I havent seen any real evidence for it, or even any real support for the idea as a serious theory. No ICU or anything that severe, but still something that differentiates her from the other children. AUCHAN RETAIL INTERNATIONAL - Dun & Bradstreet High-functioning autism looks more like the same polygenetic soup one finds with other complex personality characteristics like intelligence or Big Five character traits. (*) to complicate matters, in normal usage, Im autistic, but in many usages I wouldnt be described as having autism. If a high quantity of a good thing comes with a risk of problems that reduce the quantity again, then you could understand the ability to keep the problems at bay as foundation of the tower. This requires a strongly non-linear sensitivity to hyperparameters, which is unusual for the fitness w.r.t. These are just three randomly-selected studies; there are too many to be worth listing. linear or quadratic around the average and possibly tapers off sub-linearly on the tails. A link between Tay-Sachs gene and intelligence. But in general there will always be a hereditary component to personality characteristics that is probably linked to genes and one will be able to find correlations, but that is a long long way from understanding etiology or validating a single diagnostic label for a broad phenotype. She has absolute pitch, an attribute that is quite rare in the general population, but she says an amazingly high proportion of her autistic students have it to some degree, even when they didnt know it. The difference between high and low functioning autistic children is significant. That would give me more than enough money to give the middle finger to all the ignorant normies in our politically correct society, with plenty left over to hire some bodyguards and build mechanical defense systems to insulate me from any of the outraged pearl-clutching idiots who decided to use physical violence against me when their threat of social sanctioning wasnt enough. What is the SES variation of autism? It is very, very smart, but nobody dares reproduce naturally anymore, not because the equipment doesnt work, but because genetic engineering means everyone pushed every single one of these levers to the setting marked beyond this point, there be dragons, and at least half their kids would die or come out completely non-functional if they tried it. For one, its multiple different kinds of mental tasks whose scores are then combined to get an IQ score. My 3rd child, a girl, is much lower functioning. with stimulant use (arguably, it also explains a number of non-clinical nerdy traits rather nicely). For some parameters, exceeding the optimum can lead to strange and non-obvious errors. Yes indeed. Question the first. Its highly unlikely for someone with either of those conditions to become the Director of the FBI. Of course people like that exist. 3% confidence is far too large. Article I wrote about Sleep Apnea, Autism, and Neurodiversity. What do I mean, doesnt that just mean there are lots of hyper-parameters and you can push one set outside the optimal range without maxing out everything? If your definition of weirdness includes beliefs and interests, then almost by definition anyone whose underlying cognition is unusually effective or ineffective will be weird. Thus, I cant think of anyone whos very intelligent and not weird ceases to be meaningful. (This sounds harsh, but I want a child at least as normal as I am). Against autism as "extreme male brain"? : slatestarcodex Not just running an emulation of normal to deal with other people? While their exact numbers are doubtful, I think the overall finding that common familial genes are much more important than rare de novo mutations survives and is important. Its 100% true. iq | Slate Star Codex n=1, but it was striking to watch my very smart middle kid go from being a near-outcast in his good Catholic school to a guy with lots of friends at his magnet school. There are maybe as many as 1000 of them in the Western world, and none of them would want to ever hang out with us because they are smart enough to know that their time would be better spent managing their billion-dollar corporations and/or governments. The note in the second image mentions adjusting for maternal and paternal age (among other things), and it doesnt look like the adjustment makes an important difference. There are different levels of the concept we call perfect pitch. 2015, p. 81). For one thing, the same studies that found that relatives of autistic patients had higher IQs find that the autistic patients themselves have much lower ones. Instead of autism causing low IQ, low IQ (in a mental architecture that typically causes high IQ) would cause autism, and then of course when you look at the relatives of a downwards outlier you will find higher IQ. Interestingly, other/unspecified PDD and atypical autism also have a significantly higher PRS for neuroticism than childhood autism and Aspergers. Interesting. We have another child who shows no autistic traits. Have children earlier, maybe? (Which isnt the same as saying its bimodal; the distribution still peaks in the middle, but its wider and flatter.). If I personally were one of these hypothetical genius scientists in possession of technology that could reshape the world, I think that the most optimal strategy for me would be to offer this technology to the U.S. in exchange for a large sum of money say, $50 million. 5. The COVID-19 Forecasting Project at the University of Oxford is making advanced pandemic simulations of 150+ countries available to the public, and also offer pro-bono forecasting services to decision-makers. But they offer a way of grouping types of problem kids that has caught on. No background in finance required. My son was measured using the full Weschler and most of his scores were 96-99th percentile (thats VERY high). These deficits are present in early childhood, typically before age three, and lead to clinically significant functional impairment. Over the vast majority of the range of the main volume knob on the mixer (assuming the system is set up reasonably), more will be better. This would explain low-functioning autism from de novo mutations or obstetric trauma (the foundation is so weak that it fails no matter how short the tower is). when we did a comprehensive neuropsych his IQ came back above average (range 115-125ish depending on how you weight scales) which seems about right. Thus, any sample of fathers is likely to overestimate the average IQ of fathers on average because fathers are around to be measured (arent in jail, arent dead, didnt just take off) have higher average IQ than those who who arent around to be measured. It doesnt really present much evidence for this other than that autistic people seem to have high perceptual intelligence. Check out their free anti-anxiety guide here. Also, if we do get to a bold new future of hyper-intelligent unilaterism, would the hyper-intelligent even want to sign up for it? This study of 45,000 Danes finds that genetic risk for autism correlates at about 0.2 with both IQ and educational attainment. Preoccupation with whats normal and whether you are normal is a sign of mediocrity in my experience (though its not terminal). Do a lot of super smart people play the game? (Always Sunny parodied this phenomenon with Mac, who only works out his glamour muscles.). Their intelligence tends to be more imbalanced than neurotypicals, so IQ tests (which rely on an assumption that most forms of intelligence are correlated) are less applicable. (When your edit window expires before you submit the edit, it just discards your text and you have to retype it? Maybe one bias from my statement is Im young, and many of my smart friends are also young. Non-autistic geniuses are compatible with the proposed hyperparameter model, unless Im missing something. While their children are clearly at higher risk for autistic traits, I think they want to know whether they have higher risk for the most severe forms of the syndrome, including intellectual disability and poor functioning. A bit of motivation before asking a question: my boss has a daughter. Kraus et al. Drink your Brawndo! @Cliff The only reason social rituals are important is because other people say that theyre important, and historically it was important for high-intelligence people to be able to get along with low intelligence people or they would be outcast from the tribe and die. Im not an expert on biology or genetics or neuropsychology by any means, but I feel like youre onto something with the tower-and-foundation model. I think somewhere in the 90s percentile of IQ is plausibly normal by SSC standards. Question the second. These are just three randomly-selected studies; there are too many to be worth listing. First, doesnt the note say that the bottom graph (for each letter) is the likelihood that a father of x IQ will have a child with the specified outcome? What is the point of arbitrary social rituals? This would also neatly explain how a primarily genetic disease is becoming more prevalent people were always producing autistic children, they just werent surviving before. Her IQ has only been tested once, by a neuropsych, and came in around 90. Ill share some info that might or might be helpful, since its just an anecdote. There could be something similar going on with autism. This should be surprising; why would too many intelligence-promoting variants cause a syndrome marked by low intelligence? Id figured out myself how to do that, but tried to hide that I knew how because I thought I wasnt supposed to know yet. I honestly wouldnt be surprised if he was a rationalist himself. More generally, to relate to those people around you who are also bright. I am a highly educated (PhD) male parent of a son with autism (aged 17 so in high school), who is in a Special Education class, so I fit the phenotype described here. My wifes father would probably be diagnosed as autistic if theyd looked for it when he was younger; very smart guy, but very odd. Is it because that is a trait many people here associate with passing for normal? It stands to reason that f can be very intractable, and resolving that function is the difficult question where there is science to be done. Or if (as really happens) it turns out that smart, ambitious people usually have their kids a decade later than dumb, unambitious people and usually the smart, ambitious people only have enough time in their fertility window for one kid while the dumb ones have time for three. If relatives of autists are smarter, then that sounds to me like a regression towards the mean. (Apologies for a machine metaphor that is certainly misleading, but better than anything else than I can think of.). Umm, what? Level measurements also seem consistent with possible causes being differences in responsiveness to oxytocin rather than differences in normal concentration. Normal is being concerned enough with appearing normal to try being normal, yes. The best-studied are probably obstetric complications, eg a baby gets stuck in the birth canal and cant breathe for a long time. If you get a high intelligence person who is smart enough to create a game-changing technology for example, militarized AI or super-forecasting technology then they dont need to get along with low-intelligence people: instead, low-intelligence people need to get along with them. Lazy googling yields claims around 80% narrow-sense (additive) heritability for height which is comparable to the total heritability of IQ. Ethics and effectiveness of ABA Therapy for Autism Or the dad may have left or tuned out because he couldnt handle the situation (but could have handled a socially inept kid who wont shut up about WWI airplane models). also, i just read through the swedish study cited in the post. It draws on the VPR model of intelligence, where g (general intelligence) is divided into three subtraits, v (verbal intelligence), p (perceptual intelligence), and r (mental rotation ability) despite the very specific names each of these represents ability at broad categories of cognitive tasks. If missing, intelligence develops a lot less/later/incompletely? Wheat has been genetically modified recently in ways that make it much worse for you. But it adds the concept of a "safe starch" - where the classic paleo diet has a zero tolerance policy toward carbohydrates, the Perfect Health Diet allows certain carbs like rice, potatoes, and lots of weird things like "taro" and "sago". Ive known people who were very mathematically and/or technically inclined who had poor social skills. A 120 year old comes into my office and asks what her risk of death next year is. >They are being positively selected, ie increasing with every generation, presumably because people with the genes are having more children than people without them. With that said, Im not an expert and there is a vast literature rummaging around for genetic correlates to autism, so Im mostly going by the linked paper above. Ive only found one paper that takes this model completely seriously and begins speculating on the nature of the foundation. The additive proportion for height is likely higher. The genes that increase risk of autism are disproportionately also genes that increase intelligence, and vice versa (~100% confidence), 2. To test this, you could see if higher IQ autistic people tend to have more or fewer of these genes correlated with high intelligence, compared to low IQ autistic people. I. This study of three large birth cohorts finds a correlation between genetic risk for autism and cognitive ability (beta = 0.07). Of the 5 relatives, how many are males? It sounds very plausible that the effect of gene variant a and the effect gene variant b alone tweak the machinery in a way that increases its capabilities, but when applied together, they could have a catastrophic collision. It could be one of the categorization problems Scott was talking about in Against Against Autism Cures. If youre not low-functioning but dont have strong enough autistic traits to be clearly a high-functioning autistic, you dont have autism youre just a little weird? It seems that a process like this could conceptually produce an artificial bimodal distribution, even if the traits arent bimodally distributed. The result is a total mess. With more aggressive screening for such things, we would see a much smaller diagnosis gap. Maintaining or constructing rigorous social boundaries would be the only thing that would protect a human with IQ300 from a human with IQ400 (or a seed AI). Gender dysphoria. This is more or less a requirement if the system is to be robust and quickly adaptable to environmental variation. (So I dont understand why confidence goes down so much for point 5 in the conclusion of the original post, from 80 to 25 percent.). I work with with a lot of very smart people, and have throughout my career. Their free career guide show you how to choose a career that's fulfilling and maximises your contribution to solving the world's most pressing problems. Yes their interests and opinions are often eccentric, but they are self-aware of this and do not have problems navigating everyday interactions. Seems like it could apply if there were many genes of small but overlapping effect, so that one particular aspect of mental performance is sometimes pushed past the breaking point. His processing was below average. I think youd need to ask them about their internal experiences, but Id guess a lot of the people you find unusually functional arent putting a lot of effort into fitting in. I think, everywhere. Each of us have different stories to share. That should give us more geniuses, but not a shift in the distribution where now we get a Gauss/von Neumann/Newton/Kant/Einstein born in every town. The Waterhouse study I linked above (https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s40489-016-0085-x.pdf) argues that even before the autism-aspergers lumping made things worse, ASD samples within single studies (let alone meta-analyses) were not useful for scientific inference because the autism diagnosis lumps together so many wildly disparate developmental and social issues. Well, there is a point, but it takes a long time to grasp it, at which point you are significantly behind people who went along with them without questioning them. It's kind of sick. Higher IQ people have lower infant mortality rates than lower IQ people. HIGHLY surprising? [3] It would be better to try for more precision/clarification concerning the form of social or linguistic impairment you are concerned about and investigate that. [1] I assume most such genes do something way more complicated and hard to measure, but head circumference makes a nice example trait. I cant tell if this is evidence against Crespi or whether since all intellectual abilities are correlated this is just the shadow of their high perceptual intelligence, and if we directly looked at perceptual-to-verbal ratio we would see it was lower than expected. Tongue in cheek (Swift Modest Proposal) style interventions given this model are: They are being positively selected, ie increasing with every generation, presumably because people with the genes are having more children than people without them. I married an autistic woman. I have read before that age of parents increases risk of autism. This study from UK Biobank finds a genetic correlation between genetic risk for autism and educational attainment (r = 0.34), and between autism and verbal-numerical reasoning (r = 0.19). Slate Star Codex For, Then Against, High-Saturated-Fat Diets Posted on March 10, 2020 by Scott Alexander I. I have always considered him more naturally gifted than me. I believe autism is largely genetic and the genes that are associated with autism mainly perform functional roles in brain development and brain function. But such an explanation is premature. Blindness, Schizophrenia, and Autism : r/slatestarcodex Increasingly smart people at the high end, as the smart people tend to meet in college/at work and pair off and have super-smart kids. Other interesting question if the Flynn effect is more important than genetics and our mean IQ is 15 points higher than 100 years ago: where are all the geniuses? His auditory channel is very slow and only turns on when you say his name or repeat the question. In a few cases, the parent gets the de novo mutation, but for whatever reason doesnt develop autism, and then passes it onto their child, who does develop autism. Each genes benefit is based on underlying assumptions about how the body works, and if you change enough of those assumptions, the entire edifice becomes a failure. People diagnosed with autism are less intelligent than average (~100% confidence, leaving aside definitional complications), 3. These numbers should be taken with very many grains of salt. Rare de novo mutations, ie the autistic child gets a new mutation that their non-autistic parent doesnt have. What do SSC readers think? Additionally, look at the lives of geniuses throughout American history. All this is a purely hypothetical thought-experiment, of course. A reasonable guess there is that the smartest engineer on the pyramid project was not much dumber than the smartest engineer working on the Apollo projectthey came up with brilliant one-off solutions to their problems, which didnt stick around because there wasnt much use for them in day-to-day building problems. most kids will be pretty clearly high or low functioning, with little in between? Id say so. Indeed. She has absolute pitch, [] an amazingly high proportion of her autistic students have it to some degree. Several studies have shown a genetic link between autism and intelligence; genes that contribute to autism risk also contribute to high IQ. They all share the same hunger for mathematics, and if you get to know those who seem normal on the surface, you find out that they have some interesting hobbies as well. Our 2nd, 4th, and 5th children are not autistic, so parent age doesnt seem to have played a role in our case (though we were both relatively young even for our fifth, at 36 and 35.). Now that Aspergers syndrome has been removed from the DSM, in favour of something understood by lay people as autism, Ive become autistic, along with a fair number of other geeks, nerds, etc. people that are 30% autistic have average IQ X. (*), Its not hard to measure my IQ, except that it generally falls at the top of the scale where the tests dont make effective distinctions. None are autistic, but both boys were a little socially awkwardbasically a couple years behind their classmates in this area. I know plenty of highly intelligent people who nonetheless have very poor impulse control particularly when it comes to libidinous desires!
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