An emotionally broken brother. (Lynn was in her room, tossing her tennis ball to the wall, then Lucy appears). He unpacked it and pulled out a hypnotism manual and a coin on a string. Lincoln, who had just gotten up, hears a constant ringing in his ears. Five people having enough of the loud house for their mistreatment, abusive and neglective nature, finally they had enough of i What if Lincoln didn't lie about having badluck to have time for himself, but to have time for a certain foundation. Lori arrives). Lynn: Or do you expect me to do any of that gothic business with you? Zen Lincoln: Theres your answer. Lincoln: I'm glad those news made her happy! Thirsty, Lincoln grabbed the container, and poured himself a glass. I point the hypnosis gun at her while saying " look into the vortex, relax your mind, think about nothing." While she is staring into the vortex her eyes start to drop like she's falling asleep, this is working perfectly. Lynn: I dunnoI guess I need to try out a game, I know I'm not a videogame kind of gal but Lincoln: I think I know a game that might be suitable for you. Lynn: Sorry Luce, I had the best dream, I was chased by these slowpokes who tried to beat me after what I did to them, and then I won the race. Lynn: ButI don't have in common with them. That's the megalodon's mandibles. Now, how many of you ladies out there like boy bands? But then the clones start acting differently - and not in a good way - and they must stop them before they mess up their lives. Luna: Ever since you got banned from sports, you turned into a bad winner by winning us at every race. #loudhouse (The other sisters agreed and Leni asks Lincoln). A little rusty on lemon fanfic. Vengeance is Loud. Lana: What the? Lola: I know why we are all here, it's because of Lynn. [When Lincoln saw the new fossil, his mind was blown away. (laughs) Get it? Just have to be careful, and precise. Once inside, Lincoln begins pacing back and forth in frustration. Lisa: I thought that sleeping gas would make good use one of these days. #vilence. (And just like that, Lincoln was given the hardest hug by Lynn, after she releases him, Lincoln facepalmed and realized that it was all his fault for suggesting Lynn to play his dirt bike racing game, the other siblings didn't feel like glaring at Lincoln because they too had enough of a bad day with Lynn, it then cuts to Lincoln's bedroom where he is video chatting with Clyde on his laptop). Controlling Your Desires Chapter 9: Safe Heaven, a loud house fanfic Leni: I call this meeting to order, what you guys want? (Lisa presses a large button on the machine, and the machine suddenly zaps Lola, making her pass out. "Oh hello everyone I am Lincoln loud you readers are probably wondering why I am out here well to be honest I tricked my family into thinking I was bad luck to get out of stuff that I was forced to do because I needed some me time it was working very well but then it all backfired on me when I came into the house and I saw my room all boarded up with a note taped to it saying 'sorry Lincoln you can't sleep here this time we just can't risk it' and that was a couple months ago I know some of that was to blame on me and I accept that you are probably wondering why I do not just straight up and leave well you see I don't have anywhere to go and maybe just maybe they well change their mind so I have to be here just in case" Lincoln said sadly. Lola: This must be the button Lisa was talking about. Lana managed to sneak into Lincoln's room and let a bunch of snakes loose inside. "Don't. Luna didnt notice the predicament Lincoln was in due to wearing her headphones. Lucy: It can be, but you'll get used to it. Lynn Sr.: I think it would be helpful if you rebuild a better relationship with your siblings. Reacting to The Loud House: The fanfiction serves as this to the series proper. Lynn: And so you see guys, I know I've been aggressive to you all the time, so what do you say, will you give me a second chance to bond with you again? Once there they will begin the long training of turning Lincoln into their perfect little girl. >raises eyebrow<. (The siblings even celebrated their victory by twerking their butts off in front of Lynn, Lynn feeling uncomfortable even spoke). Lucy sets off a chain of events that will change Lincoln's relationships with his sisters forever. After seeing both of the twins naked, Lincoln struggles with his budding feelings for his younger sisters. Lincoln: >groans< Okay fine, but let me get cleaned up first. Lucy struggles to write a poem ,but uncharactsticly doesn t go to ask Lincoln for help on it.She also hasn't been her self either, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (549), Our Veins Are Busy but my Heart's in Atrophy, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, You may be wondering "Who in the fat FUCK names their Loud House fanfic a Hozier lyric? Leni knew that this stuffed rabbit would be perfect for her new brother, as it was soft, and just the right size. The year was 2005. An electric signal gets sent across the machine, and enters Lanas mind. The white-haired child sighed before throwing himself into bed, exhausted physically and mentally. Lincoln: Well, I guess that was the natural way you play and I'm happy for you! Lincoln: >to audience< Here's the moral of the story: Don't force anyone into doing what they don't want to do and leave them to their business. Hey guys I have a confession to make, I'm probably gonna get backlashed by everyone else but I'm glad and excited and amazed that Lincoln told everything to his parents and his sisters on Lola and Lana's birthday party and she also has been throwing a lot of temper tantrums just to get what she wanted and she also has been threatening her siblings and blackmailing them and tattling on them for not letting her in their super secrets club and she also has been cheating in pageants and sabotaging the other competitors and ruining their performances and scaring the other girls there as well and she also sabotaged her and Lana's 7th birthday party and she made those fake phone calls and popping Flip's tires on his car with her tiara and made the animal bull to run late for their birthday party and she also made their birthday cake look way better than Lana's mud birthday cake just because she wanted to run their birthday party her way and she knew that it was Lana's turn and she knew it from the start and she was making everyone else and especially her parents and her siblings and if she doesn't stop this then she's not gonna have anymore friends and especially since no-one wants to be friends with someone who does mean and rude and hurtful and harsh and cruel and crazy and insane and wicked and wrong and bad and naughty stuff to them and I just wish that Luan would stop hurting others and especially her parents and her siblings with those crazy and insane pranks on them and I just wish that Lynn Loud jr would stop the whole bad luck and softball gods nonsense and that she should take her baseball loss like a pro athlete instead of blaming it on her brother Lincoln and threatening her brother Lincoln to go to her baseball game with her baseball bat and blaming him for jinxing the game and labelling him bad luck. Lisa: >to Lincoln< What do you got there elder brother unit? The sisters walked in, and inside there was a meditating Lincoln sitting all alone). (At that moment, the lights dim, the audience quiets down, and a Lincoln pops out of the curtain). starting with Lucy who chose a not so gothic route in life. (The sisters walk over to the door, and theres a sign attached to it). This story has the longest title of my fanfics. So I will protect the people I love from the freaks and criminals that are attacking us. And it's time tha Lincoln Loud has ended up in the Hospital after the events of Brawl in the Family. They quickly rush upstairs, and at that moment, the machine stops vibrating, and emits a loud bootup sound, signifying that the machine is up and ready. . Crazy right? The sisters see this, and follow suit. Once inside, their electric signals are manifested into their bodies, along with the button attached to them. Leni: >to Lincoln< But she's not here Lincoln, she's in college remember? of Lincoln trying to keep his ten adult sisters happy. Have you seen fangs? There he fight all day and night from letting anybody steal his mind.He later returns home as a secret government assasin. The New Crib). (Lincoln gives Leni the cards to say when they call off the meeting, he then suggests Leni to say the first card and then he whispers in her ear), Leni: >to Lincoln< Thanks Linky, >to sisters< All those in favor of putting a stop to Lynn's crazed dirt bike game situation thingey, say "aye", (For five seconds, no one has said a word, she then turned to Lincoln and asked what to do next). (Lincoln points in a direction, and Lucy just heads off in said direction. After a serious case of writer's block, and having trouble deciding on which story to work on first, I finally have my summertime fanfiction ready. Suddenly, they hear the front door open. Lincoln yelled when he opened the door he found a box waiting for him. (As Lincoln continues to watch his show while eating cereal, the sisters look at each other with satisfaction, knowing that Zen Lincolns advice of being nicer towards Lincoln is working. Fanfiction - The ABCs of the Loud House . Leni: I really hope hes right about the whole acting nicer method. (the sisters nod) Then just treat him a little more respectfully. "Yeahbut still" "OK, mister, as. But first, shes going to fulfill a long awaited desire Lincoln Loud is a good big brother. Luan: Nut-ing funny about this scenario here. Nearly every building is messy, evident by the number of flies present. As they continue to cheer, five Lincolns wearing similar outfits come out of the curtain), Lead Singer Lincoln: Hey, all you beautiful ladies out there. Luan: I got to admit, this was a great idea Lincoln. Lisa: >taps Leni, interrupts her< Uh Leni, let's not discuss this anymore, besides, it's dead and over with. Lola: >to Lynn< And now that you learned you're lesson and we are done playing backyard sports with you, what would you like to do? While hes occupied, Lisa sneaks into Lincolns room, and quickly exits. However, Lola would have never found herself underneath her older brother. Leni: I don't know Lynn, you did push me when you asked me to race you to the stairs when you were a bad winner. Lola: >to Luan< I'll take that as the sweetest icing on the cake. He then ran up the stairs and to his room. The sisters ventured closer towards the light, and discovered, in a glass case, the original Bun-Bun. Let us hope that make for some improvements. Lynn Sr.: Hang out with your sister or there will be no more beauty pageants for you young lady! The Trouble With Lynn Chapter 1: Revenge, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Lisa Loud is known to be the brains of the Loud family. (The sisters walked up to the building, and entered. (As the sisters continue to venture around, they spot a bun of Lincolns running into a concert hall called Need-To-Sing. also sayu will be a lot younger than in cannon. But seriously, she is completely nuts. Lynn: I'm back you chumps, I can't wait to get back out onto the field! Luna: >to Lincoln< You got a new plan bro? I consider this a Lisa centered story (hence the green BG), because the story is initially about her wanting to understand Lincoln better, even if all the other sisters have similar motivations to Lisa's. Itll ensure a lukewarm response. Lana: Is this why Lincoln hates El Diablo now? Leni: You don't even play nice, even when you made Lincoln bad--. The fanfiction serves as this to the series proper. The Loud House gets louder. )(This is just for fun, This is not a series I just make this for random! Lincoln: >to Lucy< And I don't want you to be my roommate. reading comics in my undies, doing any of that girly princess things? Lincoln: You'll get used to it Lynn, I struggled with this before, but you'll get better one day. (The sisters agree with Lenis suggestion. Lincoln: alright, but go easy on us this time! Suddenly, Lincoln begins scratching himself all over his body like crazy, up to the point where he removes his pajamas. While in her depression, she meets up with an old friend from her childhood, and an unrealized romance ensues. Hope you like it. Lynn: Yeah, until he loved Leni and Luna more than me, right after Lori had Bobby as her boyfriend and stopped caring about him. Lincoln loved them all, but he had a very close attachment towards the stuffed rabbit. The Loud House / Deconstruction Fic - TV Tropes Lynn Sr.: Well Lisa, it looks like the school team lost without it's star soyeah, I think she deserved to come back. Female Lincoln 2: I want to be with one forever! Once he and his parents arrived at the Loud House, Lynn Sr. directed him towards the armchair in the living room. (Lincoln stopped playing "Crash Bandicoot 4" and ejected the disc from the console, he inserted another disc into the console and started up the game). Lincoln: I tried to teach her, but maybe--, (The siblings just looked at Lynn as she is happy like she won the race). It was the mandibles of a shark the size of their house.] #murder Lana: Yeah. Leni: >confused< I thought we were having Succotash for dinner? (Lincoln then plugs the PS4 back onto the wall outlet and he starts up the console and gets the game started, Lincoln volunteered to go first, so it was him versus Lynn, the gates dropped and Lincoln got into second place with Lynn dropping down to third as she kept her promise not to win against her siblings like she promised, she passes the other racers and let's Lincoln take the lead, Lynn goes to second place and keeps her distance from Lincoln, after three laps, for the very first time since two days ago, Lincoln had won the race and Lynn was placed in second, she was happy that Lincoln won and she did stick to promise to let her other siblings win against her, then it was Leni's turn and she won as well, same goes for Luna, Luan, Lucy, Lola, Lana, Lisa and of course Lily, all of the siblings cheered as they won against Lynn at each of the races). (It then cuts to Lincoln with his PS4 copy of "MX vs. ATV All-out" and shown it to Lynn). (Lynn groans in anger and punches a wall up the stairs, Lucy hears what was happening and asks Lincoln). (In the real world, half of Lincolns sisters have wrapped one of their arms around Lincoln, making Lincoln smile with satisfaction, knowing that despite the bad things theyve done to him, he still loves him). Why am I tied to this chair? Suddenly, a bone snaps, causing Lincoln to scream in agony. Lisa: Well, we cant just live in here forever. Part 1 of Alternate Thiccverse Loud House; Language: English Words: 5,038 . The goth girl was quiet as usual, and Lynn hung out with friends the entire day doing basketball practice. Lynn Sr.: First off, Lori still loves Lincoln even if she's still dating Bobby, secondly, Leni and Luna were closer to Lincoln because they loved him more then the rest of your sisters, and thirdly, you did get rough on him when you first had a brother, when he was about seven and you were about nine, you spent a lot of time together, until when you got to the point by playing sports, you became more and more aggressive towards him. You hate dirtiness, and my mind is full of it. is a reference to the 1968 song "Magic Carpet Ride" by Steppenwolf. Lynn: Hmmmmlooks sports related, butI'll give it a try. Mariala and her friends decided to take Timmy to therapy. Luna: Yeah, dudes. He started to think about everything that happened during these past couple of months and before all of this and he saw that no one really care about him to begin with everyone treated him like trash. Lola: Yeah, well my duty is to clean up after you, so get on the machine! Lisa: I think I may have just the thing. Lana: Not to mention her unnecessary twerking! After an incident, Lincoln Loud along with his former bully Taylor both find themselves plundered in a world of violence and crime. (The Owl House) Cross-Posted on FanFiction.Net; Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence; Summary. Lynn: Luce, I hope you don't mind, but I need to be alone for a while. Note: all of my challenges are just ideas for other authors to make stories out of or to give them new ideas or inspiration. I just got banned from school sports in general! The Loud House: Revamped Chapter 2077: Treasure Hunt In The Food Caves Ooh! It's part of the game. (Lynn gives Lincoln the puppy eyes as she begs Lincoln to play the game with him, Lincoln then groans). He didn't actually choose the title, as he went for title called "Scientific Rudeness". When Lisa builds a machine to peer into other universes, Lincoln gets to test it with her as they see what their other siblings would look like in other time lines. The plaque reads 2012: 7-Years-Old. Memory Lisa: Excellent. >annoyed< Lucy, I wish you quit doing that! Memory Lana: Remember, Hops needs at least three to five flies a day. Upon closer inspection, they discover that 10 of the building have their names on them. Any ideas? Lynn Sr.: I'm not the one you should be apologizing, you should apologize to your brother after all the times you did to him recently. All characters depicted in the story are 18+. They noticed that a lot of pictures depict all of the pleasant memories Lincoln has had with Bun-Bun. (And that is exactly what Lynn did, she's been practicing her skills and was getting good at it, she tried to pull out some stunts, but she failed to do the harder tricks). Zen Lincoln: Ah. Please leave a comment if you decide to accept the challenge and make the story. (Lynn is shocked to see her own siblings surround her in a shadow and grab her by her shirt, then it cuts to Lynn all tied up in a chair, she struggles to get out of the chair, but she even notices that her arms and legs are tied up to the legs of the chair). (Zen Lincoln opens his eyes, and is surprised at who he sees). Note that you wont be able to venture into your own mind. Its actually quite nice. However, when he laid his head on his pillow, there was a low shattering sound. Ranges from mostly Fluff to hardcore Smut. Once inside, they discover that this part of the city is dark and eerie. Luan: Hey, you guys liked my joke, that's so sweet of you. (Lincoln then slides himself back from the circle until it goes pitch black). Lynn: Mind your beeswax and scare someone else for a change! Lincoln: (to the viewers) Huh. Memory Lincoln: You almost done? Lisa: Okay, so this is how it works. A young wrestler named Javier thought his dream would be over after getting kicked out of his apartment. Clyde: I do hope your problem is solved, and I feel sorry for Lynn now that she is banned from school sports. Youll also be equipped with a button, that once you press it, it will remove you from the mind, and bring you back here. Also, I was the one who came up with the Pego name. The Shadow of His Heart By: Catspeaker. Lincoln: I feel so sorry for Lynn afterwards. "Okay, let's do this." He then begins reading. You've been so sad lately, we thought an Alaskan cruise would make you feel better." They asked for him to do everything for them they basically treat him like a slave and they don't even do anything in return for him. Lynn: Because you are indeed a loser and you belong in loser town! Requested by Jokeman20 (as well as an idea BigFanOfEntertainment gave me a while ago) [Open up with Lola and Lana sitiing in . She was hoping that they would accept Sid into the fold. Crash Bandicoot and the characters related are owned and created by Universal interactive studios, Activision and Vicarious Visions. Mixed genres. An event that ha genderbent!loud house x reader (A Loud Life). Lynn: >sarcastically to Lisa< Sorry, I don't understand you're language! Leni: Oh, no. Ok here's a list of my ideas in the form of challenges for other authors to make stories out of & to give them new ideas & inspiration. These female versions of Lincoln have longer hair, visible eyelashes, and are wearing a dress dress instead of a polo and jeans). During their fight, Lola manages to hurl Lana onto the lone chair. The chair Lana is in suddenly restrains her to the chair, rendering her immobile, and the helmet intended to scan her head, suddenly clamps down on her head, and once it turns on, Lana passes out. Obedient Sisters, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction The angry yells of her parents made Lynn crawl deeper under her bed, kicking long-forgotten balls aside. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Lisa, having witnessed all of this, begins jotting notes). He opens up the cereal box, and pours in some cereal. Lincoln: Yeah, but you have to promise me to be a better sport at this game. (It then cuts to Lori and Leni's room where Leni bangs her show like a gavel). I knew that Lisa would be the type of person who would want a better understanding of her siblings, but how far. Lucy: Sorry about that, Lincoln told me what your problem is. Lisa: Well, theres just one way to find out. Luna catches Lincoln in the act, and her attempts to protect him from embarrassment causes their relationship to grow deeper. Lana: That make me wonder what we would look like if we were boys. Lincoln: >to Luna< Don't worry about it, I'm two steps ahead of her, if she finds out it's unplugged, we tie her up to a chair and teach her a lesson in gloating and twerking in out faces. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Para Lincoln y Stella, las cosas son duras, pero al menos se tienen el uno al otro. #lincolnloud Lincoln: We are trying to get you to stop forcing us to do what we don't want to do. I was never expecting my sisters enjoy what I watch for once. Lincoln: Sorry Lynn, I think it's best we take a break from videogames for a day, we had enough of videogames today! Lynn: >screams< Ah! (Lori grabs the cereal, and hands it to Lincoln), (Lola opens another cupboard, and pulls out a nice sized bowl), (Lincoln takes the bowl from Lola and sets it on the counter. (Lincoln then turns off the laptop and sneaks downstairs to find the cord that connects to the PS4, he followed the cord and eventually unplugs it from the outlet, Lincoln then tip toes up the stairs and closes his bedroom door, the next morning, Lynn was the first to get up), (She dashes downstairs and jumps on the couch, she then turns on the TV, when she turns on the PS4nothing happened, the screen just said "No Signal", she tried it again, but still "No Signal"), (She tried it again and again and again, still, no matter how many times she turned on the system, the console wont' start up and no beep has sounded). Lana: That only happens when he sings loud. What motivated you to peek? "Hello Lincoln" Something said and Lincoln looked around to see who said that but no one was there. No longer able to handle the itchiness, Lincoln falls over to the floor, and begins using the floors carpet as a means of scratching. Lynn: But dad, the world is very competitive, and I have to take this seriously. ), Alternate Universe - The Sin Kids (The Loud House). (Lola pounces Lana, and they begin fighting. For the scene where the sisters watched the bad memories in the Forbidden Zone, I decided to come up with original ideas for scenarios, as the idea of using past episodes as reminders of bad moments feels overdone.
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