apr 2009, Posts: 38From: mexico city, mexico Registered: Sep 2014. Sexual attraction to one another runs high and is unlikely to burn out. Venus sees Mars as aggressive or inconsiderate. This can lead to arguments and upset. Limiting this area will only lead to arguments. Others may even envy you as a result, but rarely do you inspire bad feelings. Watch that you dont develop a tit for tat attitude towards one another. You dont appreciate sweeping changes, which can throw you off-center.
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