His books encouraged those living in England to begin to prepare to settle in North America and found colonies that later become the basis for the future United States. gradually changed in the direction of large and widespread colonization. 4. When Hakluyt was only five his father passed away. Records also show that a Thomas Hakeluytt was in the wardship of Henry VIII (reigned 15091547) and Edward VI (reigned 15471553). In twenty-one chapters, summarized here, Hakluyt emphasized the many benefits that England would receive by creating colonies in the Americas. Hakluyt's first publication[13] was one that he wrote himself, Divers Voyages Touching the Discoverie of America and the Ilands Adjacent unto the Same, Made First of all by our Englishmen and Afterwards by the Frenchmen and Britons (1582). That the passage in this voyage is easy and short, that it cutteth not near the trade of any other mighty Princes, nor near their Countries, that it is to be performed at all tymes of the year, and needeth but one kind of wind, that Ireland being full of good heavens on the south and west sides, is the nearest part of Europe to it, which by this trade shall be in more security, and the sooner drawn to more Civility. "[14] Although this was his only visit to Continental Europe in his life, he was angered to hear the limitations of the English in terms of travel being discussed in Paris.[11]. These latter writings, together with a few letters, are the only extant material out of which a biography of him can be framed. Proponent for colonization in the Americas- tried to lobby Queen Elizabeth to support colonization. He made a point of becoming acquainted with the most important sea captains, merchants, and sailors of England. "Richard Hakluyt contributed more to English letters, and has had more effect on English writing, than any other man who ever lived, with the possible exception of Shakespeare." 21 chapters | Omissions? The Hakluyts believed that colonies were the answer to England's problems. Among them were Humphrey Gilbert, an explorer and businessman; Gilbert's half-brother, Walter Raleigh (1552-1618); and writer and geographer Richard Hakluyt (1552-1616). Learn about the English scholar Richard Hakluyt and his reasons for colonization and exploration. That speedy planting in diverse fit places is most necessary upon these lucky western discoveries for fear of the danger of being prevented by other nations which have the like intentions, with the order thereof and other reasons therewithal alleged. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Criminals will be effectively used in farms and industries to offer free labor. According to Hakluyt, colonization will enable England to expand its markets to the New World. Hakluyts conception or misconception of indigenous people plays a key role in this text. Means to keep this enterprise from overthrow and the enterprisers from shame and dishonor. with the order thereof and other reasons therewithal alleged. A brief collection of certain reasons to induce her Majestie and the state to take in hand the western voyage and the planting there. His father died when Richard was five years old, leaving his family to the care of a cousin, another Richard Hakluyt, a lawyer who had many friends among prominent city merchants, geographers, and explorers of the day. degree in 1577. He is known for promoting the English colonization of North America through his works, notably Divers Voyages Touching the Discoverie of America (1582) and The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation (15891600). The Names of the rich Towns lying along the sea coast on the north side from the equinoctial of the mainland of America under the kinge of Spaine. ), David Armitage (ed.) That the Spaniards have executed most outrageous and more than Turkish cruelties in all the west Indies, whereby they are everywhere there, become most odious unto them, who would join with us or any other most willingly to shake of their most intolerable yoke, and have begun to do it already in diverse places where they were Lords heretofore. I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. Richard Hakluyt, Reasons For Colonization, 1585 - Read more about rivers, commodities, vent, sundry, thence and hakluyt. When Richard Hakluyt was forty years old, he sat one day in his study in London with a walrus tusk in his hands. . Richard received a good education first at the Westminster School, and then at Christ Church, Oxford. According to Hakluyt, Spain has transformed into the other enemy that must be defeated in the process of creating the New World. Westminster School named a house after him as recognition of achievement of an Old Westminster. It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. Encyclopdia Britannica. New World Exploration and English Ambition - PBS From an early age, he was fascinated by geography and the prospect of the colonization of America. Richard Hakluyt was the cousin and ward of another famous Richard Hakluyt, an attorney and early promoter of exploration, a person historians usually describe as "the elder." Mancall refers to him as "the lawyer." With the careful encourage-ment of the lawyer, Mancall's Hakluyt, conventionally known by historians [5][8], Richard Hakluyt, the second of four sons, was born in Eyton in Herefordshire in 1553. Hakluyt justifies the latter by claiming that colonization will limit the spread and expansion of the Spanish territory and subsequently jeopardize the interests of England. Why European States Wanted to Colonize the World? Richard Hakluyt. It will also propel the opening of new markets. Hakluyt also encouraged the production of geographical and historical writings by others. Besides, he believes that colonization should entail friendship or familiarity. After his father's death, Haklyut's cousin, Richard Hakluyt the Elder, took him under his care. IvyPanda. However, the risk was great for everyone involved and in the case of England, encouragement was needed. In addition, read about his work on Atlantic voyages and discovery. Hakluyt served in Paris also as a kind of intelligence officer, collecting information on the fur trade of Canada and on overseas enterprises from French and exiled Portuguese pilots. A brief collection of certain reasons to induce her Majestie and the state to take in hand the western voyage and the planting there. Furthermore, he points out that crime in England is on the rise, and colonization will aid in sending convicted criminals to work in farms in colonized regions in order to reduce tax payments that emanate from rehabilitating criminals in England. [14], Hakluyt was also a leading adventurer of the Charter of the Virginia Company of London as a director thereof in 1589. Richard Hakluyt, Reasons for Colonization, 1585 The glory of God by planting of religion among those infidels. In twenty-one chapters, summarized here, Hakluyt emphasized the many benefits that England would receive by creating colonies in the Americas. The first fruits of Hakluyt's labours in Paris were embodied in his important work entitled A Particuler Discourse Concerninge the Greate Necessitie and Manifolde Commodyties That Are Like to Growe to This Realme of Englande by the Westerne Discoueries Lately Attempted, Written in the Yere 1584, which Sir Walter Raleigh commissioned him to prepare. [10], While a Queen's Scholar at Westminster School, Hakluyt visited his guardian, whose conversation, illustrated by "certain bookes of cosmographie, an universall mappe, and the Bible," made Hakluyt resolve to "prosecute that knowledge, and kind of literature. 1. April 8, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/english-colonization-of-america-in-hakluyts-view/. That this voyage will be a great bridle to the Indies of the king of Spaine and a means that we may arrest at our pleasure for the space of time weeks or three months every year, one or two hundred sail of his subjects shipped at the fishing in Newfoundland. A man named Walter Hakelut was knighted in the 34th year of Edward I (1305) and later killed at the Battle of Bannockburn, and in 1349 Thomas Hakeluyt was chancellor of the diocese of Hereford. Richard Hakluyt | Biography, Significance, & Facts | Britannica He is known for promoting early English exploration of North America. As such, his version of colonization simply includes settling on the shores of a selected nation and exploiting any resources required by England. PDF English Reasons for Colonization1 Additional reasons for colonization For instance, the English people think that their worst enemy is Spain. Hakluyt was not blind to the profits arising from foreign trade. His major publication, The Principall Navigations, Voiages and Discoveries of the English Nation (1589), provides almost everything known about the early English voyages to North America. Captains of ships would document the places they visited such as the Far East and the Americas. Some time before 1580 he took holy orders, and, though he never shirked his religious duties, he spent considerable time reading whatever accounts he could find about contemporary voyages and discoveries. 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He was the first to show "both the old imperfectly composed and the new lately reformed mappes, globes, spheares, and other instruments of this art. IvyPanda. Like so many young people, Richard had his own interests. Richard Hakluyt of Oxford . Grotius also argued that the seas should be freely navigable by all, which was useful since the England to Virginia route crossed seas which the Portuguese claimed. Richard Hakluyt used this document to persuade Queen Elizabeth I to devote more money and energy into encouraging English colonization. April 8, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/english-colonization-of-america-in-hakluyts-view/.
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